"Captain Li, please look……"

Chu Jian was talking while adjusting the screen in the control room.

Soon, a tall and well-proportioned boy with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes appeared on the giant screen.

"He is the biggest surprise of this year's Talent Training Camp!"

On the right side of the screen, the boy's profile was clearly displayed.

"Name: Lin Chen"

"Age: 18"

"Strength: Third-rank Grandmaster"

"Martial arts talent: currently unknown"

"Region: Tiannan City"

Li Yunkui's heart was shocked:"What? A third-grade master?!"

A warrior must go through thousands of trials and tribulations to complete the nine stages of refining skin, blood, flesh, tendons, bones, organs, marrow, meridians, and rebirth, to refine internal strength and become a master!

Being able to step into the threshold of a master at the age of 18 is already a rare genius.

What's more, it's a third-grade master!

A third-grade master and just stepping into the threshold of a master are two completely different concepts.

Li Yunkui has seen many martial arts geniuses in the army, but he has never seen an 18-year-old third-grade master before!

The other people in the control room, looking at Lin Chen's information, all took a breath of cold air.

Chu Jianjun went on to say:"When I first got this information, I couldn't believe it. But the invigilator in Tiannan City made it clear that Lin Chen did test out the strength of a third-grade master in the martial arts test!"

Li Yunkui nodded slightly, knowing that this kind of information would never be wrong.

Then, his eyes fell on Lin Chen's"Martial Arts Talent"

"Lin Chen's martial arts talent is unknown for the time being?"Li Yunkui asked. Chu

Jiandong shook his head and said,"In the previous martial arts test, Lin Chen has not yet demonstrated his martial arts talent."

At this moment, everyone was extremely curious about Lin Chen's martial arts talent.

What kind of martial arts talent can create an 18-year-old third-grade master?

"The girl next to Lin Chen also has a very good martial arts talent. She can control ice and fire, two completely different energies!"Chu Jiandong introduced.

Elemental martial arts talents often have amazing lethality.

Ice and fire control, taken alone, are both very powerful martial arts talents.

Combining the two into one is even more terrifying!

"This year's special training camp is indeed full of geniuses." Li Yunkui exclaimed. Chu

Jiandong smiled and said,"I believe that under the guidance of Captain Li, their strength will be further improved and they will make a big splash in the college entrance examination in two months!"


The scene changed and they were on a steep mountain.

Lin Chen and Su Zijin were walking through the forest.

Suddenly, two huge monsters rushed out from the pile of rocks!

"It's a black-backed wild boar."Lin Chen recognized the beast in front of him immediately.

The two black-backed wild boars were 3 meters tall, with red eyes and fangs over 50 centimeters long, flashing with sharp cold light.

The next second, the two black-backed wild boars howled and rushed towards Lin Chen and Su Zijin.

The attack power of the black-backed wild boars was no less than that of a sixth-grade warrior.

But obviously, the two black-backed wild boars had chosen the wrong opponent.

Lin Chen dodged the impact of the black-backed wild boar and punched out. The friction between his fist and the air made a bang.


The black-backed wild boar flew backwards for seven or eight meters, crashed into a tree and died instantly.

At the same time, Su Zijin slapped another black-backed wild boar.

The seemingly light palm contained a piercing cold breath.

At the moment of the palm, the black-backed wild boar fell to the ground with its limbs stiff.

"Brother Chen, these beasts are not of high rank. Su Zijin said casually.

"It's just a simple camp entry test, it's unlikely that a high-level beast will appear."Lin Chen nodded.

If a high-level beast really appeared, few of the more than 200 students would survive.

Then, Lin Chen and Su Zijin continued to cross mountains and ridges.

Along the way, they encountered several attacks from beasts, which they easily solved.

After they climbed over the steep mountain top, they finally saw the huge special training camp base at the foot of the mountain!

Then, Lin Chen and Su Zijin quickened their pace and rushed down the mountain.

Just as Lin Chen and Su Zijin were about to arrive at the special training camp base.

Two figures also approached the camp quickly from different directions.

""Brother Chen, that girl is riding a Snow Moon Wolf!" Su Zijin said in surprise.

The girl Su Zijin saw was the beastmaster, Yan Xiaodie.

The other figure was also very shocking.

Three specially made shuttles were spinning and cutting rapidly in front of the boy.

All the trees and beasts that blocked his way were cut off!

"It's a beastmaster and a spiritualist!" Lin Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.

The genius training camp is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

"After we officially enter the special training camp, we can use the [God-level Peacemaking] system to make peace with them."Lin Chen thought to himself.

Everyone's blood, strength, and martial arts talent will all become part of Lin Chen's strength.

The more geniuses there are in the special training camp, the stronger Lin Chen will become.

This is the horror of cheating!


On the other side, Yan Xiaodie and Xuan Jian, who had just arrived at the gate of the special training camp, also looked at Lin Chen and Su Zijin in surprise.

As the two strongest geniuses in Tianhai City,

Xuan Jian and Yan Xiaodie obviously did not expect that someone else could cross the mountain and reach the special training camp base in such a short time.

However, Xuan Jian just glanced casually and retracted his gaze. It was just a small camp entry test, and he didn't use his full strength at all.

As a spiritualist, Xuan Jian has absolute confidence in himself.

"My biggest rival is myself!" Xuan Jian thought to himself.

Yan Xiaodie, who has the talent of a beastmaster and is a ninth-grade warrior, can barely be considered a competitor.

As for the other people in the special training camp, Xuan Jian didn't care at all.

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