650 Bloodline Evolution, Level 1 Bloodline

These blood-red lights were like tiny snakes, slithering around Ye Feng’s body!

It then flowed along his veins and gradually merged into his blood vessels!

Ye Feng’s face twisted. He felt that his entire body was filled with endless power!

This power was different from martial strength, but it was purer and more condensed. It was like a kind of bloodline, a kind of inheritance!

“Ah–!!!” Ye Feng howled toward the sky. His eyes were blood red. Traces of blood filled his eyes!

He opened his mouth and spurted out large amounts of blood!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, Ye Feng was like a blood demon!

“As expected of a Level 1 bloodline! Just his aura alone is comparable to a peak Beyond A grade!”

Ye Feng was extremely shocked. Although he was not afraid of Transcendent experts, the other party was too strong, and he could not defeat them at all!

This was especially so when his strength had not yet reached its peak. Otherwise, he would have been able to crush his opponent with his strength alone!

Ye Feng was overjoyed. But at this moment, he suddenly saw that on his right arm, there were lines of runes!

These patterns were densely packed and covered his palms, ankles, and neck. They were like blood-colored vines!

The lines were still expanding, and in the blink of an eye, they had covered his entire body, including his head and the top of his head!

“This is…”

Ye Feng’s expression was filled with shock. A scene suddenly appeared in the depths of his memory. It was a blood-red world, everyone there was wearing a blood-red robe, and there were blood-red swords in the sky. It was like an apocalyptic scene!

“Not good!”

Ye Feng’s heart skipped a beat. He thought of his situation just now. Could it be caused by the blood?

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