Global Sage Era

Chapter 569

Chapter 564: The People Collective Closed Door Training

On May 12th, at 8 o’clock in the morning, Xu Sheng arrived at the transit secret realm and went outside.

There are many teams offering him olive branches, but in the end there is no one that fascinates him. Naturally, choosing teammates must be cautious. Either you don’t choose, or you can hand over your back to the opponent after you choose. Outsiders will also be aware of some of the changes in Minor World.

This time Xu Sheng chose not a secret realm, but just a location marked as a certain coordinate. This has his mission goal. Of course, the level here is already a semi-holy level. Although not all beings are at a semi-holy level, but Is always met.

The life of the semi-saint Realm is different from the god-given treasures. They generally have complete consciousness and can communicate, so they are also more hostile to the human race.

There are so many of them that even the human race can’t eliminate them all, so they are divided into areas and solved through tasks.

Qianjing University is responsible for only a small part. The biggest ones are all held by the military. The alien races they face are generally extremely hostile to the human race. They belong to the kind that cannot be reconciled. They must be killed when they encounter it.

The coordinates of this world consist of a total of three hundred and forty-two units. As long as there is a mistake in these three hundred and forty-two units, they will be very far apart, and maybe they will be sent somewhere inexplicable. , Even some places where the rules are incomplete, trapped there and unable to get out for a long time.

Since it is not a secret realm, there are very few human races in this place, and it is also easy to infiltrate the power of alien races.

It is naturally dangerous for Xu Sheng to come here by himself, but it is not too big. It is impossible for the Human Race to grasp Xu Sheng’s movements. Besides, there is also Sage’s consciousness patrolling here, and most of them can grasp the situation of the Human Race.

Xu Sheng also has a device for asking for help. If he encounters danger, he can immediately warn him, and Sage will come here as quickly as possible.

“The flow of time is roughly 1,300 years… Within the time limit of the mission, I should be able to fight for them to make a breakthrough.”

Xu Sheng sensed the flow of time here, and the final result was not much different from his psychological expectations, so he was relieved.

After becoming a semi-holy, his current endurance limit for time is 1,500 years.

Half-Saint Realm is the same in essence, so the gap between them is not big, they are all between one thousand and two thousand years.

And to the quasi-sage Realm, the highest possible Ascension to five thousand years.

As for Sage, it is the lowest that can withstand the flow of time for ten thousand years, and there is no ceiling.

The tasks Xu Sheng took were all with a deadline of eight to ten days, and the time converted to this was exactly in the order of ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years are enough time for Yin and Kuangyuan to make a breakthrough.

In fact, according to his estimation, in an ideal state, it would only take another two to three thousand years.

Now that he has the bonus of his own strength, Yin and others no longer have to press the life limit breakthrough. Recently, the strength of the Huntuo human race juniors has also increased significantly, passing the limit that should have been reached in the acceleration.

In Minor World, both Yin and Kuangyuan have already entered the final breakthrough.

Their breakthrough time is at least counted in thousands of years.

But thousands of years can no longer affect Dahuang and the cultivators. Now that the Realm is high enough, Dahuang is no longer an ordinary kingdom. Among them, the civil and military ministers have at least thousands of years of life, which is enough to maintain the jurisdiction of a place. A long time.

Of course, the long-term unchanging of the right figures will solidify the class, and in one aspect will intensify the appearance of exploitation, but when the water is clear, there will be no fish.

The situation is inevitable. The most typical one is Xianting. The notices of those fairy kings are endless years, and the solidification of that kind of rights is even more serious.

It would be better to say that the way of taking turns to hold power in Xianxia world has no soil.

After all, the speed of thinking between different Realms is completely different, and there is not a level of vision.

The lives of ordinary people are only a few hundred years, which is not worth mentioning compared to Yin et al.

Many high-level figures are in Closed Door Training cultivation, not only Yin and Kuangyuan, but also Yuhua, Qianmin and others have also entered the Closed Door Training state. They are now looking for a higher Realm, maybe some When the opportunity came, their breakthrough speed was faster than Yin and Kuangyuan.

The Transcends Tribulation period, as the name suggests, is to spend Heavenly Tribulation. This is the self-operation of the law, and Xu Sheng can’t stop it.

It is not that he cannot prevent the fall of Heavenly Tribulation, but that without the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, this Transcends Tribulation period is incomplete, and Realm that has a Transcends Tribulation period in time and space does not have the strength of the Transcends Tribulation period.

In comparison, Practitioner is much simpler here. Practitioner has nothing to say about Heavenly Tribulation. After all, it is only the cultivator that shouts for heaven-defying all the time. What the Practitioner pursues is only the strength of force. It uses methods to cultivator its own body. The cultivation is strong, so in the eyes of heaven and earth, it is the kind that can be accepted after all.

Xu Sheng walked on the ground and found that many people’s views on him had changed. It was not an ancestor, but a kind of belief to worship.

Time is really too long. Even Yin and others have become gods in the eyes of many people. They even built spiritual positions for them when they were completely invisible. This is somewhat similar to when Minor World was first opened, but Yin and others did not have the ability to absorb incense, nor did they directly overstep the ability of step-by-step cultivation to directly comprehend the law.

After Xu Sheng walked on the earth for three years, he opened up hundreds of world channels with various places, and these world channels all lead to one world.

He did not issue a heavenly order for the cultivator and Practitioner to gather their power to conquer, he just gave them such a channel to let them in according to their own wishes.

If there are those who can seize the opportunity, these channels will become the possibility of their rise. The world channel has a lot of resources and will become their foundation.

The consequence of not being able to seize the opportunity is that everyone will be left behind by those around them.

Just over a month later, someone discovered this world channel.

Since it has been more than five thousand years since the last time the world channel was opened, the current new generation of Huntuo tribes don’t know what is behind the world channel, or did the news reach those old antiques’ ears before letting them know. In fact, there was a great upheaval, and both cultivator and practicator rushed into these world channels madly.

With the discovery of more and more world channels, those who can’t hold back have already stepped forward.

Most of them have paid the lesson of blood, and there is always a price to pay for land reclamation, but some people have got the great good fortune and changed their destiny!

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