The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Zhou Jun stood still with his hands behind his back.

He was not in a hurry to attack because he had killed a level 80 demon god alone and knew the strength of this level of demon.

Even he could only barely win, not to mention the exclusive demon in front of him that had been strengthened by the trial realm.

With a HP of up to 10 million, it is unknown how high the dual resistance is, and whether there is an outrageous injury-free mechanism like the "tyrannical Ars" at the beginning.

Such a terrifying existence, even if there are many geniuses on the scene, it will be difficult to swallow it for a while.

So Zhou Jun was not in a hurry to attack.

But what was the reason for the black-robed figure?

Zhou Jun looked over and saw that the black-robed man who was in the same team with Xu Dong had actually been keeping an eye on him for a long time.

This man's strength was unknown, and his spiritual pupils had not evolved to the point where they could see other people's talents.

But his ranking on the list was really not high.

He was only ranked 38th, which was too far behind Xu Dong.

The combination of the two naturally attracted Zhou Jun's attention.

Moreover, the black-robed man had been very quiet since he came to the core area.

Other geniuses showed their unyielding edge, but he was the only one who stood in the corner like a transparent man without saying a word.

Even when the BOSS battle started, he did not go up to deal damage, and I wonder what he was thinking standing there.

"Brother Liu, why don't you take action!"

Just as Zhou Jun was observing the other party, a loud shout suddenly came from his ear.

It was Zhou Wang who retreated to a safe area in a panic, asking with some confusion and annoyance.

He had taken the secret medicine and the Lingzhi that he had kept in the bottom of the box in advance, and his awakening skills were also cooling down.

Although he now had several high-level skills, compared with other geniuses, they were obviously not good enough.

After this attack, he only bombarded more than 30,000 damage on the final BOSS, which was undoubtedly the worst among the crowd.

Turning around this time, he found that Zhou Jun was still standing there without making a move, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

When Zhou Jun saw this scene, he suddenly had an idea and smiled: "Brother Zhou, don't worry, my talent is a tank type, the damage is really not high, and going up will make people laugh."

"But I have a very rare epic auxiliary skill that can be released to other people. After it takes effect, the opponent's combat power will be increased tenfold in a short time!"

"If Brother Zhou doesn't mind, how about letting me assist you?"

Hearing this, Zhou Wang's expression was shocked.

An auxiliary skill that can increase the combat power of others tenfold!

This is too incredible!

If he can really do it, who else can do more damage than him?

He immediately said excitedly: "Brother Liu, are you serious?"

"Absolutely true!" Zhou Jun nodded affirmatively.

At this moment, the two of them have an offensive and defensive alliance, and the damage of the BOSS is calculated according to the team, which is beneficial to both parties, so Zhou Wang has no doubts.

He immediately said happily: "Then I'll trouble you, Brother Liu!"

"No problem."

Zhou Jun smiled, and then changed the subject: "But Brother Zhou, although my skill is incredible, the hit rate is very low. It may take multiple releases to take effect. Do you mind?"

"This..." Zhou Wang was stunned at first, and then showed an understanding expression: "It doesn't matter, Brother Liu, just release it."

In his opinion, an auxiliary skill that can increase the combat power of teammates tenfold can be described as incredible, and some restrictions are normal.

If it is really accurate, it would be strange.

"Okay! Brother Zhou, just go ahead and fight, I will assist you from behind!"

Zhou Jun continued to make big promises.

Zhou Wang did not delay any longer after hearing this, and immediately turned into a rainbow light and rushed to the center of the battlefield.

Looking at the opponent's gradually receding back, Zhou Jun could not help but sneer.

Then he calmly took off the necklace [Domination of the Sky Dragon King] and replaced it with [Falling Star Pendant].

That's right, Zhou Jun's so-called auxiliary skills actually refer to the special effects of [Falling Star Pendant]!

It is impossible to improve combat power,

but it is true to reduce your talent!

Now in this trial realm, the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark, Zhou Jun has the advantage, so naturally he wants to humiliate Zhou Wang, his enemy in the previous life, and play with him before he is willing to stop.

Didn't you use [Falling Star Stone] in your previous life to make me only awaken D-level talent?

In this life, I will use the equipment upgraded from the [Star-Falling Stone] you bought to cut off your talents piece by piece!

Let you also taste the taste of being reduced to waste!

As the saying goes, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Zhou Jun had been looking for an opportunity to cut off Zhou Wang's talent in the secret realm from the beginning.

And now, he finally found this opportunity.

Thanks to the strategy mechanism of the final BOSS, Zhou Wang had no defense against Zhou Jun, his teammate.

It is estimated that he would never think until his death that the so-called "Brother Liu" actually had murderous intentions for him a long time ago, and had been setting traps for him since the Gate of God.

"Haha, Zhou Wang, I am looking forward to your expression after your talent drops to S level!"

With an expectant sneer on his lips, Zhou Jun moved his mind, and a blue light flew out from the pendant on his chest, and in the blink of an eye it sank into Zhou Wang's body.


An almost imperceptible damage number emerged.

This equipment [Falling Star Pendant] has no wear level restrictions, and all attributes and damage are very low.

Its real value lies in its extraordinary special effects of being able to cut people's talents and lower the racial class of monsters.

It can be said that there is no other equipment in the entire federation that has such unreasonable ability.

As for the 1% triggering probability, it is not a big deal at all. After all, the active effect of this equipment has no cooling time.

As long as the mental power is sufficient, it can be released infinitely.

In order to deal with the side effects of sublimation power, Zhou Jun always prepares various recovery secret medicines in his backpack.

So the 5% mental power consumed by releasing [Falling Star Blade] can be easily restored.

At this moment, while drinking the secret medicine for restoring mental power, Zhou Jun locked Zhou Wang's figure and began to release continuously.

[Falling Star Blade] is a must-hit effect, just use your mind to lock the enemy.

There is no possibility of missing or missing.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of slashes were made.

[Congratulations, the Falling Star Blade was triggered successfully! ]

[Target Zhou Wang's strength attribute is permanently reduced by 10%]

[Congratulations, the Blade of Falling Stars is triggered successfully! ]

[Target Zhou Wang's spiritual attribute is permanently reduced by 10%]

[Congratulations, the Blade of Falling Stars is triggered successfully! ]

[Target Zhou Wang's talent is downgraded from S-level "Ice Emperor" to A-level "Frost Storm"]

Zhou Jun is lucky.

In just a short while, he successfully triggered the special effects of [Falling Stars] three times.

Two of them were attribute weakening.

One was talent weakening.

Directly cut Zhou Wang's S-level talent to A-level!

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