Global Sage Era

Chapter 501

Chapter 497 Temporary Team

“Good luck, solved a few.”

Xu Sheng didn’t say a few specifically, so Kang Su couldn’t determine his current true strength from the number.

The necessary mindfulness still needs to be kept.

When Kang Su heard this, she was not envious in her heart. She secretly thought in her heart that this Xu Sheng junior was not enough to have 70% understanding of the law. It is estimated that it would take more than five creatures to solve the same strength.

She has only met one until now. Others have indeed met five, and it is true that people are more popular than others.

The genius who has been listening to other people discuss the general enchanting level has great luck. She hadn’t seen it before, but now she has seen it.

Xu Sheng saw that Kang Su didn’t speak, and the old god was there. Kang Su was the first person he saw when he came in, and he was of the right kind. He was still considering how to make the next contact.

Ever since he was allowed to enter the territory, Xu Sheng had been alone when doing tasks. He was very aware of the shortcomings of being alone. Sometimes he became a world better than himself. He was obviously very jealous, but in the end he had no choice but to give up.

In the worlds I saw before, some of the actual strengths are actually around 80%. With his current strength, it will take some time to solve it, but if you find someone to cooperate…it’s just right to think of Kang Su. Then it’s easy to get the core.

Of course, you can also wait for the strength to arrive before looking for it.

But there are also problems. First, I don’t know if the world will be there by then. According to Xu Sheng’s estimation, it will take a thousand years to understand the two-point rule of Ascension.

Other people’s movements are not slow, just like Kang Su’s current direction is that it is possible to find the creatures he encountered, it is better to cooperate temporarily, so that he can also get some benefits.

Xu Sheng was already thinking about this the first time he saw Kang Su.

If the person who came was more powerful, he would definitely not do this, because at that time he was at an absolute disadvantage in getting along, and the impact of lack of strength was to look at others’ eyes and act. He didn’t want this.

So Kang Su’s arrival can be said to be just in time.

At this meeting, Kang Su also suppressed the various words in her heart. She looked at Xu Sheng who was close at hand and said: “I can’t compare to Xu Sheng’s younger brother. I am already behind, and I want to chase the gap back.”

She already has a sense of urgency in her heart. When she doesn’t meet other people, she can comfort her that others’ progress is about the same as her own. Those who are bad may have not encountered a creature until now, and they still maintain it when they come in. But when she met Xu Sheng, she already knew that even if she was not the worst, she was definitely not excellent.

She originally had the lowest strength among a hundred people. If she continues to be the late stage and encounters some treasures, she will not be qualified to compete with others.

Godsend secret realm also has some special features, not just creatures of the opposite sex.

Everyone did a lot of homework when they came in, and had items that had been targeted, and understood that the early stage is a very important time to accumulate strength.

In previous years, it was not unheard of to catch up from behind. Some people were at the bottom of their strength when they came in, but ascension quickly gained strength in the heaven-sent secret realm. Later, he was one of the fastest people to become a semi-sage.

Han Su naturally has this kind of ambition in his mind.

If she can quickly become a semi-holy, then her ranking in the entire grade will rise sharply, and there will be a senior year after which she may be able to strive for a better position.

When entering the university, the quasi-upgrade Realm is far away, but with the strength of Ascension, especially when the senior year is approaching, everyone has a bigger goal in their minds and wants to reach a higher height by themselves.

“If I want to equalize the gap, I am more urgent than Senior Sister Kang.” Xu Sheng smiled slightly.

Kang Su smiled and said, “Xu Xuedi, you are mixing me with cold.”

“I didn’t mean it, but you didn’t think about it, Senior Sister, is there a lot of people and power?” Xu Sheng left half of his words, he knew Kang Su must understand the meaning of own.

Sure enough, after hearing Xu Sheng’s words, Kang Su looked at Xu Sheng in surprise, “Xu Xuedi, do you want to team up with me?”

Xu Sheng certainly didn’t mean that Kang Su’s strength was right. He just nodded and said: “I found a few creatures beyond my ability on the road before. If there is Senior Sister Kang, then there must be no problem.”

Kang Su was not surprised. She actually found some other creatures on the road, but they also surpassed her ability to deal with them. There was only one she could deal with.

She knew that Xu Sheng must have considered her strength by saying this. She couldn’t help but feel a little moved. She subconsciously asked, “How many?”

“Two.” Xu Sheng continued smiling.

What a coincidence? !

Kang Su was naturally surprised and delighted. If there are two, after solving them, there is no need to think about how to divide them. One person will be finished.

The moment is in her heart, but she still hesitates… Xu Sheng’s strength is still low in her eyes. Although she is a monster genius, she has not grown up yet, but then she thinks if she can help him at this time. It’s also a good fate, maybe it can pull the relationship down.

“Okay, let’s form a team temporarily.”

Kang Su promised to be very painful.

Xu Sheng was also a little surprised by her altogether, but considering her straight-forward character before, it seems normal to have such a performance.

“Okay, it shouldn’t be too late. Let’s go find the two creatures now, and the specific discussion can be carried out on the road.”

Xu Sheng is not a Haw Haw character either. Now that he has decided to form a team temporarily, efficiency is everything.

With Xu Sheng taking the lead, the two went there together.

There is not much difference between Xu Sheng and Kang Su’s strength, and the speed of travel is about the same. This makes Kang Su sigh again, he is indeed an evildoer, if he changes to his strength at this level, the speed will definitely not be so fast.

According to the agreement, Xu Sheng took the first core obtained by the two creatures, and then gave it to Kang Su later.

As a discoverer, you naturally have some advantages, which can be regarded as reducing the risk to a minimum.

Of course, on Kang Su’s side, it is also possible that Xu Sheng lied to her. From the beginning to the end, he only found an abnormal creature, just let her be a thug.

“That’s it, now I don’t feel its breath nearby. It should be a little bit farther away. You and I scattered to look for it.”

More than 30 years later, Xu Sheng took Kang Su to the place where the first anomalous creature was. After more than 30 years, the creature had already left, but their movement speed was not as fast as the human race. In most cases They are all activities within an area.

“Okay.” Kang Su responded and looked in the opposite direction to Xu Sheng.

In a blink of an eye, more than a year passed, and Xu Sheng didn’t find much here. He felt that maybe the creature was found there by Han Su.

At this time, he couldn’t help thinking about something. This time the strength of the creature he brought was just over 80%. If Han Su found out and decided not to tell herself, then she might solve it in a short time… Anyway, she can only get one core, and there is no loss to her in doing so.

However, the situation Xu Sheng imagined did not appear. Seven months later, she received Kang Su’s message.

“Found it, always.”

A series of twenty index coordinates were sent, and Xu Sheng quickly determined the location and rushed to the place marked by Kang Su.

He almost used his maximum speed, and only met Kang Su in a little over three months.

At this time, Kang Su was still the same as before, she didn’t even start Minor World.

Kang Su’s credibility in his heart suddenly ascending several levels.

Such a person is more at ease in cooperation.

“Quick battle, I still remember waiting for Xu Xuedi’s second creature.”

There was something impatient in Kang Su’s words.

Although the core was agreed to give Xu Sheng first, the resources plundered during the battle were own. Even without the core, the world alone would be a great asset for Kang Su.

[Record]: You are forcibly connecting to other worlds

Information appeared on Xu Sheng’s Sage interface in due course.

The anomalous creature that appeared in front of Xu Sheng at this time was a powerful being in the shape of a longicorn, with eleven light spots in its shape.

There are five worlds on his single horn, and you can imagine how much pressure he will face at that time.

When selecting a surprise attack on the human side, one world can be wiped out, but if the back is clicked, it is also possible to be attacked by several opposing worlds at the same time, so that if you are not careful, you may overturn the ship in the gutter.

Of course, it was Xu Sheng and Kang Su now, especially Kang Su’s own strength was higher than this abnormal life, and it was impossible for any problems to arise.

“Leave it to me with the unicorn. Come on the other parts.”

Kang Su did not choose to hide behind because the first core was given to Xu Sheng, and took the initiative to take the troublesome world.

Xu Sheng’s affection for her has increased a bit. As an abnormal life with more than 80% strength, there is a high probability that there will be a combined-level life in his unicorn world. This is something the Huntuo people in their hearts cannot deal with.

Of course, it can also be understood that Kang Su is to obtain more resources, but from this period of world contact, Xu Sheng has been able to affirm that Kang Su is not such a person.

The two people connected to Minor World almost at the same time.

Because the chosen world is different, it is naturally impossible to see the whole situation of each other’s people.

It’s just that Kang Su still gave a sigh. She glanced casually just now, and she seemed to find that Xu Sheng’s people were somewhat abnormal in strength.

Is this really a subject that can be owned by 73% of the law comprehension?

Questions emerged in her mind.

Especially she feels that Xu Sheng’s strength is so fast, and the total time he has experienced is not too much. The strength of his people should not be able to keep up with his own strength. How could this state be present now?

With this thought in mind, she couldn’t help but look twice more, and this time, the more she looked, the more surprised she became.

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