Global Sage Era

Chapter 571

Chapter 566

[Record]: One of your subjects is promoted to the Transcends Tribulation period

Messages on the Sage interface appear in due course.

“It’s finally breakthrough. If you delay it for a while, your strength may be worse.”

Yin has always been the most complete path to follow. The foundation of each Realm is also very solid. With various factors, he has unique strength, not to mention that his strength at the level of Transcends Tribulation is absolutely invincible. It’s not far off.

After all, the Huntuo tribe, which has been nurtured by his various resources, can hardly be compared to others, but there are only a few of them.

“It’s that Kuang Yuan’s lagging behind this time made me a little disappointed.” Xu Sheng looked at another position, where the atmosphere of Martial Dao became more concentrated, and Kuang Yuan was about to break through.

Since the Martial King, Kuangyuan’s breakthrough in every Realm is basically faster than Yin. This is the first time he has been overtaken in ten thousand years.

However, at their current age, the gap of this century is not a big deal.

Only ninety-two years after Yin’s breakthrough, Kuang Yuan also made a breakthrough.

[Record]: One of your subjects was promoted to Wu Xuan Realm

Yin and Kuangyuan made a breakthrough first, and in the next thousand years, Wang Fan, Yuyu and others all made breakthroughs one by one. All succeeded. The only difference is that there is a slight gap in the strength after the breakthrough.

It is no longer possible for these Xu Sheng’s key training objects to fail in the breakthrough. The Practitioner may fail and wait for another sprint later. The cultivator has no chance to come back because of Heavenly Tribulation, so the light will is stronger than the Practitioner. Many.

Don’t underestimate this will, it can become an extremely important factor in the breakthrough process.

The key training targets are breakthroughs in Wu Xuan and Transcends Tribulation. The weaker subjects also have breakthroughs, but their chances of failure in the breakthrough are very high. Even with Xu Sheng’s proper care, the Great Realm’s leap There is only a 30% chance.

If placed in the general world, the probability of breakthrough is generally in the single digits, and many people would not choose breakthrough at all if the limit is not approaching.

It is the first time after becoming a semi-sage to enter an extraterritorial battlefield. Xu Sheng’s idea is to roughly increase the strength of the Huntuo tribe. Ten thousand years have passed. By then, even if the average level of the semi-sage cannot be reached, it can be crushed and returned. Unsanctified people.

Soon Xu Sheng stayed here for five thousand years. At this time, the task was completed again. Although the progress was slow, the remaining time was enough to complete all the tasks.

Yin and Kuangyuan naturally appeared again after the breakthrough, but they spent more of their time traveling in the void.

Many of the worlds Xu Sheng chooses now have a large number of different spaces or low latitudes, and Yin and Kuangyuan have been able to walk through the void storm at will.

Thousands of years have left them legends in many worlds, and even many races worship them as gods.

The power of countless beliefs gathered to their side and made them feel.

“Such the power of Impurities…” Yin shook his head. He has the top practice method like “Cheng Xian Jing”, and he certainly won’t give up the original and absorb the power of belief. This is attributed to external power by him. It seems a little bit in a short period of time. Gain, but in the long run it will only make one’s own strength impure.

On Kuang Yuan’s side, it was even more straightforward. After seeing the essence of the information at a glance, he directly crushed it with his consciousness, and they couldn’t even get close.

As for the reputation of the world, he does not care or pay attention to it. He does things more with his heart. So in terms of character, although he is a good person, he is not so easy to approach, especially when strangers want to approach. When he was, he would be forced to retreat by his natural aura.

Yin is as approachable as ever, even ordinary people can talk with him warmly.

The difference between the two is naturally due to their different positions. As the emperor of Dahuang, Yin has been doing things for too long and don’t look at other people’s ideas. He is almost the dictator of the whole Dahuang-although he never did it. For his own personal gain, Da Huang’s resources are dispensable to him, his own Realm is too high, and he doesn’t need to compete with others for resources.

“Transcends Tribulation and Wu Xuan are indeed powerful, and they deserve to be born by the semi-sage Realm.”

Xu Sheng separated a small part of his mind to follow Yin and Kuang Yuan, and witnessed their experience along the way through their perspective. This feeling is quite like watching a movie.

Yin and Kuangyuan are indeed strong enough to surpass the world. They have been able to destroy some weak worlds, but they never do it. More often, they will reach out to hand in hand when they see people in deep quagmire.

Therefore, in the rumors of many worlds, most of his two roles are positive. Only those races that were originally aggressors or perpetrators will describe them as Devil who destroys the world in the classics.

“Master is determined to shake his hand.”

In the palace, Xuan Yi frowned. Now he handles most of Da Huang’s affairs, but he knows that it is not suitable to sit in that position, so he thinks more about Master coming back soon. As for his own A talented apprentice…I don’t even have to think about it. When he came out of Closed Door Training, he found out that he happened to leave Minor World three years ago. It is very pleasant.

He is both a disciple and a Master, but being caught in the middle not only didn’t gain any benefits, but the things fell on him, which really made him feel helpless.

Fortunately, Yuhua and Qianmin still have a lot of time to stay in Minor World, so he can occasionally find someone to communicate with. This is very different from when he was young. At that time, everyone was cultivation for fear of falling behind. Now Already approaching the end of the mundane, knowing the importance of one relaxation, it is not so anxious.

But the reason why I stayed in Minor World for a lot of time is entirely because, as pill refining masters and refiners, they need to travel to various worlds to find materials. At the same time, the scenes of those different worlds are also a unique scenery that can enrich them. The insights and hearings have enhanced their perceptions.

As for a certain animal trainer, it’s not to mention, he’s busy catching those rare and exotic beasts all day long, thinking that he wants to make the trainer stronger. He has less time in Minor World than Kuang Yuan and Yin. .

So apart from Xuan Yi being ‘fettered’ in Minor World, among all the key training objects, there is only one Su Rong left in Minor World.

He is now also the Cultivation Base of the Martial Venerate late stage, and he started to make breakthroughs in Wuxuan, but his breakthrough is different from normal. It’s not a retreat, but rather eating, playing, sleeping, and relaxing.

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