Global Sage Era

Chapter 545

Chapter 540

Temporary cooperation has been reached.

With the combination of the top few people, 37 people of varying strengths formed an unstable alliance.

The name is also very straightforward: Ask Xu Alliance.

There is no bells and whistles, and the purpose is brightly displayed.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t understand any strategy, but that there is no need to dismiss it at the same time.

After all, this is just an assessment, and the 38 of them are only hostile in this assessment space. When they go out, they may cooperate after meeting.

Especially now that they regard Xu Sheng as a competitor, they must remove it first in their hearts, but after encountering them outside, they will never miss a chance to cooperate.

All the names of Xuxu Alliance spread among thirty-seven people, and the natives of this world didn’t understand their arrangement at all.

Although the current strength of the Qianjing students is only a negligible part of it, in the eyes of the intelligent life of this world, they are still like gods and demons, and even the ignorant races in remote places have worshiped them as gods. This kind of worship Although the power and low level are also very inefficient, if it can be accumulated for thousands of years, it can really give birth to a so-called god.

It is not excluded that there are similar existences in creatures that have become gods in this world.

According to the rumors in the kingdom of monsters, now is the age of divine hiding, the gods have fallen into a deep sleep for some reason, and they have no time to care about the changes in the lower realm.

According to the normal law of development, the gods will definitely be encountered. Maybe after the level reaches a certain limit, you will have to hunt these gods if you want to continue to upgrade.

In the eyes of everyone, the gods are nothing more than high-level monsters, and there is no difference between the ordinary monsters of these monster empires.

When the other 37 people reached a cooperation, Xu Sheng knew it almost immediately.

Twelve of the thirty-seven people are lords, and there are a large number of monster armies under them. The movements of these monster armies can’t be concealed. He can get a lot of information with just a little sweep with Spiritual Sense.

For this moment, he had already expected it.

As soon as he saw the appearance of the five-person team, he had already calculated various results.

If you lose yourself, you lose this assessment directly.

If he wins, other people will come together because of tremendous pressure and eliminate him first.

No matter what the result is, his side is absolutely bad.

This is the so-called wood show in the forest wind will destroy it.

Or maybe it was a shot.

Think about it in another way. If Xu Sheng meets a person who is far better than himself and progresses faster than himself in the assessment, unless he doesn’t want to win, it is inevitable to unite with others.

Just like when Sun and Liu joined forces against Cao during the Three Kingdoms period, the weak can only gather their forces together in order to fight the strong.

There are still eighteen princes asking for Dong. Of course, Xu Sheng is not Dong Zhuo. It is not the latter who has done all the bad things. Everyone will be punishable.

“It’s interesting to ask Xu Alliance…”

However, the more I feel that I am not Dong Zhuo, the more I hear what I don’t want to hear.

Xu Sheng laughed dumbfounded when he heard asking for the name Xu Lian.

In the end, he just laughed it off, and naturally he wouldn’t care about these things with his current experience.

The next thing he has to deal with is the 37-man alliance.

In terms of strength, he is naturally at an absolute disadvantage now, but it does not mean that he has no possibility of winning.

He also has a great advantage: he is alone and has no worries.

As long as he wanted to hide, the other thirty-seven people could only suffer from behind his ass, and it was almost impossible to be surrounded by them.

The reason why he didn’t choose to develop his power at that time was because he realized that the power is the help of own, and it will also become the bondage of own, just as if he has a power now, unless he leaves it alone, it will inevitably end up being constrained by the power.

His personal strength occupies the upper hand, others can’t help him, but those people under him can’t.

So in this respect, the most correct thing is to have no development power.

In the next few months, the twelve lords began to link their own forces together, and depending on what they meant, they had already established a posture of self-reliance.

The royal court of the monster kingdom naturally cannot tolerate such things. They sent a large army to suppress it, but the final result was a disastrous defeat. The ace army that they relied on was defeated in one fell swoop, and the front only persisted for less than a month before being beaten. Since then, the monster kingdom has fallen into chaos, and the king’s control over the entire country has been weakened again, and it can almost only manage a few cities around him.

Many ambitious people also took advantage of this opportunity to become independent, and dozens of countries appeared at once.

This situation is naturally also secretly promoted by Qianjing students. The remaining 25 people have played a great role in it. Their abilities are different. Some are strategists and help those who are ambitious. Always bewitching other people, let them overthrow everything in front of them; others set up sects, incarnate gods, spread doctrines and carry out wars.

To use a bad word to describe it, that is, the entire monster kingdom has been turned into a misty mist under the manipulation of the 37 people in the Xu alliance.

Most monsters can still have a stable life, but because of the arrival of the human race, their stable life is no longer.

When Xu Sheng saw the chaotic world everywhere, he couldn’t help thinking of the pictures he had seen before. The spirit of the treasure was naturally to his heart, but some of the pictures it showed were indeed real.

If there is a human country that has been disrupted by dozens of demons, he will definitely be extremely angry now.

Xu Sheng walked in the monster kingdom like this. He walked all the way, even if he passed by the monsters, no one could find him.

The strength gap is too large, unless he is directly encountered by other people, otherwise he can’t be discovered.

So this time the battle is still the struggle of the human race itself, even if the forces of the twelve will grow and grow?

Of course, if it weren’t for his existence, those who chose to fight for hegemony might get more missions because of the huge power, and the strength, Ascension, would have a bonus in terms of speed.

Their advantages will become bigger and bigger as they get later. Although people who are alone can keep up with the progress, they have to pay more attention to more aspects and will be slightly weaker.

But now that none of this exists, they are united, and if they want to go on, they can only eliminate Xu Sheng first.

Xu Sheng is also very simple here. If all 37 people are eliminated at once, he will finally win the assessment.

If it is fast, maybe this assessment will create a record of the ‘shortest time’, which can save a lot of time!

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