Global Sage Era

Chapter 483

Chapter 479: So This Is Your Real Strength

Endless return to the market.

Several figures are moving.

They all exude the fluctuations of the law, and they have a not weak aura.

“Is this the place Xu Sheng has been practicing before? It feels like there is nothing special.” Mo Fei on the far right said curiously.

Wu Su was sensing whether there was any danger in this area, and was used to being cautious. She always remained alert to her surroundings at all times.

“It’s the first time we have entered the outside world. The task to be done this time is not simple. We must hurry up.” Xiao Feng’s breath at this time is the strongest among the people, and he has arranged this time.

“Hmph, my Baihe Jianxiu is already ready.” Lu Shan looked forward, his expression as arrogant as ever.

The only Kong Yan who didn’t speak just smiled slightly, and he waited for the next journey in the middle stage.

Xiao Feng, Lu Shan, Wu Su, Kong Yan, Mo Fei.

All five of them are in the top ranks in the champion class, and they are basically the strongest team that the East Campus can make up this year. Not only are they suitable for attributes, but they are also fully equipped.

However, the five people are just tentative team formation, and the rest of the time will be a process of running-in. If they can persist, they will form a stable team, otherwise they will separate, and wait until later people gradually enter the world to find suitable teammates.

The five originally didn’t have the idea of ​​forming a team. After all, each of them can be regarded as an arrogant generation, and they all want to surpass the others.

The key is that Xu Sheng is among the classmates of own in this class.

Even though the gap with him is too big to be seen now, no one really just gives up like that, so they can only unite for the possible hope of pulling in the distance.

Not only Xiao Feng and the others, but the West Campus has similar plans.

“I don’t know if he has received my message now. If he can meet him here, he can really know where his strength has reached.” Xiao Feng thought in his heart, and didn’t tell others about this idea.

While on the earth, although I could feel that Xu Sheng’s strength already had Ascension, he was suppressed after all, and he could only feel the change in Xu Sheng’s strength based on the oppression of Ruo Ruo Wu, and never felt that way in the void. clear.

In the first month of the second semester, the comprehension of the rules of several people has increased by one or two percentage points, but according to Xu Sheng’s fifteen percentage points, it is still not comparable at all.

Compared to anyone, Xu Sheng’s speed of progress is too terrifying. Without the support of the school’s further resources, he can reach the current progress.

The strength of the five is not much different. Among them, Xiao Feng is slightly better. Today’s law comprehension is almost 9%, which is 0.3% higher than Lu Shan.

And the following Wu Su three rule comprehension difference is even smaller, all are more than 8.5%.

The development of each other’s people is similar, and they are all in the Nascent Soul stage now.

Just like the gap between Xu Sheng and Huang Xuanlang, the gap between them and Xu Sheng now is so big that it exceeds their imagination.

If you really encounter it, Xu Sheng can send a few Martial Emperor caves to solve them, which is not a level of strength at all.

The difference in strength between human races is just this big, and the understanding of the law is a little bit worse. The difference reflected in the people is extremely large. On the contrary, the difference in the body is not so big. Even if you want to escape, even if it is the understanding of the law. It is difficult for people with a degree of 30% to solve Xiao Feng and others.

After officially entering the endless return to the market area, the five people did not have much delay, and quickly searched for the mission target of the trip, and then locked it in a very short time before jointly shooting.

The strength of the five people has not reached 10%, but the world they are aiming at is a full 12% level.

According to their vision, even if it is difficult to leapfrog, it can still be done with five people.

However, they obviously valued their own strength, or underestimated the world that can survive in the endless ruins. This battle was extremely difficult for them. It took hundreds of years to reluctantly bring the wisdom of this world to life. Killed almost.

In terms of the body, the five people combined did not get the slightest bargain.

“It’s too difficult. I will definitely not find such an opponent in the future.” Mo Fei said with some fear. As the foremost person, his stone man suffered heavy casualties. If it hadn’t been used to speed up the reproduction of the ethnic group, it might be. This time he was seriously injured, but even if he increased the reproduction speed of the Golem, it would still be slow and crazy compared to the human race.

The other people were also uncomfortable, and they didn’t have the crushing appearance that Xu Sheng had when aiming at the enemy.

The reason why Xu Sheng was able to leapfrog the challenge relies on various talent blessings. Although Xiao Feng and others have blessed their own people with talents, they are nothing compared to the best talents like the Ninth Stage battle body.

Xiao Feng’s face was a little ugly and said, “This time it’s my problem. I underestimated the opponent’s strength…”

He is not unfamiliar with the situation of endless return to the market. Not to mention the various materials consulted from the school, just the ones that Xu Sheng told him every time he came back were already valuable experiences.

Even though he said to himself countless times in his heart that he should be careful, but in the end he was still a little impulsive.

Fortunately, the matter was not beyond control this time. Although the five of them paid some price, they were still able to bear it.

In the next few worlds annihilated, they chose a world with a lower strength.

Sure enough, they went very smoothly in these several exterminations. Although the world they chose was still better than their own people, it only took a few decades to solve it with the steadily cooperating with each other.

Because it was the first time for the five people to come to the outside world, they didn’t have many tasks to choose, only one of them was chosen by each of them.

Now more than two hundred years have passed and four have been completed.

“After finishing this last one, we can go back.”

Xiao Feng spoke to everyone and moved on to the last mission goal.

When they were halfway forward, Xiao Feng’s Sage interface suddenly popped up, indicating that the message was received.

After taking a look, he smiled and said, “Xu Sheng has also entered the range of the endless return to the market, and it will not be long before he can reach us.”

The four of them all subconsciously heard these words, especially Lu Shan, their expressions suddenly became more serious, and many thoughts flashed in his heart. At this time, he hoped to see Xu Sheng immediately and understand the gap between each other. , And some do not want that moment to come.

“Hahaha, I haven’t seen him for a while, I don’t know how strong he is.” Mofei laughed, he was the first person to admit that Xu Sheng was strong, even though the gap between each other is getting bigger and bigger. The bigger, he can still accept it unimpeded in his heart.

The few people were still chatting, and they didn’t notice that a huge black shadow was approaching fast behind them.

The first thing I noticed is Wu Su, her power is a bit peculiar and she is also the most cautious of the five.

But at this moment, when she saw the true appearance of the figure clearly, the whole person was stiffened due to the huge emotional fluctuations, and her thinking ability was almost frozen.

The four people next to him were still communicating, and suddenly they all realized that Wu Su hadn’t spoken for a while, so they couldn’t help but look at it curiously.

But what he saw was Wu Su, whose eyes were round and his focus was lost.

Kong Yan was about to speak, but he also found something. He turned his head and also fell into a state of stagnant thinking.

The remaining three people already understood something at this moment, turning around and looking back at almost the same time.

Xiao Feng lost his senses for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Unexpectedly, he has reached this point…”

The huge shadow is naturally no one else, it is Xu Sheng who has handed in the task and re-entered the endless ruins.

He returned the message to Xiao Feng after he entered Huanyu, but because of the distance he was too close, his own moving time was not much slower, which was equivalent to telling himself that he had come when he got downstairs at a friend’s house.

The size of Xiao Feng’s five is actually not much different from Xu Sheng’s. In the world, the size of the body does not make much sense. If they want to, they can now increase countless times.

“Is this your current strength?”

The speaker was Lu Shan, and there was almost inaudible tremor in his voice. Originally, he thought that the gap between each other could be measured, but now he realized that it was just his own wishful thinking.

In fact, it wasn’t just Lu Shan who was hit. Even Mo Fei, who had admitted that Xu Sheng was better than himself, felt a great sense of frustration at this time.

If on the earth, they heard the difference between the laws, they could say that it was only a few times, but now, after they really saw Xu Sheng’s strength, they knew how many times this is, obviously thousands of times. Times!

They couldn’t even think of how Xu Sheng cultivated his people.

“It’s been a long time, everyone.”

Xu Sheng stopped in front of the five and saw his peers in the universe for the first time. It felt pretty good. It made him feel that he was not alone, and that there were countless people in the Human Race behind own.

“It’s been a long time…but you are too surprising for us.” Xiao Feng said with a wry smile. Now that Xu Sheng’s strength is so strong, he even feels ashamed.

Xiao Feng’s long absence is obviously different from Xu Sheng’s. His senses have not seen him for more than two hundred years, while Xu Sheng has been in for ten thousand years.

Time really passed by too easily, so long passed without paying attention.

“Are you doing the task smoothly this time? Have you encountered any difficulties?” Xu Sheng asked naturally. Thinking of his original experience, he also encountered many problems.

“I met a few at first, but now it’s all better.”

During the small chat with Xiao Feng and others, Xu Sheng got a general idea of ​​their experience during this period.

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