Global Sage Era

Chapter 456

Chapter 452 Martial King Who Died One After Another

Apart from Xu Shengsanna, this is an area with shining stars, and countless worlds surround the huge black shadow in the center like stars.

In terms of volume, even if it is a multi-universe, it is only a small part of it.

The so-called na, is the distance traveled in an ordinary half-holy year.

The standard is based on the most common data of the semi-sages, and the speed is about two and thirty-two times the speed of light.

The number is so big that ordinary beings simply cannot imagine such a speed of movement.

It is also the so-called for Sages, distance is actually no longer a problem, you can directly across a wide area through the own idea.

Na is one of the basic units. For a Sage, three hundred na is just a distance that can be crossed in an instant.

Huang Xuanlang has always kept such a distance from Xu Sheng, making sure that Xu Sheng will not be too far away from himself.

Huang Xuanlang, who is cultivating his own Minor World and making the fairyland more perfect, draws out a small part of his spirit to watch the information. With his extraction of this very small part of his spirit, the surrounding world flickers.

At this time, the world surrounding him is less than a trillion, most of them are very weak worlds, which are attracted spontaneously by the power of his holy realm. It is like a powerful cultivator that can attract Spiritual with every breath. Qi is the same around.

There are also powerful worlds that have reached the semi-sage and the quasi-sage Realm. Although these worlds have also produced consciousness, the level gap between them and Huang Xuanlang is too large, so even if they want to stay away, they can’t be instinctively close.

Huang Xuanlang’s existence is the breath of a holy realm for these worlds. If he stays around for a long time, he may be promoted. This attraction is fatal.

The world in the endless hometown is naturally hostile to the human race, but many of them don’t know it, like a wild beast in captivity. Life is in the forest. Yan is also unknown.

“Subsidiary race mutiny? It is indeed unreasonable.”

Huang Xuanlang’s affiliated races are not small, there are nearly a hundred, but so far there has been no incident of affiliated races defecting. According to his understanding, no one around him has ever experienced such a situation.

The human race is really blessed, and its people grow extremely fast. If they are identified as a subsidiary race, they will also enjoy some of this treatment. For those who have been identified as a subsidiary race, it can be said to be lucky.

Think about it, you’re staying at home, and suddenly there is an immortal who wants to accept you as a registered disciple. Although it will never be possible to become a regular, but you can ask yourself the question of cultivation-such a great thing, most people even I dare not even dream of it.

He thought for a while and sent a message immediately: “I think there may be foreign forces intervening behind it, but there have been too many foreigners doing these small movements. Now we don’t know what the specific situation is this time. If there is no impact for the time being. If it comes to you, I hope you can investigate some situations on your own first, and tell me immediately if you detect danger.”

After sending this sentence, he thought for a while and felt that it was not quite right, so he urged some precautions.

He is still busy now. The development and exaggeration of Xianyu is a long-term affair. Now he is in the earliest stage and has a headache in all aspects, which reminds him a bit of when he first got the World Stone.

“Let me deal with it first.”

Xu Sheng reluctantly shook his head after seeing the news. He actually didn’t think Huang Xuanlang had to come and deal with the matter immediately, but he felt that the most basic thing was to report the matter, but now he doesn’t seem to care very much.

He can also understand that this matter is not a trivial matter from the point of view of the owner, but for Sage like Huang Xuanlang, it is possible that similar things have been encountered too much, and it is impossible to make a big fanfare without encountering a similar thing. Although the power of Human Race is powerful, it is not infinite.

Since Huang Xuanlang asked Xu Shengxian to handle the matter by himself, he wouldn’t just throw the matter away.

There must be a situation in the world of Greystone, but the people were sent and the place was checked. In the end, nothing was found. This also means that the clues on the world of Greystone are broken. After all, it is just a very ordinary one. In a world, there is no such thing as a world channel connecting other worlds.

Therefore, if you want to continue the investigation, you can only start from your own Minor World. Greystone spirits have lived in their own Minor World for thousands of years, and any clues will be left behind.

But what makes Xu Sheng a little bit puzzled is that he spent several years carefully investigating everything about the Greystone Spirit, but he still found nothing, as if the Greystone Spirit had disappeared in this world out of thin air. .

“I have a hunch, this time things will definitely not be trivial.”

Xu Sheng whispered to himself, this is a very mysterious feeling, but it is different from everything that he usually encounters.

Some unexplored prophets who are similar to cultivator, although his current strength is not considered strong in the human group, some abilities are still taking shape.

It was precisely because of this premonition that he stopped the conquest of the world that he had been carrying out all the time. If the truth of the matter was not investigated for a day, he would not be able to feel at ease.

One day, something happened that caught Xu Sheng off guard.

“What, Sun Martial King is dead?”

“How is it possible, you are the honor of the Martial King, how could he die with ease.”

“But that’s what happened. I heard that the death is terrible! The whole body is pale, no different from an ordinary person.”

The hearts of all Da Huang who knew about it were full of weirdness.

A Martial King died suddenly at home for no reason!

“Check! Be sure to check things out for me!”

In the Great Hall, Kuang Yuan’s face was as sinking as water. He looked at the corpse transported in front of him, and he felt regret in his eyes besides being puzzled.

The Martial King who died in front of him was called Sun Chaoyang, and he grew up after giving him secret support. He even pointed him out many times.

He was also expecting that he could become the new Martial King, but who knew it was just like that now and turned into a cold corpse.

After the waiter left, he stepped forward and touched Sun Chaoyang’s cold arm with his hand. He stared at the wrinkled skin on it for a long time, but he didn’t notice the slightest sign of exercise.

This is impossible. Sun Chaoyang himself is known for his defensive power. His body is polished and called Divine Armament. It is difficult to find the right one in the same Realm.

Sun Chaoyang was an abnormal death, which was not only known to Kuang Yuan, but even to an ordinary person from Da Huang.

But Kuang Yuan had been waiting for three months, and he did not wait for any information.

And on the 93rd day of Sun Chaoyang’s death, another Martial King was found dead in his home.

In just three months, two Martial Kings died suddenly. At this time, the people of Dahuang were no longer puzzled, but felt a complete panic.

Martial Kings can die without warning, so is it possible for them to fall asleep and die after falling asleep?

Naturally, Kuang Yuan wouldn’t mess around with himself, but he also knew that he couldn’t let this situation continue to worsen.

But there was still no clue, and in this case, the third Martial King who died appeared.

Only sixty-seven days have passed!

Then there are the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh!

In just a few years, the entire Dahuang died of seven Martial Kings. This is simply something that shakes the foundation of the entire Dahuang!

Even after loading the third stage of the Ninth Stage battle body, the Martial King keeps appearing now, the seven Martial King is not a small number.

However, although ordinary people are becoming more and more worried now, high-level practitioners are not as worried as before.

When one or two dead people first appeared, no one had discovered the pattern, but after the third person appeared, everyone discovered the commonality of these missing Martial Kings: they all obeyed the ancestor’s assignment and went to the greystone spirit. world!

So the few Martial Kings who died later had feared the arrival of Death in the months before Death. They had been praying in their hearts not to fall on themselves, but in the end they were all useless.

Later, they couldn’t help but have an idea in their hearts. They were already a little bit angry with Xu Sheng: Why did you choose me to enter that world?

There were eight Martial Kings who went to the world of Greystone Spirits, and now seven have died, and only the last one is still staying in the own residence, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

According to the previous law, at least ten days, as long as a month, he would die just like the seven people in front.

“Everything is determined by heaven.”

The eighth place Martial King is a handsome young man. Although Death is about to fall on him, he is himself but he doesn’t see much fear. The expression on his face at this time is just detached.

If you look closely, you can find that he is the same as those virtuous monks, who have already broken through the world-it’s just that there is no such thing as Buddhism in the Huntuo race. Xu Sheng’s continuous training has made Dahuang not born of Buddhism. soil.

But at this moment, a Daoist shadow appeared in this quiet room out of thin air.

The young man felt the existence of human beings. He opened his eyes, slightly surprised, and then got up and saluted: “Welcome to the ancestors.”

Xu Sheng looked at the shortage in front of him, and couldn’t help feeling for his changes. When was he so frivolous, he even went to Devil Dao, but who knows hundreds of years of hard work, but he has changed his state of mind. Become so peaceful.

“Don’t you hate me?” Xu Sheng asked.

“Naturally, there is hatred, but Huang can reach this Realm, and it is also the shelter of the ancestors.”

How did Huang never know that his ancestors had secretly supported him during all these years of growth?

Xu Sheng said with satisfaction: “Don’t worry, I will give you an explanation.”

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