Global Sage Era

Chapter 435

Chapter 431 Terrorist Penetration!


When the two Martial Kings and the three Nascent Souls were not far away from Dzogchen, one of the Martial Kings with a beard deliberately made a sound.

Although there is no directivity, the three Nascent Soul Dzogchen knew that this was for themselves.

The three Nascent Soul Dzogchens are all pioneers of the same school. They are all too elders in their own Sects. When have they been so angry?

But they can’t bear it, but they have to bear it. In front of the two Martial Kings, they can only suppress their own temperament.

Practitioner is different from cultivator. They cultivate their physique, and they pay attention to the understanding of ideas. If they want to fight on their own side, they probably have not yet fought against a foreign race.

As Martial King and Nascent Soul Dzogchen, they have already known each other before, but they communicated very rarely.

And because of the difference between cultivator and cultivator, there is also a very interesting phenomenon: at a young age, when the cultivator enters the practice, the strength will far exceed that of the cultivator of the same age for a period of time, but as the practice time increases, the cultivator will Edge will be overtaken again.

It normally takes hundreds of years from the training period to the Nascent Soul, but the practicer has to go from Qi Sea to Martial Spirit… if the speed is fast, it may take more than ten years. At that time, it may be when I was training. Qi, you still practice Qi while waiting for my Martial Spirit.

However, after Martial Spirit, the pace of progress of Practitioner will be greatly slowed down, even slower than that of Nascent Soul cultivator.

Therefore, the comparison between the Practitioner and the cultivator does not make much sense.

The other Martial King maintained an attitude of staying out of the matter, but he just didn’t seem to be targeting the cultivator. If he really felt this was wrong, he had already spoken at this time.

There will be friction between the Practitioner and the cultivator. Xu Sheng is used to it. This is normal.

Even if two cultivators of different schools enter the same secret realm, they will inevitably have some cynicism when they meet each other. It would be strange if the current scene does not appear.

After the ontology approached the opposite world, Xu Sheng chose an appropriate time to open the world channel.

[Record]: The world channel is opening

At this time, the consciousness of that world was still asleep. After all, Endless Guixu was a tomb-like existence. Most of the time here, they needed to sleep in order to accumulate power.

The Human Race has no such worries, and will return to Earth every once in a while, even if it consumes a lot of money, it will make up for it.

Consciousness didn’t notice Xu Sheng, even if the distance between the two parties was very close, it was equivalent to a distance of 100 meters between people, and you could discover it by looking carefully.

But Xu Sheng used the concealment method commonly used by Humans, and he didn’t let it react at all.

The world channel will soon be opened.

When the portal appeared in front of him, the two Martial Kings and the three Nascent Soul Dzogchen soon took the cultivator and the Practitioner into a new world.

“The concentration of Spiritual Qi in this world is so low.”

The Huntuo tribes who had just entered showed a disgusting expression after initially sensing the environment.

With such a concentration of Spiritual Qi, even if they are given a large area for them to stay here, they will not be happy.

In fact, the concentration of Spiritual Qi in this world is not low at all, almost 3.7 times the standard concentration of Spiritual Qi, which is already above the average.

However, the Huntuo people have become accustomed to the high-spirit environment. As soon as they arrive at this place, they feel that they have come to a remote rural area, and there is no place worthy of their nostalgia.

But the Practitioner dislikes it, but the cultivator doesn’t care too much. Their purpose is to get enough contributions!

As long as they can get enough contributions, even if it is an inanimate environment, they don’t care at all!

The command on the cultivator side is completely different from that on the Practitioner.

The Practitioner is under the direct control of the two Martial Kings, and the order is sent down at the first-level level. Regardless of the strength, they must undergo strict control and abide by the rules and regulations.

However, the cultivator side is not so strict. When the three Nascent Soul Dzogchen released the basic plan, the cultivators dispersed in units of sects, and they played the tasks assigned to each other independently.

“Huh, mob.”

Martial King naturally can’t understand such a scene. If the Practitioner is in this state, then they can say that they don’t have any command.

But they also know the priorities, and now they have entered another world. The ancestors are watching them and cannot tolerate infighting, so this idea is only in their hearts. Only when the two of them look at each other can they know what the other person thinks.

“The two are interesting.”

Naturally, Xu Sheng could know the thoughts of these two people. He shook his head. He didn’t expect that the Practitioner’s perception of the cultivator had become like this.

Indeed, just as countries with different systems in the previous life would not understand the opposite ideology, it is naturally difficult for the practitioner to understand the behavior of the cultivator.

The number of cultivators participating in the war was mostly 500,000, and a quarter of the force was directly invested in.

On the Practitioner side, the number of entries is no more than one million, if the overall strength is not as good as the cultivator.

The Practitioner here is naturally the arrangement of Kuang Yuan, it is only the entry of temptation, naturally it is impossible to discharge all the power as soon as it comes up.

Yin also didn’t want to send out so much power at the beginning, but the cultivators all want to enter the first time. Whenever they encounter any secret realm, the cultivator’s enthusiasm always surpasses everyone.

Seeing that if the organization would cause big conflicts, Yin had no choice but to release people.

This is still the result of constraints, otherwise the number of cultivators that have entered now is not half a million, at least one million!

The attraction of the Taoist monument to the cultivator is really terrifying.

In fact, the Taoist monument can be regarded as a simplified version of the equivalent of everything.

If the equivalence of all things appears on the earth, every human race will be crazy. Even the Sages will definitely not be able to resist its temptation, because according to the information Xu Sheng has obtained, even after entering the holy realm, all things will wait. The price still works.

Even if Sage can resist the temptation, but you don’t need it, your family and friends are also useful!

So it’s no surprise that cultivators are so enthusiastic about the Taoist monument.

The vigorous exploration will soon begin.

Life has a lot of intelligent life on this land. This is a very vast area. There are as many as a dozen countries created by various races. They attack each other and spend most of the time in war. state.

At this time, when the Huntuo race joined, apart from making these countries wonder how these enemies emerged, the others did not attract much attention.

The Practitioner is organized here, and when it comes to action, large forces act together. In such an environment, it is not easy to hide traces.

On the contrary, cultivators can be broken into pieces, and the cultivators have a variety of disguise spells, combined with the small means of hiding aura, mixing into those alien races will not be found at all.

In just half a year, the entire world has been infiltrated by cultivators.

Although this area of ​​heaven and earth is light, it is the size of dozens of earths, but it can’t stop the cultivators from moving fast, and can’t stop their footsteps at all.

Half of the sea water information was sent back to the three Nascent Soul Dzogchens.

The two Martial Kings had turned dark at this time. They thought that after entering, the Practitioner would quickly gain an advantage over the cultivator, but the final result was that the information obtained was far less than the cultivator.

They are also very confused in their minds. They have never seen these cultivators so active before!

“What kind of medicine do these cultivators take? Each one looks like red eyes!”

The beard Martial King was a little puzzled and told another Martial King that they even passed the news back to Dahuang.

The other Martial Kings in Dahuang were also puzzled.

Cultivators value the Taoist monument very much, even those who have ideas know its importance, so for the purpose of being cautious, the news was not announced.

And because of the short time, Kuang Yuan didn’t enter the Huntuo tribe, so naturally he didn’t know about it.

So now the Practitioner doesn’t know the existence of the Taoist monument at all, everyone is wondering.

However, the positiveness of cultivators is naturally a good thing.

When the cultivator was inquiring about the news, the Practitioners were in the rear of the cultivation base camp, and a huge city was rising up in the valley.

All kinds of Restrictions don’t need money.

As outsiders in this world, the protection of the base camp is affirmative. Practitioners have experience in this area and work day and night under the leadership of the two Martial Kings.

After getting feedback in Minor World, they all began to mobilize follow-up forces.

Yin is still continuing his cultivation, and his current breakthrough has reached a critical time. For safety’s sake, both Yuhuan and Qianmin stopped what they were doing and guarded them.

Needless to say, Wang Fan stayed next door to Yin, and whenever there was a turmoil, he would leave the state of meditation.

Kuang Yuan was speeding up the handling of government affairs, and he handled all kinds of things extremely quickly. With the assistance of Xuan Zheng and Xuan Yi, the whole thing next to Da Huang was roughly determined.

Great wars will bring sacrifices.

In every war in the past, the casualties on the cultivator side were very small, but on the Practitioner side, there were at least hundreds of thousands of lives.

All these things need to be dealt with. After he has so many experiences now, he will already plan ahead.

“The two countries are fighting!”

In the third year that the Huntuo people entered this world, the latest information was obtained in front of them.

As the two most powerful countries in this world, they have been rubbing against each other for a long time, finally a real war broke out!

Millions of troops were invested in the first wave of battle between the two sides!

The reason why the war happened at this time is naturally not a coincidence.

Cultivators are not only inquiring about the news after being easily penetrated, they will also make provocative things to weaken the power of intelligent life in this world.

If enough time is given to the cultivators, even without a frontal battle, the Huntuo tribe can conquer this world.

But what Xu Sheng wanted was not to conquer the world. From the beginning, his purpose was incense and resources!

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