Global Sky Online

Chapter 812: Pig head I give you 1 big bowl of broth

Many young people have now gathered at the exit of the moving maze.

Rake also ran quickly with a clothesline.

When running to the exit of the moving maze, the exit of the moving maze leaves a distance for one person.

The metal wall is still slowly closing, and in a few seconds the exit will close.

A group of young people gathered around the exit, shouting "Come on!" "Come out!" "Run out!"

But they all stood outside the metal wall of the exit, and no one dared to step into the metal wall of the moving maze.

At the thick metal wall where the moving labyrinth is closing, the leader of the [walker] organization, the young man with yellow hair, is carrying another injured young man, trying to walk towards the exit.

Seeing that the metal wall they were about to close was squeezed inside the exit, they could not run out, they were crushed and crushed by the metal wall.

"Hurry back, you can't get out!"

"Leave him down, Jot, run out!" Shouted everyone around.

Rick watched the situation and quickly waved the clothesline in his hand.

The clothespin “snapped” and caught the body of the yellow-headed captain organized by the [walker] and the injured man on his back.

Rick yanked the clothesline immediately.



One second before the exit of the moving maze exit was closed, Lake finally dragged the yellow-hair captain organized by [Walker] and the wounded on his back.

The metal walls of the moving labyrinth were subsequently closed.

Cheers rang out from the youth around.

The two walkers fell to the grass, and the captain of the yellow-haired walker gasped heavily, breathing slowly for more than ten seconds before standing up from the ground.

"Thank you!" The yellow-haired Captain [walker] stood up and said to Lake.

Pedestrians all around, hurry to help injured teammates for treatment.

"What's going on inside?" A leader in charge of daily life in the camp came over and asked the yellow-haired Captain [walker].

"In the area where the moving maze I went, the foraging time of the dead spider changed. One hour before the moving maze was closed, the dead spider in that area woke up early and started to capture and kill us. Ten pedestrians, follow me, three were killed directly by the death spider, and six were captured by the death spider. Only two of us in this group came out. "The captain of the yellow-haired [walker] whispered.

"Do you know the area in which you are exploring the moving maze, why did the dead spiders change their foraging time?" Rake asked, too.

[Walker] The captain shook his head.

"Go to rest for dinner first, this time there is a change in an area in the moving maze, and we will discuss the countermeasures!" Said the youth leader who is responsible for the daily life of the camp.

The crowd began to go to the campfire.

No roast lamb tonight, just simple pasta.

[Walkers] Members of the organization will be assigned some of the previously stored meat.

Rick and Piggy sat on the ground far from the fire and ate the bread they just received.

[Walker] The leader of the team with yellow hair came with several [Walker] youths.

"Honor No. 2, I have already inquired, you came to our camp. Thank you for your help tonight. Are you interested in joining us!" The captain of the yellow-haired [walker] said to Rick and asked The men behind him handed over two large bowls of broth.

"Without joining you, this broth is not for me!" Lake asked with a smile and asked the yellow-haired Captain [walker].

The piglet on the side looked at the still hot bowl of broth, drooling.

The captain of the yellow-haired [Walker] heard Rick's words, first hesitated, and then said, "Of course, to you, this is to thank you for saving me and my teammates tonight!"

"Then if I don't join you [Walkers], can you give me good food every day?" Rake continued with a smile.

Hearing what Rick said, the captain of the yellow-haired [walker] didn't know what to answer.

Although he is the leader of the [walker] organization, His Holiness No. 2 rescued him and a player of [walker] tonight.

But the [walker] who explores the moving maze has a high mortality rate. This kind of food preferential treatment only allows some people in this camp to venture to join the [walker] organization to explore the moving maze.

Once the food privileges in the camp were disrupted, the captain of the yellow-haired [Walker] did not know if he could continue to run the pedestrian organization he controlled.

And now the dead spiders in one area of ​​the moving maze are awakened in advance. It will be more dangerous to explore the moving maze in the future. They must leave the moving maze at least one hour in advance to return to the center camp.

"Well, I have accepted this food. Your invitation, I will consider replying to you in a few days!" Rake said, after taking two bowls of broth, he decided not to embarrass the yellow-headed captain Already.

Hearing the words of His Holiness No. 2, the captain of the yellow-haired [walker] had a smile on his face.

"[Walker] organization, you are always welcome to join! My name is Yot. If you encounter anything in the camp, you can come to me for help. Even if you do not join [Walker], you can come to me!" Jot said, and then left with several [walker] youths.

Rick then passed a bowl of broth to the pig's head beside him.

"It's really good to me, Lord No. 2!" Piggy's head quickly took the big bowl of flesh with both hands ~ ~ and ate it immediately.

Rick also ate this bowl of broth and looked at the burning fire not far away.

Little pig head and Rick finished this bowl of broth quickly, this taste is much better than pasta.

"If you can eat this level of food every day, you don't have to join [Walkers] to take risks!" Piggy sighed involuntarily.

Rick smiled. Tonight, seeing this [walker] Captain Yotte with his yellow hair more pleasing to the eye, he shot and rescued him.

Rake didn't know if it was right or wrong to save Captain Yote.

Those things can only be considered after you have recovered all your memories.

There is too little known information now, and Rick cannot analyze it.

However, the dead spider in an area in the moving maze woke up an hour earlier. Rick felt that this was an omen. The laboratory seemed to be preparing to change the rules of the moving maze. The camp may not have a long time.

Rick prayed that Teresa, who had amnesia, would soon bring the blue healing serum potion to restore her entire memory.

"Honor No. 2, you do n’t have to join the pedestrians, I ’m not eating any meat, just tonight I have tasted. You have seen that today, the pedestrians team, directly downsized 8 people, or the elite group brought by their captain Yote Reduced staff! "Said Piggy.

"Let ’s say it again, I ’ll think about it for a few more days! Tomorrow you will stop farming and help me stare at the metal elevator. When the metal elevator is moving, wake me up. I ’m going to sleep more lately and I ’m dizzy! I Share half of your food every day! "Rake said to the piglet.

In the afternoon, I practiced the whip method in a fantasy way. Although the effect was good, Rick felt like he was a bit over-trained and had a lot of mental energy.

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