Global Sage Era

Chapter 534

Chapter 529: Rules

According to the experience of previous years, godsend treasures generally do not appear at the same time.

That is to say, only one god-given treasure will be born at the same time.

It seems that because of certain rules, even if a certain god-given treasure has appeared for a long time, as long as it has not recognized the Lord, the next god-given treasure will be in silence.

But it is not absolute. There will be two occasions at the same time, but the number of times is very small, and it will appear only once every few sessions.

So according to this law, the god-given treasure that appeared in front of you should be the second one.

Xu Sheng was able to encounter two godsend treasures in a row, which naturally showed that his luck was good.

Now he knows that own aptitude belongs to the top grade, and according to all the time… the point is that everything is equal to all things after opening, the air luck is also very good, so from this aspect The probability of getting this second gifted treasure is not low.

As for whether it will make the people around you dissatisfied-do you miss the opportunity because of the dissatisfaction of others?

According to the Ascension given by the source tower, if you can get another god-given treasure, even if you can’t directly push the law to the percentage, 97% and 98% are extremely simple.

At that time, he didn’t need to think about the law at all, he just had to focus on the strength of the Ascension people.

Or the strength of the subjects can be ignored, directly breakthrough to the semi-sacred Realm, and then in turn, ascension the strength of the subjects, which can also save a lot of time.

Of course, they are all wonderful ideas now, the assessment of secret realm has not yet appeared, and this time the godsend treasure has requirements for which aspect is still unknown.

The beam of light gradually disappeared and began to change.

When everyone saw this scene, the expressions on their faces became focused.

Especially Xu Sheng and other thirteen people who have seen the change of the godsend treasure know what this means.

The god-given treasure seems to be cooperating with the arrival of the human race. When all the people who are sure to come are around, it begins to prepare to reveal the secret realm of the assessment.

“Can you feel what this heavenly treasure is?”

Naturally, Xu Sheng himself didn’t have any options. The source tower was on himself, and the source tower, which was also a god-given treasure, might be able to sense something.

He had asked about it before on the road, but the consciousness of the Source Tower was too ignorant, it didn’t understand what it was asking.

But after arriving here, Xu Sheng could feel its consciousness become more active, just like seeing another child’s young child, with a sense of cheering and joy.

But to Xu Sheng’s disappointment, the Source Tower still failed to give any useful information. It was just an accidental emotion that let Xu Sheng know that the godsend treasures this time are not the kind that only value talent.

Or it can be said that the other party also values ​​talent, but it does not account for much. It values ​​other things more.

This is naturally not the best situation for Xu Sheng. According to what was shown in the Source Tower before, his current biggest advantage is his aptitude, and none of the others have such absolute advantages as aptitude.

Whether it’s the law comprehension, the strength of the people, or the actual combat ability, not to mention Zheng Guangming, there are still several people present who are better than himself.

Finally, the final change of the god-given treasure took place.


A sound of space being torn apart appeared, and someone could no longer hold it in!

Xu Sheng’s expression condensed slightly, and then he didn’t wait long before entering with the large group.

The situation is completely different from the secret realm assessment of the source tower.

When Xu Sheng’s eyes became bright again, he found that he was actually in a forest.

“I became an ordinary person?”

The semi-sacred level godsend treasures let them participate in the assessment as ordinary people, naturally, it couldn’t be easier, they can indeed do such a thing.

So Xu Sheng’s first reaction was that this assessment was based on personal combat power.

After all, even if the Minor World and the people cannot be sensed in the way of the ontology, the law ability can still be used.

But Xu Sheng soon determined that the assessment method was not like this.

What surprised him even more was that a voice suddenly appeared above, seeming to spread throughout the entire space.

“This trial does not look at personal qualifications or strength. Everyone’s strength is at the same level. You will unblock strength from the beginning, and the one who stays in the assessment space will eventually win.”

The consciousness of this treasure spirit is so clear!

The source tower is compared with it… the source tower cannot be compared with it at all!

Of course Xu Sheng understands that this does not mean that the source tower is weaker than it, the source tower itself is not low-level, and the characteristics mean that the spiritual intelligence is developed more slowly.

But this treasure is also quite amazing, such a clear mind shows that it can automatically choose its owner all the time.

Even if the rules it says are like this right now, once it has a certain tendency in its heart, it will eventually be able to exercise convenience, so that the people it values ​​can go more smoothly than others.

Xu Sheng’s mood became a little more dignified, such a clear intelligence is not a good thing to some extent, at least it is uncontrollable and higher for him.

Of course, he himself was not the only thing he had to do with this god-given treasure. The increase in strength brought by the rapid Ascension hadn’t been digested yet. Even if he was delayed here for several thousand years, it was just enough for the Huntuo human race to catch up.

According to the current strength of the Huntuo human race, at least within three to five thousand years, they can all be able to ascension their strength at a very high speed if they do not move.

As for the ontology, the law comprehension is fast enough before Ascension, and it’s not bad to stop.

Therefore, Xu Sheng who has such an idea can be said to be the easiest among all people.

In comparison, he knew that other people’s pressure was much heavier than his own. If nothing else, his being here alone was enough to make them feel stressed.

This is a clear understanding of own.

Even Zheng Guangming, who is ranked among the top three in strength in this heaven-sent secret realm, will inevitably have a haze in his heart when he sees own, and wants to influence himself with words.

But the other party did not expect that such abrupt behavior made him want to understand more things.

When Xu Sheng was thinking of Zheng Guangming, the Lord had just finished listening to the words of the spirit of the treasure at this time.

After his expression changed for a while, he finally appeared relaxed.

“As long as it’s not all talents, then Xu Sheng’s advantage is not that big.”

Zheng Guangming has already analyzed some key information from the words of the Treasure Spirit. For example, here, whose strength recovers the fastest is the most advantageous.

The original strength is naturally also a very important part. The upper limit of own is higher than others. This is the biggest advantage. Although it will definitely take more time than others, this is not a big impact.

The most unfavorable point for me right now is that I was targeted by a few people in the process.

He would not be arrogant to think that others would not target him. He had not paid too much attention to fame. He had felt that other people’s eyes on him were not very normal, and there was a certain guard inside.

This kind of precaution has always made him happier, because in his opinion, only the weak will not be noticed by others, and the strong are destined to receive more attention and more targeted.

“Go ahead first and see how the strength is unblocked.”

The Spirit of Treasure only talked about the most basic rules, but did not reveal any other information, such as this space is fully open and does not restrict everyone’s actions.

He probably knows that the spirit of the treasure may also be observing everyone by this, to see who is more related to own.

If it weren’t for the inability to communicate directly, he would want to tell Taring directly that everyone present, except Xu Sheng, was all rubbish, and none of them was strong.

Even if it is Xu Sheng, he is a freshman. How can own have rich experience? Choosing yourself is definitely the best answer.

To Zheng Guangming’s surprise, when he walked for almost half an hour, an artificial trail appeared in front of him.

After thinking for a while, he walked along the trail, and then was surprised to find that a small village appeared in front of him.

A small village in the forest.

There are only seven or eight households in the small village, and it seems that the life is very tight.

However, the front of each house has been reclaimed, planting vegetables and other things.

The meat of various beasts is also hung on the wall of the house.

The dried meat gave off a certain fragrance, which made Zheng Guangming’s throat move, and he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water.

Then he was stunned.

“Am I going to be hungry?”

Zheng Guangming was a little weird at first, and then he realized that his stomach was really hungry.

“This assessment space turned my body into this.”

Zheng Guangming’s face is not very good, he can clearly feel the flow of some laws now, but his own body has become an ordinary person’s state again.

The various phenomena at the moment indicate that the food problem must be solved first before he unblocks his own strength.

He looked at the smoked meat, and then at the young children and working women who were playing, his eyes became dangerous.

There was a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and he had already decided what to do.

But when he was just halfway there, one of the young children’s movements made his body stiff, and the expression on his face was also stagnant.


A young child who looked less than two or three years old threw a large rock on his body tens of meters high while playing. Then, before the big rock fell, he jumped tens of meters high and picked up the big rock. live.

The other children next to him also have all sorts of mysterious behaviors, which are definitely not the physical quality of ordinary people!

Zheng Guangming would definitely not care about this kind of strength before, but now he is not physically good enough for ordinary people, and it is estimated that the young boy can stab himself to death with a finger.

After he was silent for a while, he walked out of the trail generously, then smiled heartily, and said: “I’ve lost my way in the forest. I haven’t eaten for a few days. I wonder if I can borrow some food and water?”

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