Global Sage Era

Chapter 521

Chapter 517: Evaluation

Nan Qingtian’s figure appeared nearby.

The moment he appeared, the expression of the person who was still sneer on his face suddenly stiffened.

Nanqingtian is very famous.

In addition to his own strength, the more important thing is that he likes to persuade him.

Once there were conflicts and there might be fighting, he would stop it with words.

The weird thing is that he is clearly ranked only about a thousand, and every time he persuades those in the top hundreds or dozens of people to sell him a Face.

For this reason, many people have secretly guessed whether he pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger-on the surface, he is an ordinary 1,000, but secretly he has the strength of the top dozens.

All those who have observed Nan Qingtian finally came to a unified conclusion: Nan Qingtian did not pretend, and the strength he showed was indeed all he had.

The real reason for this is only known to Nan Qingtian and those who were persuaded by him.

People who are familiar with Nanqingtian know that he is a very sociable person. He seems to have the ability to naturally close the distance with others. No matter how indifferent the personality is, after hearing a few words from him, Even if you don’t agree, it won’t produce disgusting thoughts.

This is also the reason why Nan Qingtian and King Xing went directly with him after they met before.

It is said that the strength of the two is similar, and they should be the biggest opponents to each other, but King Xing did not show hostility to Nan Qingtian from start to finish, and Nan Qingtian was also very familiar with Wang Xing discussing various things. Things, including the discussion about Xu Sheng.

In fact, King Xing didn’t have much communication with Nanqingtian before entering the secret realm. Both of them have their own teams. Except for occasionally meeting each other when handing over tasks in the mission building, they can hardly meet each other when outside the domain.

The only time the two teams interacted is when the two teams received the same task. They were competitors. Under normal circumstances, the last two teams would definitely have grievances, but because of the existence of Nanqingtian, the two teams can almost be said to be very harmonious when completing this task. .

So when Nan Qingtian appeared here, this person didn’t feel anything.

Kang Su had also heard of Nan Qingtian’s reputation, and felt that the latter was simply trying to persuade him.

With South Qingtian, it is definitely impossible to fight. According to the strength gap between the two, even if they are tied together, they can’t beat Nanqingtian, which means that even if the two of them continue to persuade them to fight, Nanqingtian can forcefully fight. The battle will be interrupted.

For Kang Su, although he was not afraid of fighting with the opponent, it was a good thing to be able to avoid it.

But the other party didn’t think so. He thought of a mere person at the bottom of the rankings, once he was not able to catch the fight, so even though he dared not do it because of Nan Qingtian’s prevention, the ridicule on his lips still continued. A cold snorted: “For your luck, if it weren’t for South Qingtian, I would have broken your Minor World.”

Kang Suliu raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: “Just you? I won’t look in the mirror either.”

The two began to quarrel again.

Nan Qingtian squinted and watched, as long as there is no fight from above, there will be no loss in the verbal battle.

He wanted to keep this situation right now. He didn’t want to let the two of them know that he had rushed over here to help Kang Su out of the siege.

Nan Qingtian’s evaluation of the strength of the two is objective. He can feel that Kang Su’s strength has a lot of Ascension, but it is still a little worse if he wants to beat the opponent. If he really fights, he will suffer a high probability in the end. It’s Kang Su.

Originally, he was not close, and he had something on hand, but when he noticed that one of them was Kang Su, he thought about it and decided to come over.

He has such a relationship with Xu Sheng, and Kang Su is Xu Sheng’s previous teammate, so there is always no bad thing to help.

Besides, I have always wanted to talk to Xu Sheng for a while, and there has been no good excuse. Now Kang Su’s appearance is undoubtedly an excellent breakthrough. It will not be noticed by others about his relationship with Huang Xuanlang, and he can talk with him in an upright manner. Xu Sheng caught up.

Although the relationship between Nan Qingtian and Huang Xuanlang’s cousins ​​is not impossible to let others know, the less people know, the better.

As for the previous initiative to disclose to King Xing, it is entirely because the latter’s character is extremely distinctive. When facing ordinary people, even if he stays together for hundreds of years, he can’t say a few words, and he basically doesn’t do anything about people behind his back.

In the whole junior year, King Xing is a very optimistic person. He knows that King Xing’s qualifications are not good, but he believes that after this time given the secret realm, he will definitely shine more lightly, even if it is. In the next more than a year, he will not be able to enter the first echelon, but in the longer days in the future, he is also likely to come from behind.

This feeling is not supported by facts, it is purely his intuition, but his intuition has always been correct at a very high rate. Even Sages say this is a kind of talent, and it can be believed in some cases.

After all, the man was unwilling to leave. Before he left, he gave Kang Su a fierce look, as if he was casting his eyes and saying that if Nan Qingtian was not here this time, she would definitely let her know what misery was.

Kang Su turned a blind eye to it.

But after the person left, she still expressed her gratitude to Nan Qingtian.

“Hahaha, it’s just a matter of effort, but it’s just a bit of lip service, no loss, no need to thank me.” Nan Qingtian waved his hand in a very natural state.

Nan Qingtian is good at sociability, which also means that his city is very deep. If it is better, it means his mind is active, and if it is bad, it means his mind is gloomy.

So at this moment, although he was thinking of all kinds of thoughts of communicating with Kang Su, what appeared on the surface was the appearance that happened to be encountered.

As for Kang Su’s understanding, he was simply staying on the information on paper. In all respects, he was a very mediocre person. If it weren’t for Xu Sheng’s existence, there would never be any intersection between the two parties, but Now because of the bond of Xu Sheng, the two are standing together and walking side by side.

After some contact, Nan Qingtian roughly figured out Kang Su’s personality…well, very straightforward, not caring, if he is a friend, he is a very good object.

But also because of the straightforward character, sometimes speaking will be harsher and make people feel uncomfortable.

There are actually quite a few people with such a personality in the entire human race, but if the scope is reduced to Ganjing University…heh, it can be said to be a rare species.

It’s not easy to say that the students in Qianjing University, no matter what they appear to be, they are not pure people without exception.

It is difficult for a simple person to stand out in the fierce competition outside.

It’s not that it’s difficult for a pure person to become a dragon or a phoenix among people, but it’s really harder for such a person compared to a sensitive person.

“That said, it turned out that your encounter with Xu Sheng was such a coincidence?”

After an ‘inadvertent’ questioning, Nan Qingtian quickly learned from Kang Su the process of her acquaintance with Xu Sheng.

From the perspective of Kang Su’s prosperity, Xu Sheng is so… approachable?

Although his strength at that time was not as good as Kang Su, the qualifications of both parties were not on the same level after all. He asked himself if he was Xu Sheng, it would be impossible to see Kang Su at all.

According to normal circumstances, let alone Kang Su, even people like himself and King Xing shouldn’t be taken by him.

After all, even if they seem to be stronger than Xu Sheng at the moment, they only occupy the time advantage. They are not the first echelon in the current grade, let alone Xu Sheng who can completely crush his peers. Enchanting.

The existence of Xu Sheng really puts tremendous pressure on all those who are aspiring to the first position.

That kind of oppressive feeling, he had actually felt it for a while during the assessment of the God-given Treasure.

At that time, he was entangled in whether to continue the assessment or use his belongings to forcibly escape, but he did not expect that the god-given treasure would directly repel him, which saved him from hesitating.

“He is indeed a nice person.”

Thinking of Xu Sheng, the expression on Kang Su’s face couldn’t help softening. If she had always shown a masculine toughness before, then she now has the feminine beauty of being a woman.

The appearance of Xu Sheng has indeed subverted Kang Su’s imagination of those top talents.

Her imagination about genius has also changed many times.

Before going to university, the image of genius in her heart was herself.

Since she was young, no one around her can surpass her, she is the best.

The first time she was hit was when she was used to the first place in the college entrance examination, and finally only got the third position in the college entrance examination.

This third made her spend most of her summer vacation in silence.

After arriving at Qianjing University, she saw more geniuses. At this time, she suddenly discovered that even a provincial champion seemed nothing.

There are too many champions, especially too many people. Even if she tries her best to Ascension, the gap between herself and those in front of her is still growing.

She was once lost, wondering if there are so many people in front, can she really achieve the goal in her mind?

When she was young, she had looked up at the five invisible big suns in the sky.

She heard from her parents that that was the location of the five most holy ones.

The young mind has since been planted with a seed, and all the efforts have been made to accomplish this goal.

But as more and more people and things came into contact, she found that she might never achieve her goal.

Goals…always are goals.

Everyone has their own goals, and only a few people are destined to complete their goals in the end.

Kang Su’s words are undoubtedly the most convincing if Nan Qingtian is thoughtful.

Of course, for him, he couldn’t be more happy to hear such words. Xu Sheng was so friendly, he began to look forward to the first contact in the future.

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