Global Sage Era

Chapter 566

Chapter 561 Don’t accept you, also find a dao companion

The two walked around the campus holding hands.

Time seemed to be accelerated, and the sun fell to the west without knowing it.

The red sunset glow appeared on the horizon, like the reflection of mood.

“Chinese New Year this year… go to my house for Chinese New Year.”

The two of them didn’t know how they talked about the first month. Because Xu Sheng was alone, he joked that he could only be at home at that time, so Su Linrui said the above sentence.

If it is placed in the previous life, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is impossible to say this on the first day of determining the relationship, but in this world, the determination of the dao companion is much more cautious than the previous life.

And because of essential reasons, both sides have experienced enough things, even if they are only freshmen now, Xu Sheng and Su Linrui are already sufficiently certain that each other is suitable for own.

If you think about it from another angle, you will know that in her time concept, she has known Xu Sheng for thousands of years, while Xu Sheng has known her for tens of thousands of years.

For such a long time, only by firming up one’s own ideas can we persist.

Originally Xu Sheng came back this time and was not sure whether Su Linrui could still maintain her previous thoughts, but fortunately, she was still the same.


This year’s New Year was spent with the class teacher Xie Hong’s family. Although it was warm, there was still something behind.

And if it’s Su Linrui’s family… it’s naturally different.

Of course, Xu Sheng is still a little nervous when he thinks of meeting Su Linrui’s family, but it is still early, and he has plenty of time for psychological construction.

The dao companion relationship is also divided into two steps.

The first step is for both parties to reach a willingness. After all the running-in is completed, they can go to the official to register, and then the families on both sides can meet. The general process is similar to the previous life.

It’s just that there is no distinction between girlfriends and wives, and they are all called dao companions.

Once a dao companion is formed, the Minor Worlds of both parties are connected at all times, which means that each other knows the status of each other very well.

On Xu Sheng’s side, after forming a dao companion with Su Linrui, he can also help this through own resources.

But the amount of help is appropriate. Everyone understands the principles that Yimiao encourages. If you really want to cultivate people close to you, there are undoubtedly 10,000 ways for Sages.

The reason why it is in this current form is entirely because it is the best way to cultivate after countless trials and is determined by the Most Saints.

Another point is that even as a parent, you cannot completely determine the training of your own children, and you still have to train students in accordance with Human Race regulations.

Normally, the school’s resources are sufficient. As long as you prove your own ability, you will be trained in the school. Even if your parents are just ordinary people, they will not be too far behind the offspring of Sage.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Su Linrui also saw the whole picture of Xu Sheng Minor World for the first time.

Immediately is amazed.

“Your people are so strong, is this the first genius of the human race, and the strength of the youngest half-holy?” Su Linrui joked.

Xu Sheng smiled and said: “Then you are not bad, you are the first genius of the human race and the youngest half-holy dao companion.”

After speaking, both of them laughed loudly.

The consciousness of both parties is floating above the sea of ​​the world. Compared with Xu Sheng, Su Linrui is undoubtedly much weaker.

But Xu Sheng was still only slightly ahead, and given Su Linrui more than a year, she could catch up.

Ascension has been ranked step by step. She has done many things that students can’t do. Xu Sheng believes that she can continue to move forward and surpass more students in the No. 1 class.

According to Xu Sheng’s estimation, Su Linrui had a high chance of being promoted to the top pick class when she entered the sophomore year. At that time, they became classmates and spent more time together.

As for who will be proposed… Xu Sheng naturally hopes that it is Gong Ziwen, but he should not be able to achieve it. This guy has been performing well for the past half year, and his grades have also maintained mid-level, although there will be a drop in the selection of places. , But still considered the proud son of heaven.

Of course, Xu Sheng hadn’t dealt with him head-on for a long time, and he could feel that the latter was deliberately avoiding him, and he didn’t deliberately trouble him.

Even at the current level, all the things that used to be forgotten are almost the same, and I understand more what Sages have said before.

On the other hand, he found that because of the influence of own, the direction of people in the school gradually began to change. Even if they were still taking the holy path, they also began to shift toward humanity. According to this trend, they might become Sage. It’s time to change the route completely.

He is still happy to see such a result, and the humanity path has more attitudes towards the people than the holy path. What he remembers most now is that the students of the holy path don’t care about the performance of their people when they are selected.

“You two… are you sure about the relationship?”

The next day, when Xu Sheng and Su Linrui appeared holding hands, Xiao Feng immediately understood everything.

Immediately there was a gratifying smile on his face like an old father, as if to say: I have waited for so long, and finally waited for this day.

Xu Sheng immediately rolled his eyes, and Su Linrui giggled beside him.

The relationship between the three is the best. During Xu Sheng’s absence, Xiao Feng has also taken good care of Su Linrui.

After all, Xiao Feng is the first person under Xu Sheng, a freshman in the East Campus, and he still has a lot to beat Su Linrui in terms of strength, and because of the reason that he has only recently experienced it, a lot of his experience is very helpful to Su Linrui.

Of course, if it were not for Xu Sheng’s relationship, even if Xiao Feng admired Su Linrui, he would not share all these experiences.

He and Xu Sheng are friends of the same temperament, and there are still some conflicts with Su Linrui in some places. The most typical thing is some differences in the cultivation of the people.

Although Su Linrui will not fight hard on the surface, her attitude is very obvious in the secret. In short, she insists on her own idea. Your idea is correct, but mine is also correct.

“Anyway, congratulations.”

Xiao Feng blessed.

“Thanks.” “Thank you.”

Xu Sheng and Su Linrui said in unison.

“You two are properly show off in front of me.” Xiao Feng wailed deliberately, pretending to have received a crit.

Xu Sheng laughed loudly and said, “Why, if you don’t accept it, find a dao companion.”

Xiao Feng said angrily: “Who do you look down on, I’ll look for it now.”

Speaking of which, this is the first time Xu Sheng has gotten rid of being single since his two lives. For him, many changes have also taken place.

Especially Su Linrui and Xiao Feng, who are closest to him, can feel it.

Su Linrui just smiled and watched the good friends tease each other, anyway, it’s better, isn’t it?

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