The cold pond is the edge of the pond.

Zhou Jun stood upright on the corpses of the monsters, holding the black horizontal sword with purple lightning in front of him.

His eyes were full of light, and he looked at it carefully.

The appearance of the ancient horizontal sword after perfect sublimation was very different from before.

The purple lightning patterns were very domineering and extraordinary, showing the honor of being a mythical weapon.

Not only were the attribute values ​​of each item greatly enhanced, but the effects were also very different from the original.

The probability of causing chain lightning increased to 30%, and the number of paralyzed units increased to 8.

It can even trigger equal damage!

If the original [Refined Crocodile Teeth Horizontal Blade] is just a plastic toy.

Then the upgraded [Ultimate Blade - Thunder Tribulation] is completely refined steel that has been tempered a thousand times.

Anyone who sees it will admire it as a good sword!

Zhou Jun took a deep breath, and there was a strong joy on his face.

With a thought, he equipped it on his body.

Then, according to the usual practice, he maxed out all the attribute limits that were increased after the upgrade.

What surprised Zhou Jun was that.

After reaching LV5, his attribute value limit also increased by 500 accordingly.

He seemed to have found the pattern of the attribute value limit of each level.

Of course, this is only for now.

Whether it will still be the case after level 10 and level 20 remains to be seen.

A moment later.

Zhou Jun's personal panel was upgraded again.

[Name]: Zhou Jun

[Level]: LV5 (7/600)

[Strength]: 1200 (47)

[Agility]: 1200 (+97)

[Spirit]: 1200 (+102)

[Constitution]: 1200

[Skill]: Bone Crusher LV1

[Equipment]: Falling Star (Epic), Extreme Blade - Thunder Tribulation (Mythical)

[Talent]: SSS-level redistribution, SSS-level infinite sublimation (unique)

Although only level 5, Zhou Jun's panel is not even comparable to that of a level 10 Heaven Slayer.

His four-dimensional attributes are too good, and there is no doubt that he has surpassed all the geniuses in the past and present.

No one can match him at the same level.

And the powerful strength attribute means that his attack power is extremely amazing.

Even if he does not master the sword skills, he can still make the Thunder Tribulation of mythical quality in his hand produce incredible effects by just slashing wildly.

At this moment, Zhou Jun was truly confident of fighting the final BOSS in the core of the secret realm.

Even if the BOSS's attributes doubled, he was not afraid at all.

It can be said that everything is ready, and the only thing missing is to gather everyone to start the team.

"Double ponytails!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun put the Thunder Tribulation into his backpack, turned his head and shouted to Wei Duoer who was studying her new shoes:

"Are you interested in clearing the secret realm?"

The loud voice with indescribable confidence reached the girl's ears.

The latter was slightly startled, and then raised her round little head.

The expression was a little surprised: "Little gentleman, are you making such a big deal?"

"Why, a dignified S-level [Shadow] doesn't even dare to attack a mere novice secret realm BOSS?" Zhou Jun looked at her with a contemptuous expression.

Facts have proved that the provocation method is clumsy, but it is useful.

Wei Duoer's pretty face immediately turned red, and she pinched her waist and retorted: "Who said I don't dare?!"

"Let me make it clear first, I'm not afraid! I just think it's a bit arrogant to rely on just the two of us."

"As a destroyer of the generation of heaven, we should be more stable!"

Hearing Wei Duoer's pretentious tone, Zhou Jun couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Don't worry! I also made an appointment with Ye Changshan. He awakened to an A-level talent. You should know that, right?"

"Ye Changshan..."

Wei Duoer was slightly startled, and the man who was as tall as an iron tower appeared in her mind.

Although she had never had any intersection with Ye Changshan, Ye Changshan was in front of her when she registered her talent, and he was the only A-level awakener in the whole No. 5 Middle School, so she was naturally impressed.

The most important thing is that Ye Changshan's talent [Angry Fro] has a strong ability to resist injuries.

According to the online game, it is a top-level "tank" and also has certain standing characteristics.

If Ye Changshan is there, then we can challenge the final boss of Mirkwood.

Thinking of this, Wei Duoer made up her mind and said, "Since you can get Ye Changshan to form a team, I will go with you."

After she finished speaking, she took out a lollipop from her pocket like a magic trick, and then

Dai Yitiao: "But you have to wait a moment, I have to do something first."

"What is it?" Zhou Jun asked subconsciously.

"Just tell me if you ask me, isn't it embarrassing?"

But Wei Duoer suddenly smiled cunningly, squinting her eyes like a little fox deliberately provoking people.

Zhou Jun was speechless immediately, and then shook his head helplessly: "Whatever you want to do, I hope it will be quick. The secret realm will be closed in at most one and a half hours."


"You are really boring!"

Wei Duoer, who thought she could see some fun, pouted with disdain at Zhou Jun's bland reaction.

Immediately, she crossed her arms and hummed:

"Actually, it's okay to tell you. My main goal in entering the secret realm this time, in addition to upgrading, is to get some secret medicine to improve agility."

"And this kind of secret medicine can only be exploded by killing the LV6 monster [Thousand-legged Centipede] in the dark forest."

"So I'm going to try my luck."

"But don't worry, I will find you in at most one hour, whether I get the secret medicine or not."

Zhou Jun looked at Wei Duoer in a strange way.

He didn't ask, but the other party took the initiative to answer.

Human nature is really interesting.

At this moment, he nodded with understanding, and didn't say much.

It's not easy to open the secret realm once. If you have the ability, you must try your best to maximize your combat power.

Zhou Jun's attributes are full, and he doesn't have any needs, so he only thinks about upgrading.

But others are different. In order to lay a good foundation in the novice period, they have to rack their brains and try their best to improve every basic attribute.

And Wei Duoer's talent [Shadow] is very compatible with the agility attribute.

So it is understandable that Wei Duoer wants to find an opportunity to improve her agility after entering the secret realm.

Zhou Jun lowered his head to estimate the time, and he no longer hesitated.

"Okay, then we will split into two groups. I will go to find Ye Changshan, and you go to hunt monsters. We will meet in the center of the core area in an hour."


Wei Duoer made a heroic gesture, and the next second the whole person seemed to blend into the shadows and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Really a natural assassin."

Zhou Jun muttered, somewhat surprised at the other party's stealth skills.

Then he did not delay any more, and after identifying the direction, he quickly moved towards the depths of the dense forest.

The core area has less and less range of activities than the periphery.

In theory, as long as Ye Changshan also enters the core area, the two will meet soon.

However, the reality is that Zhou Jun has been moving forward for nearly half an hour, and still has not felt Ye Changshan's breath.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Jun frowned, vaguely worried.

Just as he was thinking about whether to return to the outer area to take a look, he suddenly heard a loud noise that shook the earth.

He looked at the source of the sound and saw that about 200 to 300 meters away, accompanied by the sound of "bang bang", the towering trees fell one after another.

It was as if some terrible battle broke out there.

"Could this be..."

Zhou Jun saw this and his expression moved. He immediately thought of something and rushed there.

The distance of 200 to 300 meters can be reached in just a few minutes with Zhou Jun's speed.

However, before he arrived, a grim laugh reached his ears in advance.

"Ye Changshan! Aren't you going to kill me? Why are you forced to transform now?"

"But even if you transform, it's useless. I'm telling you clearly that today I'm not only going to kill you, but also your elder brother!"

The arrogant voice resounded in the woods, startling a flock of flying birds.

Zhou Jun's eyes also passed through the heavy leaves and saw the situation in front of him clearly.

He saw a relatively wide flat ground.

Peng Yu and Wang Tong stood proudly, with a strong playful look on their faces, and looked forward with sarcasm at the corners of their lips.

Opposite them, facing them was a giant with an amazing appearance.

About five or six meters tall, with dark red skin, six arms on his back, eyes like copper bells, golden lines on his chest, and a string of Buddhist beads made of skulls hanging around his neck.

It was like the evil Buddha from the West, or the evil monk from hell.

At first glance, it was frightening.

If his eyes were not filled with human wisdom, no ordinary person would dare to stand in front of him without being terrified.

Zhou Jun was not unfamiliar with this giant Buddha, and even felt very close to him.

Because this was his good brother Ye Changshan!

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