Global Sage Era

Chapter 445

Chapter 441 All Realms Collapse, Trillions of Incense (6)

Looking down from above, 90% of this world is the ocean, and only one-tenth of the bare land area.

But if you consider that it took only ten years for the Huntuo tribe to achieve such results, it is not unacceptable, and even lament the amazing creativity of the cultivator.

There is no doubt that the cultivator is definitely a good hand in transforming the world, compared to the Practitioner’s ability in this regard.

Practitioners have always been pure. The purpose of their cultivation is not a vain way, nor a unity of Deva. The purpose from the beginning is to make own strength stronger and stronger.

Therefore, in each battle, cultivators may always shrink and consider whether they will pay the price of their lives. The Practitioner thinks very simply:

Charge up and kill the enemy.

Of course, Practitioner is not without brains, but Practitioner is more courageous. They always say to themselves that if they are afraid of going forward in the face of danger, then what is the peak of Martial Dao?

A cultivator can cultivate a stable mindset even if he doesn’t go forward in everything. As long as what he does is in line with his own Dao heart, no matter what kind of behavior he does, he will not be affected.

Just like if they cultivate a Cultivation Technique to protect the world, the correct way is to become the right way to protect the world.

But if you go from another direction, in order to protect the heaven, the earth and the common people, you can kill all the heaven, the earth and the common people, and these heaven, earth and the common people will not be harmed. This approach can also meet the requirements of Cultivation Technique.

So in the eyes of many non-cultivators… cultivator is a group of guys with sick brains.

At this time, after several years of war, the marine intelligent races in this world had this idea.

They can’t figure out why the great demons, who are always compassionate and compassionate, can advertise themselves as good people?

Obviously they are the invaders, and this world is repelling them, but they will still slaughter them regardless.

No one will give them the answer.

The Huntuo race did not come to this world to bring peace, let alone any ridiculous assimilation.

The Huntuo race has only one purpose from beginning to end: plunder!

Turn all useful and useless into your own Ascension’s nourishment.

As far as it is unknown, it can be said that the intelligent beings in this world are losing ground steadily.

Because Life is in the ocean, their knowledge of the world is not complete.

In the beginning, the Huntuo race was indeed troubled by this water area, but in the subsequent battle, the weakness of the world race was quickly discovered, and then targeted use of methods.

In just a very short period of time, the life of this world has died more than one-tenth, and the harvest brought to Xu Sheng is also close to 20 billion.

Every opponent Xu Sheng chooses has a slow Ascension power, ranging from 30% to 31%, and now this is between 31% and 32%.

He was waiting for one of Yin, Kuang Yuan, and Wang Fan to advance.

The constant battles have provided them with sufficient nourishment, allowing their Ascension speed to continue to increase, and now Kuang Yuan is only one step away from the Martial King late stage thanks to the blessing of the great national power!

In this world war, he is likely to make up this last step!

There is also a huge life in this space, which is the life of a giant whale, cruising in the depths of the ocean. Its body is dozens of miles long, and it is completely a moving island!

It is true that in the ocean, it is a well-deserved overlord, no life is its opponent, even if the three people who have just killed a big monster, there is no possibility of winning in the face of it.

But it also has a fatal weakness: once it leaves the waters, its chance of strength is cut by half.

It can naturally call the wind and rain, and refill the sea without water, but the Huntuo human race can also defeat its power and keep the two sides in balance.

In this way, the land built by the Huntuo people for ten years has undoubtedly become the biggest advantage, and the surrounding area has been constructed with a magic circle.

Under the auspices of Qianmin, the formation master of the middle stage of the Huashen, as long as the energy is constantly extinct, even the Dongxu life cannot shake the foundation of this continent.

So even if the Huntuo human race had already felt the aura of emptiness, they were not afraid at all.

“There is no Gaia consciousness in this world, and the ocean itself is a realization of consciousness.”

Xu Sheng planned to suppress the Gaia consciousness here, but he didn’t expect that the Gaia consciousness in this world was not hidden, but not at all!

There are actually many such worlds. The cohesion of Gaia’s consciousness needs to consume the power of heaven and earth itself. Obviously, this world chooses to concentrate all its power on the bred life itself.

But this does not mean that Xu Sheng can influence the world casually.

There is no consciousness of formation, but the world itself has formed a barrier that prevents Xu Sheng’s power from intervening. Unless Xu Sheng directly crushes this world, he will not be able to enter.

Not to mention that he doesn’t have the power to do it, just that he can do it and it is impossible. If the world is gone, then what is the meaning of his choice of this world, is it a waste of energy?

So the rest of the matter depends on the Huntuo race itself.

However, it is not that he can’t use any power, he can’t directly, he can take a roundabout way.

He can still exchange all things for all kinds of things, in addition to allowing the Huntuo people to accept his blessing in Minor World before they come to this world.

Rules are dead, thinking is alive.

In the face of Xu Sheng’s ‘rascal’ practice, the lives of this world have suffered even more.

There is a roar in the depths of the ocean. This is the unwilling roar of the whale of the cave of the virtual level. It tries to break through the land built by the human race, but in the end it is bounced back, even because it is unfamiliar with this power. Way and was wounded by the attack that bounced back.

Not only it, but Qian Min deliberately controlled the power to drop down the place where the marine intelligent races gathered. With just one blow, millions of lives were wiped out, and the place where the fish was so loud became a dead zone.

“Hahaha, look at that silly fish.”

“Thank you for it.”

“It’s useless to call.”

Practitioners laughed. Before, they also felt guilty because of their deficiencies, but now they have a large array of protection, there is no danger at all, and they have become bolder.

Xuan Zheng on a high ground looked into the distance, the quaint long sword in his hand was glowing with blue light, and there was a strong impulse in his heart to encourage him.

“I wish I could kill you with the sword in my hand.”

He looked at the location of the cavernous giant whale, and his blood as a Practitioner was constantly boiling.

But he knows that his own strength is insufficient, and the giant whale of the hole is empty, even if he is currently Ascension to the Martial King late stage, it cannot be its opponent.

This giant whale is already close to the middle stage of Dongxu, and only when he enters the Martial King Dzogchen can he be killed in a face-to-face battle.

The Hollow Giant Whale itself has extremely strong racial qualities, and its huge size allows it to have a stronger strength than Realm. Otherwise, with its current strength, Kuang Yuan should have the power to fight it.

But compared to the size of the giant whale, the human race’s size is too small, even if Kuang Yuan is attacked with a halberd, it will take a year and a half to kill.

The Huntuo people have adopted completely different offensive methods in this world. They will continue to provoke the giant whale, lure it to release attacks, and then use formation to rebound, causing severe damage to the marine intelligent race.

Then when the giant whales were restrained, they sent a small group of troops to carry out a sneak attack.

Even a small group of just a few Gold Cores gathered together can often destroy a gathering place of intelligent life. A little bit better luck would be able to kill that race directly.

The most powerful team among them is naturally the team formed by the three Martial Kings and the two gods. It can be said to be rampant in this ocean. The objects they target are not small fish or shrimps. They are all powerful existences in this world. , Under their surprise attack, even the existence of the late stage and even the perfect level of the transformation of God will have to hate on the spot.

The intelligent marine races are naturally unwilling to wait and die, but no matter what methods they use, they can’t stop the raid of the Huntuo tribe.

In this way, they watched Death get closer and closer to them, but they couldn’t do anything from beginning to end.

410 billion.

420 billion.

Five hundred billion.

51 billion.

Xu Sheng just watched the incense rising rapidly, and it quickly increased by more than 100 billion.

At this time, life in this world has suffered heavy casualties, and most of the ethnic groups have been directly destroyed.

But the Huntuo race did not stop.

When the number of incense sticks on Xu Sheng’s Sage panel increased to 537 billion, the speed of incense increase has become very slow.

At this time, the giant cave whale was still hovering around, and its body had become scarred.

But it cannot stop, nor dare to stop.

“Although it is an enemy, I still have to say that I admire it.”

Yin, who had been standing here for several days, started silently, and he heard footsteps behind him.

“We are not righteous, but if we want to be strong, how can we not plunder? We are still weak and still need to hunt to survive.”

Kuang Yuan’s rare voices were dull, and if the location of each other was aside, this giant whale could indeed be regarded as the patron saint of their race.

Both of them understood that in order to increase the strength of the ethnic group, their hands had been stained with too much blood.

If counted as sin, they are already surrounded by countless flames of sin.

But they do not regret it.

Even if the consequence of this is endless suffering after death, they will still continue on this road.

The footsteps of the Huntuo race will never stop!

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