Global Sage Era

Chapter 504

Chapter 500 Principles of comprehension, 80%!

Xu Sheng, who was moving forward, suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Kang Su, who was next to him, asked with some curiosity after seeing it, “What good has happened?”

“A citizen made a breakthrough just now.” Xu Sheng thought about it for a moment, and it was not something that could not be said.

“Congratulations then.”

Kang Su knows that the breakthrough that Xu Sheng cares about must be the breakthrough of some important person. Considering Xu Sheng’s current strength, it may be an extremely important level change.

A veteran like Kang Su has a strong understanding of information. As long as there is a little information, a lot of things can be calculated. If Xu Sheng said more things, she would be able to know a little bit about Xu Sheng’s current people. Condition.

Of course, Xu Sheng also generally understands that they have this ability, and will not say some key information.

In a blink of an eye, twenty-seven years have passed, and Xu Sheng took Kang Su to the location where the alien creature was found.

His current strength is Ascension, and his speed is much faster than before, so he is faster than he expected, but the search time should be several years, and the total is still 30 to 40 years.

“It’s the same as before, you and I are looking for it separately.”


Kang Su is now also waiting for Xu Sheng to help. Solving an alien creature made her feel the other side’s difficulty. If she drags it behind her, her loss will be even greater. It is best to make a quick fight.

After the two separated, Xu Sheng did not deliberately grind foreign work. For him, such behavior is just a waste of time. If he finds the alien creature as soon as possible, he can quickly resolve it with Kang Su. Whether to continue cooperating or to part ways will do, anyway. Make use of every minute and every second.

About five years later, Xu Sheng suddenly felt a vague idea. With a move in his heart, he went there, and soon he saw the alien creature like a slug in the distance.

The strength of this alien creature was slightly stronger than that of the previous one. It was over 81% of the strength level, and it was very close to the current Kang Su.

In the previous battle, Xu Sheng also saw clearly where Kang Su’s strength was. She was not absolutely safe to face such a life. If she confronted one person, she might also be in danger.

“With me, come here quickly.”

Xu Sheng didn’t act rashly. If he shot directly now, then the opponent might forcibly connect several worlds to own.

Alien creatures like this have a strong ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They will focus on defense when encountering a strong opponent, but once they encounter a target that is not as strong as their own, they will show the most brutal side.

Xu Sheng had been chased on the road before. The alien creature’s level was equivalent to 90%. He didn’t even have the ability to resist at all. After encountering it, he could only flee.

This time the two were not far apart, so it only took four years for Kang Su to come over.

At this time, when she saw the alien creature, her heart was completely let go. Now as long as she can kill it, the cooperation with Xu Sheng this time will be considered a success.

It only took less than two hundred years to find one, and it didn’t take much risk, which was much better than she was aimlessly looking for the next target.

“Do it.”

Without too much delay, Kang Su directly chose the opponent’s most powerful world to attack.

The slug is different from the alien creatures it has encountered before. It does not have any special strengths on its body, nor does it have any weaknesses. The twelve worlds in its body are of even intensity.

On the surface, I don’t know at all which worlds exist at the combined level, or which worlds have them.

Xu Sheng chose the one with the lowest luminosity for the sake of insurance. Generally speaking, the strength of the world is positively related to the light they emit.

After entering this world, there were no accidents. The most powerful creature in it was nothing more than Mingzhao’s consummation level. With Kuangyuan’s current strength to advance to the Martial King late stage, solving it is not a problem at all.

Thanks to Xu Sheng’s strength of Ascension, this time the process of annihilation was smoother than the last one.

At the same time, because Xu Sheng chose the world to attack from the weak to the strong, he got six of the last twelve worlds, which was the same as the number of worlds that Kang Su wiped out.

This is different from the previous time. After Kang Su’s complexion changed several times, he still accepted the result-if this continues, it seems that his senior sister’s face is not guaranteed.

After both of them have benefited, their trust levels have been different from before.

Now it is confirmed that the other party is not the kind of treacherous person, and can consider continuing to cooperate.

Xu Sheng communicated with Kang Su for a long time, and finally decided to continue to maintain this team style.

Kang Su persuaded Own for a simple reason. If a ‘weak’ like her does not form a team, he will only be pushed farther and farther away by others.

Xu Sheng and Kang Su are still temporary teammates.

The cooperation time is tentatively scheduled for the next few hunts.

Xu Sheng gets more benefits. After all, his law comprehension is lower and he absorbs the same core. His Ascension is bigger than Han Su.

However, the latter is not very concerned about this aspect now, and the top priority now is to quickly hit the half-sacred.

After entering the semi-sage, it is considered to have the basic self-protection ability, and the status in the school will be higher.

In the past few months, she felt a sense of anxiety in her heart every time she saw those of her peers become semi-sages.

Kang Su’s strength has always been stable, and her grade ranking hasn’t changed much. She has been in the current ranking since she first entered the school.

She was lucky enough to be able to enter the secret realm given by the gods. She could not be ranked first, but it happened that there was a top team member who got the adventure. A team of five people became semi-sages one after another, and the place was vacated. .

If these five people hadn’t had this adventure at the time, they would have won five places according to their strength, and her ranking was 96… just so she would be excluded.

This incident also made Kang Su feel the tragic lack of strength, and he also felt a sense of urgency.

She didn’t want to be discharged because of lack of strength when there were similar opportunities in the future.

Whenever she thinks of something like this, she will inevitably envy Xu Sheng who is next to her. In her thoughts, with Xu Sheng’s aptitude, she is sure that all top resources can be enjoyed. The secret realm given by God that he could not use is now also available. The rupture let him in.

In the history of the establishment of Qianjing University for more than 100 years, it is the first time for a top genius like Xu Sheng to enter the secret realm.

If you change to someone who is psychologically unbalanced, you may have some hostility towards Xu Sheng at this time, but Kang Su is not that kind of person, so although she is envious in her heart, she herself does not have the slightest hostility towards Xu Sheng.

All in all, she is sincere and sincere in this cooperation.

The temporary team of the two continues to exist, and it is natural to move forward together, but instead of staying together, one person is responsible for one side in a fan-shaped area, moving forward, so that the area can be searched to the greatest extent, and it can also be found when alien creatures are found. Quickly notify the other party.

One hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years…

Time flies too fast for them, and three hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In these three hundred years, the luck of the two seemed to have fallen to the bottom, and only one suitable alien creature was found from beginning to end, with a strength of about 80%.

For 80% level alien creatures, if the combined level of life in its world is removed, the current Huntuo human race can completely resolve it.

There was also Kang Su’s help. It only took 30 years to solve the problem from start to finish. Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law was ascension again, and it was not far from 76%.

The way the two people allocate cores is the same as before. First let Xu Sheng get one, and then give the next one to Kang Su, and repeat.

As for the gap between the cores, it depends on personal luck.

The cooperation with Kang Su made Xu Sheng very at ease. In this heaven-sent secret realm, it was indeed his own luck to be the first to meet her.

Another two hundred years have passed.

The two finally met another life of the opposite sex. This time, the Ascension made Kang Suo’s understanding of the law close to 83%.

Originally, her law comprehension was over 82%, and the two did not add up to one percentage point of her Ascension, which is very slow compared to Xu Sheng, who has already had three points of Ascension, but there is no way, who makes her own strength better These alien creatures are strong, but Xu Cheng’s own law comprehension is far different.

In the second five hundred years, the luck of the two seemed a little better. Three creatures of the opposite sex were found, all in the range of 80% to 82%. Xu Sheng obtained two cores according to the agreement, and after absorption, the Ascension gained 1.57%. The comprehension of the law, the current comprehension of the law has reached 77.62%.

Obviously, the speed of his Ascension has also slowed down.

Because Han Su only got one core, Ascension was only 0.3%, which was quite pitiful.

It’s just that in the thousandth year, she obtained an 83% level core, which was the most powerful alien creature hunted by the two, making her law comprehension directly reach 84%.

Time continues to pass. When the two have worked together for two thousand years, Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law has reached 79.52%!

In the 2234th year, Xu Sheng gained a core again, and his level once again stepped up to 80%!

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