Global Sage Era

Chapter 490

Chapter 486

The poisonous country was destroyed, and it suddenly became an introduction.

The nations that had endured under Dahuang’s suppression suddenly exploded in anger.

The cultivators who were stabbing the hornet’s nest everywhere in Minor World suffered a disaster. Except for a few who maintained a good relationship with the Practitioner, most of the others were killed and imprisoned by the Practitioner.

Practitioner and Practitioner often explode to death battles, and the change of countries is going on all the time. How can you be soft on the cultivator.

The cultivator has always seen the Practitioner with convergent minions, and they have never seen the terrible part of the Practitioner with their own eyes.

Yes, the methods of Practitioner are not as rich as those of cultivator.

However, when both sides have the same combat power, the side that is not rich in means will inevitably have its own absolute advantage.

The absolute advantage of Practitioner is naturally attack and strong physical resilience.

After confirming that the cultivator can’t kill themselves, they will show the most brutal side, even if they are replaced by injury, they will not shrink back.

If both sides are injured, the cultivator will immediately fall into a great disadvantage.

Dahuang, the imperial palace.

The expression of Kuang Yuan who was sitting in the Great Hall flickered.

In the past few years, there have not been many changes in Dahuang, but this does not mean that he is ignorant of the outside world.

He is very aware of what is happening outside. In just a few years, more than ten small countries have been destroyed, and even a medium-sized country has been destroyed.

Although he does not care about the demise of those countries, even without the cultivator factor, they will change in a very short time, but this does not mean that he does not care.

“This time, you passed it.”

He suddenly spoke.

Only then did I realize that a figure suddenly appeared in the previously empty Great Hall.

It is Yin.

He seems to have been here for a long time, but he seems to have just arrived.

A sigh.

“I will restrain the door.”

All cultivators are indeed under Yin’s sect. Although he has already begun to prevent things this time, there are too many cultivators dissatisfied with him. He alone cannot restrain the actions of billions of people.

In fact, there are only hundreds of thousands of cultivators in action up to now, accounting for one ten-thousandth of the total number of cultivators.

But this one-tenth of a million has already left countries other than Dahuang uneasy.

Yin is even more aware that if it were not for his sake, Kuang Yuan had already let Da Huang’s power take action. With Da Huang’s power, it would not take long. Therefore, all cultivators in the outside world would be cultivators. He didn’t want to see that. When the scene appears, Kuang Yuan remembers his old feelings.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of cultivators outside, even if all the current cultivator powers are gathered together, it is not worth mentioning in front of Dahuang.

Da Huang’s strength has grown to an extremely terrifying level in recent years.

Fortunately, their cultivator will quickly Ascension strength in the following days, even if it can’t reach the current level of Practitioner, it will not be too far behind.

In this “world war” between the Practitioner and the cultivator, the damage to Xu Sheng is actually negligible.

Although the number of deaths has exceeded 500 million, it is scattered every year, that is, less than 100 million casualties.

Under normal circumstances, the number of his natural deaths has exceeded 100 million every year.

Not to mention that every time the outer world conquests, accumulated over a hundred years, the number of deaths may even be in the tens of billions.

So… it’s really nothing.

It’s not that Xu Sheng is cold-blooded now, or that he is now inclined to the path of sacredness, but that ordinary people will become accustomed to seeing such scenes for a long time.

“Life…like dust.”

Xu Sheng sighed with emotion. He is now close to Semi-Saint Realm, and he has to get used to such things after all.

He had also seen Huang Xuanlang’s world once. The struggle in the latter world was much more fierce than the one in front of him, and even many times Huang Xuanlang let it go. Some strategies were similar to the strategy of raising Gu. In this way, better ones were cultivated. genius.

Under Xu Sheng’s continued gaze, although there are still cultivators coming out of the secret realm, the number has been reduced a lot compared to the beginning.

After seeing the power of the Practitioner group, they didn’t dare to mess around again. Even if they focused on something, they were only secretly planning.

Of course, their appearance still did not escape the detection of Agent Da Huang, and the information was gathered and transmitted to Kuang Yuan.

As long as Kuang Yuan said anything casually, these spies would directly take action, either kill, imprison, or expel them, eliminating the threat of these cultivators.

But in the end, Kuang Yuan still let them go. In his eyes, as long as the cultivator does not do too much, he can often open one eye and close one eye. After all, Practitioners will also be affected by Heavenly and Mortal Treasures. Competing for each other, now a cultivator has been added. Although it is not a Practitioner, everyone is still a member of the Huntuo tribe.

Yin in the Huntuo tribe sighed again. This time he owes a lot of love. When they are in their current position, every word and deed will affect many people. Although their feelings are still there, they do It is inevitable to be responsible for those who follow the owner when making a decision.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was Xu Sheng on it, in the ordinary world, it would be normal for former close friends like Kuang Yuan and Yin to stand on the opposite side.

Just like Xu Sheng, even if they are friends with Lu Yuan, when there is a conflict between Qianjing University and Luyuan University, they will still stand on the side of Qianjing University.

After five years of chaos and twenty years of convergence, the cultivator finally knew that the outside world had already been managed by the Practitioner. It was impossible for them to have any influence on the Practitioner.

They gave up their plan to compete, and the atmosphere of the entire Minor World has returned to the way it was before. The Practitioner and the cultivator will not be in trouble, and will carry out certain exchanges and cooperation under the tacit understanding of the high-levels of both parties.

It’s just that the power of Chenhuan Dao Body is gradually showing up.

The rapid exaggeration of the cultivator group is only the most basic, and the more important thing is that the probability of the appearance of the cultivator in the cultivator is greatly increased. The entire world of cultivation has entered a carnival. The talented seedlings emerge in an endless stream. , Now even if it’s just a third-rate sect, it may have it.

Many small households have given birth to hope. They walk through the entire Minor World, looking for seedlings that can inherit the legacy.

The power of the cultivator grows sharply like blowing a balloon. The key is that its foundation remains stable.

For Dao bodies of the same level and Ninth Stage battle bodies, the influence of the former will always be more high-level combat power.

On the whole, the impact of the two on the Huntuo race is the same. No matter how the number of cultivators increases, it is impossible to compare to the cultivator in terms of power at the bottom.

In terms of current high-level combat power, although the cultivator is not as good as the Practitioner, it has always been able to protect itself, and after the Chenhuan Dao body is established, it will definitely go ahead.

This is particularly evident in Yin, who has been behind Kuang Yuan for thousands of years. His cultivation speed has increased sharply in recent times, and he has been closing the gap in an extremely rapid manner.

Kuang Yuan predates Yin’s breakthrough two or three hundred years, and his strengths are not much different. Now, with Yin’s rapid growth, he may be caught up in less than a hundred years. Later is when Kuang Yuan looks at Yin’s back. .

Although Kuang Yuan didn’t know the speed of Yin’s cultivation at this time, he could guess that this change would have a greater effect on Yin.

He is a person who has experienced all the talent loading, and he has also summarized the rules. In addition to the changes that can be made to the entire Huntuo tribe, the ancestors always give good fortune alternately between the two sides. If only from the order, the Practitioner is still favored.

Kuang Yuan’s eyes became deeper. He naturally knew what caused the sudden change of the cultivator before. Although it was temporarily stopped because of the difference in strength between each other, as the strength of the cultivator continued to change, there would inevitably be greater changes later. conflict.

However, he still didn’t deploy any offensive evolution to the cultivator because of this. He looked in a certain direction.

That is the Sacred Land in the hearts of the entire Huntuo race.

There is the dojo of the ancestors.

He knew that the ancestors would not let that happen.

When Kuang Yuan looked at own, Xu Sheng already felt it and knew what he was thinking in his heart.

He laughed and shook his head. The people of own are becoming more and more familiar with own behavior, knowing that he will inevitably intervene in many cases.

Maybe this is because the child grows up to be unbehaved.

Sure enough, it’s the cutest baby…

This thought suddenly appeared in Xu Sheng’s heart. The former Huntuo human race was undoubtedly equivalent to a baby in a swaddling baby. No matter what he did, he would only be curious, and would never have any questions or thoughts of resistance.

But as this “baby” grows up, he will also explore the outside world. For example, now, there are actually some people thinking about what kind of existence the world they are thinking about, and his ancestor is a place. In what kind of role.

This time Xu Sheng gave Huntuo people enough to fix the world. He had never given them fifty years to adapt to changes before.

When the fiftieth year came, he opened the world channel for a long time and began a new world conquest.

A world has been maintained for decades, and the harvest it brings is more than three trillion incense, but in the end, it will only accumulate about one trillion.

The number of cultivators has also doubled rapidly, even in a hundred years, it has grown to two billion.

The world conquests continue, one after another, and the number of cultivators is also rising rapidly.

The gap between the cultivator group and the Practitioner group quickly narrowed.

The power of the cultivator was only one-tenth of that of the Practitioner, but it has now grown to one-tenth, and it continues to ascending rapidly.

The high rank cultivator even appeared like a blowout!

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