Global Sage Era

Chapter 525

Chapter 521

Close to 91% of the law’s comprehension, now most of the alien creatures Xu Sheng encountered along the way are within his abilities.

And because of his high strength, he would no longer look down upon those below 80% level. After all, it would take time to rush over, and he might be able to find more prey with the skill.

Of course, Xu Sheng can’t deal with creatures of the opposite sex at the same level. He can suppress his consciousness in terms of consciousness, but the strength of his subjects is completely insufficient. Even if he uses his origin to support, it is not enough to smooth the gap, so he still follows 87% of this level came to find.

The result of this is that the process is relatively easy. He was able to turn the away game into the home game. After entering those worlds, the Huntuo race was surprised to find that not only did not have any unaccustomedness, but also felt some habitual feelings.

This makes them very happy when they are puzzled.

Invisibly, the loss of the Huntuo race was much smaller.

A thousand years passed quickly. During this time, Xu Sheng did not meet anyone else, but he saw some traces left by other people. For example, the limbs of certain heterosexual beings were incomplete, which was obviously an encounter. After the attack, he avoided.

After all, Xu Sheng was 1,500 years behind others. Forty-one people moved separately, and there were people walking in almost every direction. He is now following other people’s buttocks.

After he discovered this, he also deliberately shifted his direction. Until recently, he has basically seen no similar traces, which proves that he is heading in a direction that no one else has set foot in.

Thousands of years have made the strength of the Huntuo race a lot more Ascension, roughly equivalent to 88% of the level, and a point of Ascension in a thousand years is full compared to before, but compared to his current strength. , It is quite satisfactory to him.

Most of the 1% strength Ascension comes from the bottom Practitioner and cultivator’s Ascension. As for the upper layer, especially the top layer, there are very few Ascension. The road to the middle stage is more difficult than they thought.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that Su Rong…Martial Ancestor, who was persecuted and delusional who ate treasures when he was young.

Since his cultivation, he has only become a Martial Ancestor at this age in just six or seven thousand years, and he is already the fastest one.

Thinking about the poor qualifications at the beginning, it is incredible to be able to go to this stage.

But what is even more incredible is because of his character. Although the original Wannian Zhu Guo made him heaven-defying to change his life, its more functions only appeared in the early stage. After he became the Martial King, its effect was already Not as good as before.

But he has come to the present step by step, and his speed is far surpassing everyone. Being in a small country, Ascension’s speed is faster than Dahuang’s top genius. When he arrives at the late stage, this result is due to his personality. !

Because of his own prudence, he can always avoid danger. The so-called dead genius is not a genius. His ability to get to this step also fully confirms the name of own genius.

Even more because he was born in a small country, he was worshipped as a myth by the youth of those small countries around him, which won him endless applause.

“I didn’t expect this to work.”

After Xu Sheng gradually discovered his situation, he couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile. In his imagination, this personality might become a barrier to his future progress, but he did not expect to help him grow.

Now in the entire Huntuo race, there are nine people who are most concerned by Xu Sheng.

Except for the seven people such as Yin and Kuang Yuan, who have been trained since a very early time, it is gradually proved that Own Beast Tamer Huang is also the fourth Martial Venerate. He is so powerful that he is almost not inferior to Xuan Yi and Xuan.

The ninth person is Su Rong, and he is also a person with great luck. Although Xu Sheng is no longer based on air luck, air luck is also a bonus.

So far, except for Su Rong, the other eight people are Martial Venerate and the cultivator of the combined period. They stand at the top of the Huntuo tribe and are also the force that Xu Sheng relied on most during the foreign conquest.

Although Su Rong’s strength is still a bit weaker, given him a few more thousand years, there is no big problem in catching up with the first eight people.

The nine people have different backgrounds, different fortunes, and different growth paths.

Everyone represents the possibility of becoming a strong one.

It can be said that everyone’s experience is a legend and can become the protagonist of a novel.

The worlds in the universe also have mutual influence. When their strength is strong to a certain extent, their deeds will be perceived by people in other worlds, and they will become the carrier of a certain kind of story to pass on in that world.

On the contrary, people like them are too high-level, and the information is beginning to gather, and it is difficult to spread outside.

This is also a spontaneous protection. After all, even the slightest amount of information may be traced to the source by other powerful people and find a way to target it.

“Who are you and why are you blocking my way?”

Above the clouds, Su Rong, who was disguised as Martial King, looked at the slim woman in front of him somewhat puzzled.

The figure is exquisite, and the appearance is even more peerless, and the Cultivation Base has also reached the extremely terrifying Martial Emperor Realm.

If you are seen by well-informed people, you will definitely be shocked, this turned out to be the legendary Tianyao Sacred Land Holy Maiden!

The so-called Holy Maiden is that apart from the Lord of Sacred Land, the most powerful person in Sacred Land is selected by the inheritance of Sacred Land, and even the Holy Lord must be respected for three points.

This generation of Tian Yao Holy Maiden is even more terrifying!

His strength not only surpassed the past dynasties, but also surpassed being the Holy Lord. He is already the first person in Tianyao Sacred Land!

Sacred Land is actually an alternative school, but because Sacred Land’s strength is too strong, all talents are separated from each other.

Its name originates from the Sacred Land in the minds of martial artists, and its status is unattainable-but only limited to the King of Dahuang.

In Dahuang, there is no Sacred Land. One of the rules of Sacred Land is to have absolute rights, and the disposition of one’s own family is above the emperor’s power. This is impossible for Dahuang to allow.

So Sacred Land only exists outside of Dahuang.

Most of its predecessors were clans from Dahuang. Because these clans once had a certain power in Dahuang, all of them are considered powerful when they reach the outside world.

The Cultivation Technique they cultivated is actually just ordinary stuff in Dahuang, but when it comes to the outside world, it becomes a holy technique, which makes countless people rush to it and want to see it in dreams.

The most fundamental reason for this phenomenon is that the inheritance of those small countries is even worse, most of which are Dahuang’s incompetent Cultivation Technique, or are created by the people behind.

And what are Dahuang’s top Cultivation Techniques?

Those are the top Cultivation Technique handed down by Xu Sheng! In the entire infinite world, Cultivation Technique is at the highest point!

This kind of Cultivation Technique, let alone the current Huntuo tribe, even Xu Sheng himself could not create it!

That’s why Da Huang’s strength has always been absolutely suppressed, and the genius has always been the most powerful!

Among them, Su Rong can be said to be the only anomaly in 20,000 years. He is the only one who has not worshipped Dahuang’s Sect, but he has been able to get to where he is today!

The Cultivation Technique in Dahuang is extremely powerful, even those Sacred Lands are just ordinary Cultivation Techniques, but after so many years, there will always be some accidental circumstances, or the unexpected fall of the peerless Cultivation Technique, or the inheritance waiting for fate. People, or there is Immortal Cave…

It was through these methods that Su Rong obtained a powerful Cultivation Technique.

In most cases, he did not deliberately search for it. It was only obtained by accidental coincidence. Afterwards, he himself was puzzled. How well he broke into other people’s Immortal Cave, and Immortal Cave happened to have a peerless cultivation. Cultivation Technique?

He wants to find the answer, but he doesn’t bother to look for it if he has too many times. Anyway, as long as the Cultivation Technique is right, what else does it do?

Strength is the last word!

This time, he also chose to transfer his position after accidentally acquiring a Cultivation Technique in order to ensure safety.

But unexpectedly, just halfway down the road, a woman like this suddenly appeared.

Tianyao Holy Maiden said flatly: “If you take away the inheritance, it means that you will stay with me forever. This is fate.”


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