Global Sage Era

Chapter 562

Chapter 557: Breaking Records Like Drinking Water

Ascension in the semi-holy stage and the subsequent quasi-holy stage is to continuously increase the number of laws to be understood.

But there is no fixed value, because every time someone feels that they have understood all the laws in the Great Way of Water, but soon someone proposes that they have realized a brand new law.

Therefore, there is no requirement in terms of the number of laws to be comprehended. As long as the method to condense the Dao seeds is finally found, and the Dao seeds are condensed and planted in the heart, you will enter the Quasi-Holy Realm.

Then use more rules to ‘water’ the Dao seeds until they become Dao Fruits, which is considered to have entered the Holy Realm.

The symbol of the Holy Land is to have a Tao fruit.

Dao Guo corresponds to a certain avenue, and there are differences between strengths and weaknesses, but that is related to the Ascension of the Holy Realm, so I won’t mention it for the time being.

“At this time, I knew I was me… oh no, I got on the stage.”

Feeling the mysteries of Half-Holy Realm, Xu Sheng jokes in his heart.

In the previous life, when I read those fairy-cultivation novels, when the protagonist or senior can break through, he would always say such a sentence. At that time, it felt very free and easy, but now he can really find the slightest sympathy.

The half-Saint Realm’s changes are naturally great, and he was able to see more mysteries in this universe.

But after all, among all Realms, this is still only the second Realm… even strictly speaking, it is only the first Realm. To become a semi-sage can only be said to have just crossed the threshold of the Holy Path. Everything is just a process of laying the foundation.

More comprehension has not had time to sense, because at this time Xu Sheng has already felt a strong repulsive force.

This is the power of the heaven-sent secret realm, which is entirely at the level of the holy realm. With his current semi-holy Realm, he can’t resist it at all. If he resists forcibly, there will be no good results.

So he didn’t confront him too much, complied with that force, and escaped from the secret realm bestowed by heaven.

At this moment, people in the secret realm don’t know that Xu Sheng, who was ‘heart-sent’ by them, has left. Without Xu Sheng’s existence, they can more or less relax when there is a god-given treasure.

Outside the secret realm, a small corner of the world.

The pitch-black void suddenly opened its mouth, spitting out a figure.

This is a human semi-sage. It seems that the breath on his body should have been breakthrough soon, but what is surprising is that his foundation is extremely solid, and he does not seem to be breakthrough at all.

“It’s here…”

Xu Sheng’s various sense organs adjusted quickly, and he understood where he was in the blink of an eye.

Before he could move, a familiar aura fluctuation appeared in front of him.

With his eyes widened slightly, Xu Sheng looked at the teacher who suddenly appeared in front of him with some inconceivability, and subconsciously said: “Teacher, why are you here?”

In ancient times, Yi chuckled and said, “I’ve always been here.”

Xu Sheng quickly realized that what appeared in front of him was just a breath projection, but leaving a projection here has already shown a lot of things, and he was very moved.

Although there is not much communication with the teacher, he really cares about own.

Others certainly don’t have his treatment. A true saint spends his heart and energy waiting outside.

He knew that the teacher had left a projection behind because he was worried about something wrong with him, otherwise, as usual, it should be just a Sage guarding around, just in case something happens.

Although the secret realm given by the gods is still a relatively important secret realm for Qianjing University, it is not the top one after all, and the aliens will not look at this place, so there is almost no threat from outside attacks, more worrying. There is a problem with the godsend secret realm itself. After all, the state of existence of this secret realm is not stable. There are so many godsend treasures in it, and there are often conflicts.

“The speed is a little faster than I thought…Three heavenly treasures, no wonder.”

Although Gu Shiyi was only a projection, he still knew Xu Sheng’s situation after a little sweep.

This is the power of the true saint… After Xu Sheng entered the semi-saint Realm, he became more in awe of the true saint level. It can be said that the stronger the strength, the more he can feel the horror of this Realm.

I’m afraid he will have more ideas after he arrives at the High Sage Realm. Although his current strength is weak, he will occasionally be like some creatures of the Real Sage Realm after they leapfrogged and kill them. The high sage level…maybe you don’t even have such an idea.

After all, when you arrive at the True Saint Realm, you will have feelings for creatures that have thoughts that are unfavorable to you, but some of the feelings are too weak to be ignored by them, and once you reach the holy realm level, especially the high holy level, it is enough to make them pay attention.

“Yes, I snatched three pieces from others.” Xu Sheng said jokingly: “I also broke the record by the way.”

“Is there only two records at the highest? If you really want to count, the records you broke this time can be counted. For example, you are the fastest secret realm bestowed by heaven, and you are the youngest semi-sage in human history. …” Gu Shiyi still has a smile on his face, it seems that his projection is more cheerful than his body.

There is nothing strange about Xu Sheng. He has read the relevant records of the secret realm, and now he has less than ten Nine Heavens, which is indeed the fastest.

And the youngest half-holy in human history is also expected, after all, it was not easy to step on the holy path before, and there has been no freshman half-holy in the history of Qianjing.

Qianjing is the highest level of the human race, even Kunhai, it is at best among the peers.

It’s just that Xu Sheng didn’t care about such false names before, so he didn’t pay attention.

“Now that you have become a semi-sage, the content of the next experience should also change. Of course, if you choose to keep it as it is, you can still go to the endless return to the ruins.”

After Huang Xuanlang became the first sage, he was still still cultivating in the endless ruins, so Xu Sheng only became a half saint, and he could still get Ascension in the endless ruins.

According to Xu Sheng’s current progress, there is actually no need to strain his nerves all the time. It is best to slow down and fix it for a period of time.

“I haven’t considered the specifics… The current idea is to go back to Earth and rest for a few days.” Xu Sheng told the truth about his thoughts.

He naturally had various considerations before breakthrough, and the arrangements were very good, but after he became a semi-sage, he knew that the previous arrangements were useless, and his higher vision made him negate the previous plan in the first place.

“Well, you have been in the secret realm bestowed by heaven for more than half a month. You should indeed stay at ease on the earth for a few days… Come with me.” Gu Shiyi led the way after speaking.

Xu Sheng obediently followed behind.

Not long after, Xu Sheng saw a spaceship quietly parked, and it seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

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