Global Sage Era

Chapter 492

Chapter 488

Everything is equivalent, this is a very special item for Xu Sheng.

There is a high probability that he came here because of it, and he also brought the current strength.

Xu Sheng has not forgotten the strange gaze cast around him when he merged with the World Stone in his freshman year.

At that time, it was a lie to say that it was not sad, and it was impossible to say that it was easy for the first year and second year of high school, but he finally made it to the third year of high school and reached the equivalent of everything.

But now when he heard that the teacher had such confidence in himself, he couldn’t help but feel a little vacant in his heart.

Because… I am actually a person with very poor talent. If it is not the equivalent of everything, I may be struggling in a certain underdeveloped university. Maybe my understanding of the law is less than 1%.

“Actually, the so-called holy way and the half-holy do not have a great barrier between them. They just need a little bit of aura to be promoted when the law comprehension reaches perfection. The latter half-holy are promoted to the quasi-holy in the same way, only the holy realm. Time is the first difficulty…”

The voice of ancient Yi continued to ring.

Xu Sheng’s expression was startled, and suddenly there was something strange in his heart.

But without waiting for him to think about it, his attention was completely drawn away by the words behind the teacher.

“Your current law comprehension has exceeded 70%. After discussion at the school, you have decided to give you the qualification to enter the secret realm gifted by heaven.”

“Godsend secret realm? Why have I never heard of this name?”

Xu Sheng is very clear about the size of the secret realm of the school. After all, he had to measure it from these secret realms when doing tasks.

But this ‘divine secret realm’ uttered from the teacher’s mouth has never been heard by him.

“This is a very special secret realm. After entering, the probability of breaking through to the semi-sacred Realm can be ascension at least 50%. Depending on the individual’s aptitude, there will be different ascension…”

Listening to the teacher’s description, Xu Sheng quickly learned what kind of place this heaven-sent secret realm is… after all, it is similar to the good fortune pool he exchanged for the Huntuo tribe.

Correspondingly, this heaven-sent secret realm also has a limit on the number of people entering it.

Generally speaking, there are no more than 100 places per year.

The secret realm bestowed by heaven is the top-level Ascension secret realm, and it is also the foundation of Qianjing University.

In addition to the heavenly secret realm, there is also a similar secret realm with different requirements. When students meet the requirements, they will be allowed to enter.

During the university process, the Ascension secret realm that everyone is allowed to enter is different. The more demanding secret realm, the worse the effect.

The secret realm bestowed by God is the top secret realm before Half-Holy. Such secret realm is open to the juniors of the current year.

Xu Sheng obtained one of these qualifications as a freshman. Obviously, it would squeeze a person’s quota. This is considered a break from the norm.

“Look at your previous idea of ​​relying on own efforts to Ascension half-sacred this semester?”

Not knowing if it was an illusion, Xu Sheng unexpectedly found that the teacher seemed to have a smile on his face now.

Xu Sheng nodded and said, “I do have such a plan. My Ascension has been very fast in the past six months, and I am ready to challenge myself.”

“It’s a good thing to have a goal. You have indeed done things that no one can do… It’s just that you have to underestimate the school. For a student like you, how could the school help you? It’s just you Ascension has always been unexpected. In order to discuss your training, several of us have a headache.”

The human race is very meticulous in the cultivation of offspring.

After all, the saints are too insignificant for the Sages, even if they pull out a hair, they can quickly pass the offspring through the early stage, and it is not difficult to become a semi-sage and quasi-sage in one fell swoop.

But this is meaningless. What Human Race needs is more Sage. It will intervene in the growth of the younger generations in advance, and it will just worship and deplete the potential of the offspring. After the Human Race has paid some painful lessons, this aspect has been completely eliminated.

Especially the more people who love their children, the more they will pay attention.

Xu Sheng blushed. He would never say that he had never considered school factors before. After all, after two or three months had not received the school signal, he would not waste time in this aspect.

“Let me tell you about the secret realm gifted by heaven… There is also a difference in the flow rate of time. When you enter, you will be placed in a suitable area. But some of the more precious items are unique, you may need It can only be obtained in competition with others.”

The opening time of the Tianci secret realm is very uniform. It is at this time of the year when a hundred people will enter to fight for their own opportunities.

It can be considered that Qianjing University deliberately cultivates a sense of competition, so as to avoid being like Xiaobai. Because of resource problems, competition in other schools is far more cruel than Qianjing University, and the senior management does not want students to become inflexible.

Xu Sheng carefully memorized every sentence. The secret realm lasted for a long time, and he usually had to stay on the earth for a while after returning from wherever he came. He was already prepared in advance.

After returning to the dormitory, Xu Sheng sorted out the information about the secret realm gifted by God.

“It is estimated that it is to prevent other people’s psychological imbalance, so all relevant information should be kept secret…”

Schools should pay attention to the emotions of the students, not to worry about worries and unevenness. Such a secret realm will definitely make many people feel uncomfortable, like being pulled into a small stove by the head teacher when going to school.

Even if you understand in your heart that it is normal to concentrate resources on cultivating geniuses, people who have not been trained will have a sense of gap in their hearts.

If it is placed in the aboriginal world, it may be promoted, making Sect disciples have comparisons in their hearts-in fact, the Huntuo people are doing the same now.

But on the earth that promotes equality, this cannot be so explicit.

Everyone is equal, of course this sentence is correct, but it is only correct to a certain extent…

Xu Sheng won’t struggle with this matter for too long. After thinking about the matter of the secret realm bestowed by heaven, he went to bed and rested.

There is no need to stare at the Huntuo people from time to time. Although development can replace sleep, occasional sleep can also make oneself relax.

The next day, at six o’clock in the morning, Xu Sheng woke up on time.

It was early in April, when the sun had already cast through the windows.

Xu Sheng got up from the bed, walked to the side of the bed, and watched many freshman students who were not qualified to enter the outside world come out of the dormitory, suddenly a lot of emotions surged in his heart.

At 8:30, Xu Sheng received a message from the teacher and asked him to go to the office.

“Let’s go.”

Gu Shiyi obviously waited for Xu Sheng on purpose. His dignified true sage has done this, and it has been able to show that he attaches great importance to it.

He wouldn’t say a lot of things in his mouth, but his performance in action can actually insult people like Xu Sheng.

“Among the 100 people who entered this time, your strength is the weakest. You can’t help but fight in the secret realm. Although it won’t be serious enough to destroy the Minor World, there is still no problem affecting your strength. When entering, try to avoid other people and focus on catching up with your own strength.”

Gu Shiyi was completely a Master who cared about his disciples at this time, taking everything into consideration, even if Xu Sheng didn’t prepare anything, he could protect himself under his guidance.

For a long time, although Xu Sheng respected the ancient times, but they couldn’t talk about how close they were. After all, they have not been in contact with each other for a long time.

And like the senior brother Song Ming, if you count the time outside the domain, you may not know how many tens of thousands of years have been together.

Feelings need to be cultivated. Xu Sheng himself is a slower person, and he has big secrets in himself, and it is impossible to open his heart as soon as he comes up.

Xu Sheng can feel that the teacher knows the own state of mind and has chosen to get along in the own way, which makes Xu Sheng very grateful in his heart.

To be honest, aside from the apprenticeship he chose to hold his thighs…he hasn’t figured out how to get along with the ancient times so far.

In this kind of cranky thinking of “Heavenly Horse traveling in the sky”, Xu Sheng followed Gu Shiyi into the transit secret realm and boarded a spaceship that was already waiting.

There were already some people on the spaceship, not many, only twenty or thirty, and they all greeted respectfully when they saw the ancient Yi empress.

A dozen people came up one after another, and then the spacecraft started.

Just as Xu Sheng was a little confused, Gu Shiyi next to him suddenly said: “Some people will transfer from other secret realm to go.”

Xu Sheng’s heart moved, and then nodded.

The transfer secret realm of Qianjing University is considered to be a small one, which is only used by people who are related to Qianjing University.

On the outside, there are some public transit secret realms, which can be used with a little credit.

In addition, there are some mini-transit secret realms, which have limited places to go and the number of people they can carry, and they are generally developed within certain families.

The so-called family is naturally not a family that covers the sky with one hand like the mundane world. The family on the earth is just a kind of agglomerates that are prosperous, large in scale, and naturally generated.

Xu Sheng had also contacted some family members before, such as Fang Su from the West Campus, who came from Fang’s family.

This time, the speed of the spacecraft on board was obviously faster than those on Xu Sheng’s previous ride, which made him feel a little drowsy after a long absence, but when Gu Shiyi patted him on the shoulder, all the drowsiness disappeared. not see.

Hmm… it’s good to have a true sage teacher.

After almost four hours, Xu Sheng felt that the speed of the spacecraft was gradually slowing down.

Outside the porthole is not the usual colored ribbon, it becomes an occasionally visible sight.

The spacecraft paused.


In ancient times, Yi stood up from his seat, and Xu Sheng looked out the porthole at this time.

The scenery in front of him made him feel slightly lost.

He has never seen such a fantasy scene before, hitting the heart and shaking the soul.

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