The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Standing alone in the depths of the Black Demon Mountains, there was no one around except for the leaves rustling occasionally in the night wind.

But Zhou Jun was not afraid. He calmly sat on a huge rock and took out the whole set of immortal equipment with a wave of his hand.

The immortal golden light illuminated the darkness, and even dispelled a lot of the night's chill.

Under the soft golden halo, Zhou Jun's face was full of visible expectations.

After all, in his past and present lives, he had never worn a complete set of immortal armor!

In his heart, he was naturally a little excited.

"Come on, let me see the effect after sublimation."

He looked at the five pieces of equipment one by one, and then he chose sublimation without looking at the specific attributes at this time.

Waves of mysterious sublimation power were released from the body in an instant, and waves of weakness came to his mind as expected.

The side effects of unlimited sublimation have nothing to do with personal physique.

Zhou Jun felt dizzy when he only had a few hundred attributes, and now that he has broken through ten thousand attributes, it is still the same.

It can only be that this thing is too outrageous, and the degree of weakness is completely based on percentage.

But Zhou Jun tolerated this small shortcoming because the sublimation power was too heaven-defying. Anyway, it was not a big problem.

With money in his pocket, he didn't lack recovery secret medicine.

After drinking a bottle of full-state recovery potion, the waves of sublimation power on his body also flowed through the five pieces of equipment in turn.

The golden light that was originally extremely noble was now completely restrained, just like a person who had changed from a nouveau riche to a real rich man, and his aura became more profound and mysterious.

In appearance, it still looked like armor, but it was all black, and the material was neither iron nor steel, but like the carbon fiber of a supercar body, it was extremely textured.

Zhou Jun was looking forward to it and picked up one of them to look at it.

In an instant, a series of detailed information was listed in front of him.

[Name]: Netherworld Celestial Armor

[Rank]: Extreme Immortal

[Type]: Heavy Armor (Top)

[Restrictions]: LV45-LV200

[Constitution]: +5310

[Strength]: +4270

[Magic Defense]: +10900

[Description]: A powerful Extreme Immortal armor forged by the power of sublimation. After equipping, it gains 8% damage immunity and 12% skill damage increase. Every time you attack, there is a 5% chance of causing a sky-high blow, which will shock the target and cause 10% of its total attribute real damage

Looking at the data displayed in front of him, Zhou Jun was shocked!

However, just picking up a small piece at random, the attributes it possesses are actually better than many mythical suits.

Not only is the basic attribute bonus extremely high, but the individual special effects are also so amazing.

Damage immunity and skill increase actually exist at the same time, and there are also unique special effects!

It is really worthy of being an Extreme Immortal equipment!

Zhou Jun took a deep breath and quickly looked at the other pieces of equipment.

He found that the descriptions of the remaining equipment were the same except for the different attribute categories of the basic bonus.

In other words, if all five pieces of equipment were fully equipped, he could get a total of 40% damage immunity, 60% skill damage increase, and a 25% chance to trigger the Skystrike.

And this is just the basic bonus.

It is not a set effect!

"98 is like this, 298 will take off?"

Zhou Jun was shocked, and his mind couldn't help but think of the famous saying of a famous bath center figure on Earth.

His expectant eyes also quickly swept to the set introduction at the bottom.

[Description of the Netherworld Sky Set]: Indescribable extreme immortal equipment, the basic attributes can increase with the wearer's level, up to level 200; this set is blessed by the God of the Underworld. After entering the combat state, the wearer will increase his own 200% of all attributes, which lasts for 5 seconds and can only be triggered once every 30 seconds

After reading the introduction of the set, Zhou Jun could no longer suppress his excitement.

What scheming, what Taishan collapsed in front of him and remained calm, all disappeared at this moment!

It's just because the effect of this Netherworld Sky Set is so strong, so strong!

Before, he was still wondering how the extreme immortal equipment could increase the upper limit of wearing to level 200 at once.

Now I understand that the basic attributes of these equipment can be upgraded!

Level follows people, as long as Zhou Jun

As he progresses, the basic bonus provided by this set of equipment on him will also increase accordingly, and will never hold him back.

In addition, the second blessing effect of the underworld also surprised him.

200% increase in all attributes!

This effect, on others, may only be considered average.

But for Zhou Jun, who has millions of attribute points, it is a blessing in disguise, perfect!

Moreover, the triggering frequency of this effect is extremely exaggerated.

It is triggered once every 30 seconds, and lasts for 5 seconds each time...

Doesn't this mean that the cooldown is only 25 seconds?

You know, for top-level fights, it is common to fight for several hours.

This 25-second interval is really too short, which means that Zhou Jun can play the ultimate output at a high frequency in top-level battles.

With this thought, how can Zhou Jun not be excited?

"This time, it's really invincible."

He sighed with a smile, and as his mind turned, he put on the entire underworld Tianji suit.

After wearing the equipment of Blue Star, you can choose whether to materialize it.

At the same time, only after materialization will its effect take effect.

Zhou Jun's heart moved, and he immediately chose to materialize the Nether Realm Sky Set.

In an instant, a set of dark and solemn armor appeared, covering his original casual clothes.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Under the super high-quality aura of the extreme immortal equipment, Zhou Jun at this time was set off like a god of war.

With a good temperament, just standing there gives people a super strong feeling.

"By the way, when I cleared the [Time Abyss Land] before, I was also rewarded with two epics and one immortal equipment..."

After wearing the armor set, Zhou Jun looked at the empty jewelry column again, and something came to his mind.

He was chased into the Demon God-level secret realm by Xing Dexiu before, and the reward after clearing the level was not cheap, so he chose three pieces of jewelry.

They are epic quality, necklace, ring, and immortal quality earrings.

But at that time, his level was too low to wear.

Now, he is already level 46, so he will no longer have this worry.

He simply sublimated all of them and updated all of his equipment.

He took out the three pieces of equipment and released the power of sublimation.

After a while, three new pieces of equipment appeared.

The necklace and the ring are named [Sky-stealing Colorful Pendant] and [Green God Shade Ring].

The effects of the former are all gain-type, skill damage is increased by 12% again, and there is a chance to trigger additional special effects, greatly increasing the movement speed.

The latter is a recovery type, just like [Endless Life Ring].

Of course, the actual effects of the two are naturally very different.

[Green God Shade Ring] can restore 3% of the full state every second, and also has the active effect of removing all abnormal states. The values ​​are abnormal.

Finally, there are the earrings that have been sublimated from immortal quality to extreme immortality.

[Name]: White Ink Dragon

[Rank]: Extreme Immortal

[Type]: Jewelry

[Restrictions]: LV40-LV100

[Spirit]: +8310

[Agility]: +8270

[Description]: Elegant and noble Chinese style earrings. After wearing, all attacks will have a 30% chance to randomly trigger the three states of defense breaking, bleeding, and electric shock

When attacking an enemy in the electric shock state, the skill attack power is increased by 5%; when attacking an enemy in the defense breaking state, the whole body attribute is increased by 5%; when attacking an enemy in the bleeding state, the weapon damage is increased by 5%

[Remarks]: Each amplification state lasts for up to 10 seconds, but can be stacked infinitely

There is no doubt that this is another immortal equipment that defies the sky!

Not to mention the three special effects of defense breaking, bleeding, and electric shock, they actually appeared on the same equipment at the same time.

Even the special effects amplified later can be stacked infinitely, which is surprising enough.

Although each state lasts for at most 10 seconds, if there are enough enemies and good luck, it is not a problem to stack the special effects seven or eight times within these ten seconds.

It can be said to be a weapon for group battles that makes you more courageous as you fight!

Zhou Jun was overjoyed and immediately chose to wear all of them without hesitation.

At this point, the whole set of equipment has completely transformed.

Immortal quality is just the starting point, and extreme immortality is the upper limit.

At this time, even if Zhou Jun looks at the entire federation, he can be called the first person with the most luxurious equipment!

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