The more you learn, the more you will learn.

A series of profound magic realms bloomed in Zhou Jun as he studied.

He closed his eyes and felt that all kinds of magic knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind, and there was a faint trace of magic power flowing in his body.

After a few breaths, Zhou Jun opened his eyes and suddenly raised his hand to the messy jungle in front of him.

In an instant, a strong and overbearing suction force burst out from his palm.

Like a black hole, the thick tree about two or three hundred meters away from him could not withstand this suction at all, and it was directly uprooted from the deep soil and rushed towards him at a high speed.

Zhou Jun did not cancel the suction force until it was almost close.

With a loud "thump", the thick tree trunk hit the ground a few meters away from him, raising a cloud of dust.

Zhou Jun's face showed some satisfaction.

This [All-seeing Heavenly Demon Attraction] is very impressive in terms of casting speed and release range.

In the future, as the level increases, it will become stronger and stronger.

At this time.

The system prompt also came late.

[Skill "All-seeing Heavenly Demon Attraction LV1" has been learned]

[You have understood the true meaning of the spell, and the spell proficiency has reached LV2]

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Zhou Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The spell proficiency actually reached LV2 in one go, which surprised him very much.

But when he thought that he had just eaten a spell skill book of "Extreme Immortal" quality.

In addition, there were two epic magic skills, [Forbidden Field of God] and [Royal Dragon Qi].

It is not surprising that he has accumulated proficiency to LV2 in one go.

And LV2 proficiency means that the effects of all his magic skills will become stronger.

If he is equipped with corresponding weapons such as staffs, it will be even more powerful.

Of course.

Zhou Jun is a physical warrior, which is not in line with the magician, and he will not take the initiative to buy weapons such as staffs.

Although he has mastered many magic skills now, these are either buffs, defensive shields and strong control methods.

None of them are offensive skills like "Fireball".

So even with LV2 magic proficiency, Zhou Jun is still not a "magician".

At this time, after calming down the joy in his heart, he looked at the final clearance reward.

It is still self-selected equipment.

However, unlike the last time in the Secret Realm of No. 5 Middle School, this "Time Abyss Land" is extremely difficult, so the quality of the rewards is also maxed out.

Two epics, one immortal!

Even though Zhou Jun is used to seeing top-level equipment, he feels great at this moment.

He set his eyes on the various equipment suspended in the air.

After thinking carefully, he finally chose heavy armor.

They are a chest armor, a bottom, and a belt.

The level is between LV40 and LV60.

After all, he is already level 38 now, and it will take only a few days to raise the level to 40.

So it is better to take a step ahead and directly choose LV40 equipment.

As for the specific attributes, he didn't pay attention.

Anyway, they will all be sublimated in the end, and it's not too late to study them when they can be worn.

At this time, after all the gains from the clearance were sorted out.

Zhou Jun's deep eyes finally revealed the murderous intent that could no longer be hidden.

Now, his level has reached LV38. His strength has increased by more than double compared to half a month ago.

It's time to settle accounts with the elder of the Xing family.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun no longer hesitated and stepped into the vortex light gate that appeared after passing the level.

He wanted to leave the secret realm and kill people!


At the same time.

In the present world, in the dense forest.

A scorching sun hung high in the sky, scorching the whole land.

The air was like boiling hot water, and the sultry atmosphere enveloped the whole forest.

The disciples of the Xing family patrolled the forest listlessly, each of them was weak.

"It's so damn hot! I want to stay in the air-conditioned room and eat cold drinks!"

In a small team, a child of the Xing family complained.

And this opening immediately attracted the echo of his companions.

"Yeah! It's been seven days. I don't know who the elder is looking for!"

"I think he died in that secret place?"

"Damn it! I wasted seven days.

He'd better die in there, or I'll skin him alive!"


This group of Xing family members are all idle young people in the family, and they are spoiled on weekdays.

Suddenly thrown into the deep mountains and old forests for patrols for seven days, each of them has accumulated a lot of resentment.

Especially in the past few days, the high temperature has continued, coupled with the cruel environment in the forest, it can be said that they have suffered a lot.

In their hearts, they naturally hate the kid who offended Xing Dexiu.

"Huh? Why is that secret realm gone? "

Just then, the team passed by the open space where the secret realm was located again while complaining, but found that the light gate that was originally standing there and constantly rotating was gone.

This surprised them very much.

Clearly five minutes ago, when the last patrol passed by here, the light gate was still there.

Could it be that the secret realm was closed?

Just as they were surprised and were about to report this matter to the elders.

Suddenly, a figure broke into their field of vision.

It was a young man with a robe stained with blood, with cold eyes, like a beast walking alone in the primitive jungle, watching them from afar.

The children of the Xing family were all shocked. After looking at each other, one of them frowned and shouted:

"Boy, are you the one who offended my Xing family elders and escaped into the secret realm? "

However, as his words came out.

Everyone could see with their naked eyes that the face of the figure opposite, who was originally puzzled, suddenly turned cold.

"So you are the children of the Xing family!"

The young man with blood-stained robes sneered indifferently and took the initiative to walk towards them step by step.

"Humph! You know we are from the Xing family, but you still don't surrender! "

On the Xing family team side, a spoiled second-generation, seeing that the strange boy in front of him was just alone, did not take him seriously and shouted contemptuously.

Unfortunately, his threatening words did not have any effect, but seemed to stimulate the boy.

But the other party's pace became faster and faster, and a strange blue sword appeared in his hand.

Then, without giving them a chance to continue speaking, the dazzling sword light suddenly appeared, and at this moment it seemed to turn into the brightest light between heaven and earth, and with the boy's swing, it covered the whole team.


"What kind of swordsmanship is this? ! "

When the long sword first appeared, they didn't care. It was not until they saw the sword light that was unrivaled in the world that everyone's faces changed drastically and alarms were raised in their hearts.

This sword is so amazing!

The overwhelming sword intent and the endless sword moves are almost connected.

And every move and every style is full of endless murderous intent.

This team of Xing family members is also the backbone of the family, with an average level of 50 or 60.

But under the sword moves in the hands of this young man, they have no power to resist. Wherever the sword light passes, three people are beheaded in the blink of an eye!

"Quickly notify the elders! "

Some people immediately realized that the young man in front of them, who was guarded by Xing Dexiu for seven days and seven nights, was not an ordinary person.

He was a peerless villain that ordinary disciples like them could not afford to offend!

Unfortunately, all this was understood too late.

Faced with the sudden sword light and the sword intent to kill everything, no one could resist!

No matter how many means were used, the arrival of death could not be delayed.

With just a face-to-face encounter, the bodies of the six-man team were all separated.

At the same time, the dazzling sword light dissipated, and the young man's indifferent voice just landed at this time.

"In this case, please die!"

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