Global Sage Era

Chapter 466

Chapter 462-The Four Hundred and Sixty One

Xu Sheng took the paper that the soul was transformed into, and looked at him through the position of his eyes on the paper.

At this time, the soul was in a state of just being suppressed, so the consciousness had not completely disappeared.

At the same time, if Xu Sheng wanted to, he could keep it sealed, as long as he followed a specific way of urging the paperweight to do so.

But he doesn’t need to seal it. Although Soulshang is the pinnacle of the group, for the human race, the biggest function is to directly Ascension own law power.

Just like a half-sacred soul, if it can be refined, the Ascension it brings is absolutely terrifying.

However, the paperweight is not the ultimate treasure of refining, it just has some refining abilities.

No… to… kill…

Soulshang’s soul has been frozen, and the final consciousness it can produce is still wanting to live.

For the powerful people in the universe, as long as they can live, it is better than anything else.


That is worthless.

As long as we can survive, there is hope to move on.


Xu Sheng’s eyes were extremely cold, and the soul was already dead in his heart.

However, the soul at this moment has no consciousness, its eyes are only the fear of the last stage of remaining consciousness.

The two-way power of the paperweight began to surging, and blood-red strips of light formed on the paper, like purification, purifying the soul inside.

At that time, its experience will be extracted a small part of the pure, and then it will die completely and become an ordinary picture.

Just like the picture scrolls in Yi’s office in ancient times, people who didn’t know the situation only thought that he liked to collect calligraphy and painting, and some people even specially collected them to please him.

But the final result was a touch of dust.

In ancient times, Yi didn’t like to collect calligraphy and painting, he just liked to keep the enemies he defeated in his own office.

It looks very brave inside, and I want to admire the superb beast picture that draws people, which is a great demon at the pinnacle of a high sage.

Gu Shi Yi once successfully beheaded him when he was still a high sage, this is a memory worth remembering for him.

A starry sky map that looks extremely bright and shocking, but in itself is a powerful multi-universe system with a high sage level.

The power of the multi-universe system in the entire universe is not the strongest group. The death of a high sage close to the true sage is a major blow to them.

The original consciousness had fallen into the chaos of the soul, and at this time, it completely went to eternal silence.

He should have felt the fear, with its semi-sacred level, even if it was killed by someone, there was time for the last Spiritual Sense.

But the effectiveness of the paperweight two-way is too powerful, and it directly kills its senses in this aspect. It can not feel anything other than knowing what the state it is currently experiencing.

In just half a month, the purification energy on the paper disappeared.

Three things condensed in front of him.

A group is the original power of the soul, which can be directly absorbed, and it can handle many laws and comprehend, and its effect is many times higher than that of the heart of rules.

The second is a group of extremely powerful aura, belonging to those high-level souls who have given their energy to this soul fog stage souls.

However, although this power is great, if it can absorb Xu Sheng’s law, the comprehension of the law can exceed 50% quickly, but the key is how he can absorb the power of the true saint level with his current strength.

Even the power of the soul mist and soulshang, he successfully absorbed the power of the two-way paperweight.

“The natural disaster disappeared?”

“The ancestor must have manifested!”

“Only the ancestors can eliminate these natural disasters!”

The disasters raging around Minor World suddenly disappeared in front of them at a certain moment.

In front of the Destruction Storm, a city with a million million people is already in danger. Everyone in the city has accepted the fact that the city cannot be protected. However, the Destruction Storm disappeared from Minor World as if it was erased by some force out of thin air.


Yin subconsciously looked at the position of the dojo, but as usual when he looked at it countless times, there was no special change.

The ancestors do not seem to stay there.

But when he was about to withdraw his sight, the closed door of the dojo suddenly opened, and then a figure walked out of it.


Yin was startled first, then a sigh appeared on his face.

Sure enough, this time in Huntuo Minor World’s situation, the ancestors took action again. He really couldn’t bear to watch the people continue to die, and all would take action.

Obviously everything in this world needs them to do it themselves, but they need the help of their ancestors at critical times.

What kind of face do they juniors have when they meet their ancestors?

Kuang Yuan didn’t think so much anymore. What he cared most was how much harm his own people would suffer.

Over the past two hundred years, I have been fed up with this ever-increasing difficulty.

Their appearance has no sign at all, and the abrupt appearance appears on the eyeliner.

Even if Kuang Yuan found Yin to join forces with him, he also didn’t notice where the storm was coming.

“This natural disaster is also a test for you. The Huntuo people have been developing too smoothly. This world can make you realize the shortcomings of the Huntuo people.

Xu Sheng’s voice was not loud, and his body was just standing outside his dojo, but strangely, as his words sounded, his image appeared in front of everyone in the entire Minor World.

This power…

Everyone was deeply shocked. As the Realm of the Huntuo tribe got higher and higher, Xu Sheng’s strength became more and more known.

The reason for them is that the ancestor is only a very high-level cultivator, but until now, no one can predict Xu Sheng on Realm.

“Follow the decree of the ancestors.”

Some are flexible and direct and respectful.

Driven by them, others also shouted one after another, and the same voice resounded throughout Huntuo Minor World.

Xu Sheng did not comment on the actions of these people. After saying this, he returned to the own dojo again. In the following hundreds of years, countless people have been here and wanted to pay tribute to Xu Sheng. trace.

Of course this will happen in the future, so it won’t be shown for the time being.

The various natural disasters brought not all disadvantages to the Huntuo race.

In the process of fighting against natural disasters, they learned a lot of excellent qualities, which Xu Sheng wanted to see most.

Da Huang, who had originally shown signs of splitting, was also bridged because Yin led the Martial Kings to rescue disasters everywhere.

Ordinary people feel the benefits of having a strong decision-making ability leader.

Only when Kuang Yuan was a leader could he do this.

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