Global Sage Era

Chapter 481

Chapter 477

Tongtian City.

It’s still in that position, but it’s a completely different sight.

The distance between the east and the west of the city is more than three hundred miles, and it spans rivers and mountains from the north to the south. There are more than ten million people living in it.

As the largest city in the entire Minor World, Tongtian City is the Sacred Land in the hearts of many Practitioners.

Here, Wuying Martial Spirit powerhouses walked and communicated. They used to be precious combat power in the entire Huntuo human race. Now it is a rotten street.

With such a vast area of ​​Tongtian City, there are naturally also the residences of major sects.

The cultivator has sects, and the Practitioner naturally has sects.

There are thousands of avenues, and different routes lead to the same goal.

There is actually not much difference in the structure of the denominations, and there are similarities even in terms of inheritance.

For example, the fire of the cultivator is spiritually determined, and the fire attribute of the Practitioner is Martial Skill. The external performance of the two is very similar.

It’s just that the cultivator’s practice speed is usually slower than that of the Practitioner. With the Third Stage Ninth Stage combat body bonus, the cultivator’s strength and Ascension speed are incomprehensible.

Three hundred miles east of Tongtian City, there is a secret realm hidden by most people.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi inside is unimaginable. Even if a pig is put in it, it can become refined over time.

There has been a saying in the Practitioner that if someone can find this secret realm, then he will change heaven-defying!

Only a small group of people at the top know that this secret realm is actually not a unique world, but the root of their Huntuo tribe, which is called the Huntuo tribe.

Not to mention knowing that the Huntuo tribe exists, most of the Practitioners will no longer call themselves in the outreach of the Huntuo tribe, they will call themselves the human race.

There will also be subdivisions among the human races, such as the Hei Miao tribe in the continuous mountains of Life, the sand tribe who have settled in the desert for thousands of years, and the spirit tribe who are integrated with nature…

There are more than two hundred billion human races, which is a huge number.

In the past, there were only hundreds of millions of people on the earth, and thousands of races could be divided into different races.

But in fact, this is also the result of natural evolution.

This is not much different from which country, state, county, township or village a person belongs to.

People with a low Cultivation Base are always not open enough. When their Cultivation Base gradually increases and see more scenery, they will know that they are still a unified Huntuo tribe when it comes to dealing with external life.

Practitioners are divided into more than 1,000 countries, and gradually developed different customs and customs due to different geographical locations.

For example, the Dahuang dynasty was regarded as a heavenly kingdom, and all cultures were orthodox.

The countries closest to the Great Dynasty are also stronger among the others. They are affected by the subtle influence of the Great Dynasty, and they have the attribute of being annexed at any time.

As for the surrounding countries, Kuangyuan has an attitude of resignation.

He is now Martial Ancestor, and the concept of the country is very small in his eyes.

Of course, he has also enjoyed the benefits of the country even more. With the same resources, his practice speed has always been appreciated.

In the central area of ​​Tongtian City, the imperial city is the inner city. The entrance of the Black Tortoise Gate is heavily guarded, and the strength of each guard is above the Martial Spirit.

Further inside, the captains of those patrol guards even have Martial King Cultivation Base.

Only the Martial Emperor… are hidden in the dark. Except for Kuang Yuan who knows their location, everyone else knows the location of a few people at most.

Everything seems to have changed, and nothing seems to have changed.

Kuang Yuan was still the lord of the country, and Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng were already the marshal.

Their position has not changed, and they are still the three people with the highest status in the Great Dynasty.

For thousands of years, Kuang Yuan had known that he could not remove the position of the Lord of the Kingdom. If the boy Xuan Zheng refused to take over, he could only keep doing it.

To be honest, as time went on, he also had to be the lord of the country.

Actually is not greedy for rights, but to allow Da Huang to develop to the current scale, he really paid too much, and no one can understand the painstaking effort.

Kuang Yuan is not an ambitious person, so under his rule, the people have always lived and worked in peace and contentment.

As long as they don’t violate the law, everyone can live a good life.

As own Minor World, Xu Sheng will first ensure that the weather is smooth, and secondly, even if he leaves his hands alone, Martial King and above can already control the weather.

In the cultivator, there is a tactic of moving clouds and rain during the training period, and there is no situation that will starve people to death.

The energy of a world may be unable to make ends meet due to the growing strength of Life, but this situation does not exist on the Huntuo human race, because it is plundering other worlds at all times, which is equivalent to using countless worlds to support a world.

During the past conquests, there were also Huntuo people who were willing to stay in those worlds. Xu Sheng did not organize, because he would not destroy many worlds. Everyone has the right to choose. Since they chose to stay in that world, he Will also let nature be.

Those who follow the Holy Path would definitely not do this, because in their opinion, every citizen who grows up is cultivated by consuming resources. It is hard to cultivate to a certain stage, but you want to quit. This It definitely won’t work.

What Xu Sheng considered is that these people are not here anymore, so forcing is useless, and it is up to oneself and others. If one is in their position, he will want to stay in that world because of various factors.

Most of the people who choose to stay in other worlds are naturally because of love-mundane races are infinite, and there are always some that can resonate with human races, and when the Cultivation Base is high, changing forms is also very simple.

In the Great Hall.

Xu Sheng opened his eyes suddenly.

As soon as I opened my eyes, the sights within thousands of miles around me naturally poured into my heart.

Of course, the most important thing he can not ignore is the ‘pilgrims’ who are overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of people outside.

The Huntuo tribe may forget everything, but it is impossible for him, the ancestor of the bloodline, to forget everything.

This is the imprint engraved in the soul.

No matter what kind of cultivator Practitioner, no matter what choices they make, after they reproduce offspring, they will have to bear deeds one by one.

Moreover, Xu Sheng occasionally issued a heavenly edict, so his position in the Huntuo race hasn’t changed in the slightest for thousands of years.

Like this kind of walking with the avatar, there are not many times, because this perspective is generally inferior to the viewing of the body.

The ontology is like an overview of the overall situation, and the situation of the entire Huntuo tribe and Minor World is clear. The clone here is equivalent to a reduced perspective, increasing the sense of substitution but reducing the overall view.

The changes between different feelings are different, and he will adjust this every once in a while.

Xu Sheng just walked out of the Great Hall and appeared in front of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims.

What is strange is that even if he walked in front of some people, the expressions of these people did not change at all, they were still so pious—no one could see Xu Sheng.

There are many powerful pilgrims among these pilgrims. Martial King and Huashen are many, but compared to the strength of Xu Sheng’s incarnation that has reached the peak of integration, it can be ignored.

The strength of the peak of the fit corresponds to the level of complete law comprehension.

It is also the limit that the people of Half Saint could reach before.

No one can cross this limit.

Because when you qualify for the Transcends Tribulation period, you need to understand more rules. As you complete your understanding of your original path, your people’s strength will continue to increase until you pass the Third Stage Heavenly Tribulation and qualify for the Mahayana.

And Mahayana naturally corresponds to the quasi-sage stage.

Xu Sheng stepped across the crowd in a few steps and entered the Huntuo tribe.

The Huntuo tribe still maintains its appearance thousands of years ago.

The scale is also the same as ten thousand years ago, and the entire tribe is only more than 10,000 people.

In terms of the cultivation environment alone, the Huntuo tribe actually does not have an overwhelming advantage, and the cultivation effect of the larger Sect is no longer much worse than that of the Huntuo tribe.

But here is still the place where high rank cultivators gather the most.

The more a high-rank cultivator, the more you can feel the Taoism of this world, it seems that this place is closer to the world, and it can speed up own’s progress.

In addition, it is because Yin is still here, as a major repair during the meditation period, even if they have become a god of transformation, they still want to worship Yin’s sect.

The Realm of God has only gone through a thousand years of time, and since the cultivation, 12,000 years have passed. This is an amazing number. Just thinking about the possible experience in these 10,000 years, Can make people excited.

But Yin did not accept anyone as a disciple anymore.

However, he is looking for talents for the teaching. Most of the cultivators in other secret realms have already been recruited by him.

There may be contradictions between sects and different directions of development, but the fundamental purpose is the same.

Every sect follows the teachings and no kind, as long as you have a heart to the Tao, no matter where you are from, you can join the sect cultivation.

Xu Sheng’s figure appeared in that familiar quiet room. This is how he appeared here nearly 10,000 years ago, and he had the first meeting with Yin.

Yin was aware of it. After seeing Xu Sheng’s arrival, he nodded slightly: “Ancestor.”

No longer so sincere and fearful, naturally still respectful in his heart, but there is no need to react too much in his actions.

Xu Sheng looked at Yin, whose face was still young, with deep emotion in his heart.

He could know from Yin’s eyes that contained vicissitudes, that his state of mind was no longer young now.

Mingzhao is the seventh Realm of the cultivator. Yin is now the real powerhouse in the cultivator.

His previous expectations were realized step by step in Yin.

And in the near future, he will also personally create an immortal realm, allowing Yin to ascend Immortal Ascension!

“Follow me.”

There is not too much speech.

Yin stood up from the futon.

Xu Sheng flicked his sleeves, wrapped Yin and headed to Dahuang Palace.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one in the quiet room, and it seemed that no one had stayed here.

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