Global Sage Era

Chapter 555

Chapter 550

Among the fifty-four people, Xu Sheng was the ninth one to set off.

When he started climbing, the first person to set off was already tens of meters away.

The people behind him are also tens of meters behind him.

So just at this initial stage, the gap widened quickly.

It’s just that the tens of meters is not worth mentioning for the huge mountain in front of him. This mountain is too high to see the top, even with Xu Sheng’s current vision, it is impossible to estimate how high the mountain is in the first time.

So the current advantage of this departure is really very subtle.

No one speaks and communicates, everyone is looking for their own suitable rhythm, even in the beginning, many people want to establish an advantage.

Soon, when Xu Sheng traveled to the first kilometer, he heard the voice of despair.

All kinds of wonderful scenes appeared in front of him, which made people imagine.

“Just want to confuse me?”

Xu Sheng smiled slightly in his heart. These so-called desires are just a passing moment, and they can’t make him feel the slightest turmoil in his heart. It is not good to say that he has seen too many similar things in those information streams, and he has already transcended this. limit.

If he returns to his previous life, with his current Realm, I am afraid that he can really do the same thing as Liu Xiahui, not only him, but almost everyone who has reached a certain stage of strength will do the same.

“It seems that everyone will encounter a test at this stage. It is not known whether everyone encounters the same thing.”

Such tests that arouse people’s desires are generally based on individual circumstances, specifically from each person’s weakness.

But right now this is just the first layer that has just appeared, and it may still create some obstacles for ordinary people, but for Xu Sheng and others, it is useless at all.

Everyone’s footsteps were almost just a short pause before they stepped through this test, and everyone basically wasted no time for even a second.

If you look at it coherently, even everyone’s steps are continuous, and no one has the slightest hesitation.

Therefore, the gap between each person is still the same as when we started, and there is no gap yet.

This is also within everyone’s expectations. It is still far from the time to exert force, and it may be halfway before someone will gradually show their true strength.

Every kilometer in the back has a variety of tests about the state of mind. For Xu Sheng, these are too simple to be an obstacle, so he quickly came to the height of 10,000 meters.

At this time, he looked up again and found that the height of 10,000 meters was no different from the original flat ground, and the top of the mountain was still invisible.

“Is it up to a level, it should slow down a little bit now.”

At 11 thousand meters, the illusion that Xu Sheng encountered was the same as when he was in the first thousand meters, but now the difficulty has increased by dozens of times. It made him pause for a while, but in the end he just took it. It took more than a second to see through it, but in reality, his right leg was just hanging in the air for a little longer, just like slow motion, still not obvious.

From this moment, the gap can be seen slightly. The fast person only needs more than a second, while the slow person is close to two seconds. The gap is nearly doubled.

But this may also be because the individual is not used to such illusions, and later there may be illusions that he is good at.

When he reached the height of 20,000 meters, Xu Sheng’s ranking had reached seventh, and he directly surpassed the three at this height.

As for why it was not sixth but seventh… because the person who was originally ranked eleventh surpassed him and came to fifth.

This person can say that the force is extremely fast. Xu Sheng only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then realized that he had been overtaken. At that time, he was also a little surprised for a moment, because in his opinion, it was not because of the early exertion of force. Very wise.

It’s like when you run a kilometer, you use a sprint speed of 100 meters in the first two hundred meters, and you naturally lose strength when you get to the back.

The third 10,000 meters, the fourth 10,000 meters… all the way to the tenth 10,000 meters.

The ten illusions encountered were the same, but the level deepened.

The difficulty of each encounter also increased sharply. By the time of the tenth 10,000 meters, the time for Xu Sheng to spend an illusion had become several days.

The gap at this time was very obvious. He looked up and saw that there were only three people on it, leading him by 700 meters, 500 meters, and 300 meters respectively.

The people below him range from 300 meters to more than 20,000 meters.

The height of one hundred thousand meters is still very short for this mountain. Xu Sheng stood in this position and looked up…still couldn’t see the head.

“How high is this mountain?”

This is the thinking of many people. They thought that the top of this mountain would be hundreds of thousands of meters high, but now it seems that it may be dozens of times this number.

At the very least, the current estimate is less than one-tenth of a hundred thousand meters.

Now the requirements for the state of mind are not low. Everyone feels the pressure in the illusion. The fatal attraction is something they usually can’t feel in the flow of information.

Xu Sheng himself is pretty easy, but he can’t make his own speed too much at once-of course, if he wants to, he can indeed ascending to the first place now.

But it doesn’t make much sense to do so. Right now is his most comfortable rhythm. He is not going to break this rhythm, just to simply fight for the meaningless first place.

He knew that many people behind were targeting him, and at the same time he wondered why he was still in fourth place after so long.

Some people may still think that if he has been in this ranking for so long, it must be because he has not been as good as others.

For this kind of thinking… Xu Sheng felt that if this could make them happy, he himself didn’t care very much.

After the second one hundred thousand meters, Xu Sheng’s ranking is still third. Now he is ranked in front of a person who was not high in the previous ranking, and the first place is only thirteen. Among the people who came in this time Ranked fifth.

As for Nanqingtian…this guy doesn’t know what’s going on. He is currently ranked 37th.

This ranking can no longer be said to be bad, it can be described as terrible.

Even Xu Sheng inevitably thought of the rumors that Nan Qingtian was in school, wondering if this guy is too salty, so that his own training is not as good as others.

As we all know, the character of salted fish is easier to give up. Generally, people with very strong minds rarely do things like salted fish.

This actually is not to look down on salted fish, but that people of each personality have a state of mind that they want to correspond to, and there must be differences between people, there is no doubt about this.

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