Global Sage Era

Chapter 447

Chapter 443 All Realms Collapse, Trillions of Incense (8)

Rune artillery!

Demon bomb!

Point to point monster bombing!

The power displayed in this world really surprised Xu Sheng.

At that time, he didn’t know the clear situation of this world when he chose this world, he chose just because the world’s strength level was suitable.

“It seems that this world may have something worthy of learning from the Huntuo people.”

Because of the fact that the power building situation of the previous worlds was similar to that of the Huntuo human race, Xu Sheng did not have the idea of ​​learning the essence of them.

But the world in front of him did have something that made Xu Sheng’s eyes bright.

Although this kind of development direction that places equal emphasis on technology and power has been seen before, just as every civilization has its own unique place in technological civilization, the development of this world is also very interesting.

To be honest, this first contact made Xu Sheng a good impression. The power that these monster races have just shown proves that they are an upward race.

But soon, his thoughts completely changed, and his eyes became cold!

This world, this monster race, turned out to be cannibalism!

Yes, the life factor of the human race is also contained in this world. This is the only one of the last three worlds. It seems to be afraid of the human race. There is no human race in the first two worlds. Even if this is the endless ruins, their results have been It is Death, but it still does not prevent them from pursuing the hope of life.

But the human race in this world is not the same as the normal human race.

The human race here has no soul.

They are not so much humans as they are beasts with human shells.

Even if they are placed in the human race, because of Xiantian defects, they will never be able to give birth to consciousness.

But even so, the Huntuo people who saw this scene were still angry, and everyone lost the last pity of the monster race in this world.

From Xu Sheng’s point of view, since the Gaia consciousness in this world acquiesced in the appearance of such humanoid beasts, it meant that he had to confront the human race in his thoughts.

This kind of world has always been on the blacklist of the human race. Xu Sheng has been told during class in school that you must not be soft when encountering such a world, let alone give it the slightest chance, just destroy it directly.

It can be said that this is a hard requirement that is not too hard.

Xu Sheng knew that it would take longer to destroy this world directly, but because the school’s rules were there, he decided to spend more time. Now this world, he will surely bring it to destruction!

If in the normal world, many human races regard the human race as the most basic food for meat, then in this world where the monster race is the main body, the beast of human nature is like a pig.

Every monster race eats humanoid beasts every week, and even some people eat a lot of it every day.

Countless farms exist in this land that can be called a civilized world, and there are as many as one million monsters engaged in middle-level related operations.

No human race can tolerate such a scene.

“Damn it!”

Even the kind-hearted Yuhuan said so bitterly.

After saying this, she didn’t say a word, turned around and walked into her own temporary pill refining room.

Then a horrible breath came from the pill refining room, and various Medicine Pill scents that made people smell bad appeared from it.

“too frightening.”

The Practitioner and cultivator next to them all thought that Elder also had such a terrifying side.

However, the mood of those Practitioners who have always been at the forefront has not changed much.

Everyone like them is heartbroken. Although they don’t like this scene, they can tell what is Human and what is not.

The uncomfortable feeling in front of me was just because I saw a life of the same size, Death.

There is almost no need to go through formal discussions, and everyone has reached a consensus on the idea of ​​handling this monster world.

Even those cultivators that use evil methods in private are no longer being watched closely.

This makes these evil cultivators happy.

The wars of the past few hundred years are really good years for them. Compared with the endless alien races, what are the benefits of harming the human race?

The power obtained from the human race can also be obtained from other races.

Even now, there is a voice in the human race: Xie Xiu is turning the part of the Cultivation Technique that is fighting against the human race into a foreign race, is it still an evil way?

Yes, it doesn’t affect the human race anymore, it seems that it is not an evil way.

Not only did other people have doubts in their hearts, but even Xu Sheng himself was meditating.

According to the standard all along, it seems that evil cultivators can no longer be called evil cultivators.

At the same time, many pictures in his memory emerged, and the development of various civilizations appeared in his mind. He seemed to remember that there was once a wizarding civilization. They had a black witch king at the beginning, which was to develop own witchcraft against wizards, so In the wizarding civilization, everyone shouted and beaten, but later when the protagonist of the destiny appeared there, the part of the contest against the wizard was changed to a foreign race, and then it was recognized by the wizards as the hero of the race.

“It seems that I haven’t considered things comprehensively before.”

Xu Sheng shook his head. If the cultivator used to improve the evil way in this way can still maintain the awe of ordinary people’s lives in their hearts, then even if they use this method in the alien race, they should be allowed.

In any case, this kind of evil Cultivation Technique has obvious advantages when aiming at one’s own goals. If it is improved into a combat Cultivation Technique, it can accumulate enough advantages in a short period of time.

“Ah, run, those hogs are here!”

In front of a demon race city, when a Huntuo army arrived, the demon race stationed inside gave out a horrified cry.

Meat pigs, this is what they call the human race.

Naturally it is a scornful name, just like a human being. If the pigs that have been eating suddenly become an army in front of them, they will subconsciously say so.

However, the consequence of what they said was to make own end worse, and the Huntuo tribes who had been waiting for the monster race in this world to start with the idea of ​​killing were even more merciless.

“Ah, what a wonderful soul taste~”

In some dark corners, the evil repair who secretly harvested the soul was intoxicated.

For them, this is the place they dream of!

Most of the evil cultivators are fine, but occasionally some evil cultivators that are harvesting will suddenly slash a thunder on their heads, and then before they can say anything, they will be destroyed in panic.

Naturally it was Xu Sheng who made the move, and all the evil repairs were registered in his heart.

It can be said that each of them is his focus. If he is conscious after using the evil way, he will close one eye, but if there are those who kill and think that the murderers are fine, He will directly go down with a thunder and smash it to death.

Anyway, there is no use keeping such a person, just a dangerous person.

Every world will bring a lot of incense to Xu Sheng. There are more incense in this world than in the previous world, and because it is a decision to extinct completely, even if the total amount of incense in Xu Sheng exceeds 650 billion, it has not been reduced in the slightest. Signs.

According to this trend, there is absolutely no problem in accumulating incense to more than 700 billion in this world.

If it weren’t for the more exchanged things, the more his incense might exceed 750 billion.

There is still a difference of 350 billion, two to three worlds, Xu Sheng seems to have felt the Ninth Stage battle body Third Stage beckoning to him.

The third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body will allow the people to have the Martial Master strength when they are adults. At that time, there will be a large number of Martial King powerhouses in a very short period of time.

“Come on, if you don’t work hard, you will be caught up by the people behind.”

Xu Sheng looked at the two small spots below, where there were strong fluctuations belonging to the Martial King middle stage.

After Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, the other Martial Kings have exceeded fifty, and many people who have made rapid progress are even approaching the Martial King middle stage.

The cultivator did not have much pressure on Yuhuan and Qianmin due to the fact that there were fewer gods. Besides, the two of them didn’t care about this.

However, Xuan Zheng and Xuan Yi belonged to the Practitioner, but they were reluctant to see such a scene. Besides, as the generals, their strength was caught up by the people behind them. Then how will they be dispatched in the future?

How happy it is for the monsters to eat those human beasts, now they die.

However, the Huntuo race itself has a sound moral concept. Even if those humanoid monster races die, they will not be treated as rations. Only those with obvious beast appearances will be treated as food.

Of course, they don’t think so in the eyes of the monsters. They only think that the human race is extremely cruel, not only the methods are cruel, but also extremely picky about food, and only eat those powerful ones.

Turning into a human perspective, it may be that a certain type of Devil only eats human babies, which is an event that will inspire fear and anger.

Hundreds of demonic cities were smashed one by one under the military front of the Huntuo race.

Billions of demon races have been killed, and they have become nutrients for the enhancement of the strength of the Huntuo race, making the new generation of the Huntuo race stronger.



[Incense]: 70.3 billion



When there was only the last city left in the Yaozu world, Xu Sheng’s total number of incense had exceeded 700 billion. So far, if it were exchanged for the Taoist monument, the incense he had received had exceeded 200 billion.

At the same time, there is a more interesting point in this world, that is, the most powerful existence in this world is nothing more than the level of God Transformation Dzogchen, and there is no false hole.

Even Huashen Dzogchen was born forcibly, although the wearer’s technology and equipment, but the combat power is not as good as the same rank.

Xu Sheng has a clear understanding of this. Whether it is a cultivator, a practitioner or other power systems, it seems that the purer the better. It does not mean that external forces cannot be used, but external forces are borrowed too much, and there will always be something lacking.

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