The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Above the beautiful island, Zhou Jun jumped down from the back of the Frost Feather Dragon.

There was a loud bang.

His whole body hit the ground heavily, and a spider web pattern spread in all directions formed under his feet. The huge vibration startled countless flying birds.

It also startled the king-level monster sitting on the throne with his eyes closed.

This mutant deep-sea monster with a ferocious shape, sharp mouth and fangs opened a pair of scarlet eyes at this moment, staring at Zhou Jun who suddenly descended.

"Humble ant, I will..."

"Shut up!"

The Deep Sea Shark King just opened his mouth and was about to say his domineering appearance as the final BOSS, but Zhou Jun interrupted him violently just halfway through.

This scene made the Deep Sea Shark King stunned.

It was stunned for a moment, and when it was thinking about whether it should get angry next, a dazzling sword light suddenly swept from the front.

The endless and amazing sword intent was breathtaking, wrapped in extremely dangerous and terrifying signals, and turned into the most dazzling surprise in the world.

Then, while the Deep Sea Shark King had not yet reacted, it accurately cut him.


In an instant, blood gushed out, accompanied by the sound of limbs breaking, and half of the Deep Sea Shark King's body was directly cut off in the air.

And the blood volume displayed on its head was suddenly emptied by more than half.


The Deep Sea Shark King, who realized it late, had his pupils shrunken. He looked at his severed half of his body, and an unprecedented fear appeared on his face.

But immediately, it was the uncontrollable anger that instantly overwhelmed his reason.

"Humble ant, how dare you..."


The Deep Sea Shark King was about to speak, but before he could finish his words, Zhou Jun sealed his mouth with a sword move again.

Scored twice.

The Deep Sea Shark King, who was interrupted twice in a row, completely fell into a rampage state, and layers of red halos enveloped his whole body.

This time, he finally learned his lesson and no longer insisted on his lines.

In the rampage state, although the broken limbs cannot be regenerated, the total blood volume of the body is recovering crazily.

At the same time, in the open bloody mouth, there is a dazzling blue light gathering, like a laser cannon.

The terrifying fluctuations continued to spread on it. After a short period of charging, it turned into a lightning-fast, unavoidable beam of light, which shot towards Zhou Jun fiercely.

"Shark King Cannon, the secret of the Deep Sea Shark King, causes one million points of fixed real damage, which cannot be dodged."

Zhou Jun remained calm in the face of this attack, and even the information of this skill flashed through his mind with ease - his spiritual pupils had already seen through the bottom of this final BOSS.

So at this time, he simply did not dodge or avoid, and directly released the Conviction Rhapsody on the spot one second before this laser cannon hit.

As the skill with the largest immune damage ratio, Zhou Jun has always liked to use it as a defensive means.

It can avoid a lot of damage.

Combined with the 40% damage immunity of the Nether Realm Sky Extreme Set, the damage immunity is directly as high as 95%, and the secret of the Deep Sea Shark King does not hurt him at all.

It only caused 50,000 points of real damage.

This is nothing for Zhou Jun, whose physical attribute is over 150,000 points.


Just before the laser cannon completely dissipated, Zhou Jun, who had already taken all the damage, emerged from it like a whirlwind, and then ascended to the sky step by step.

At the same time, with every step he took, his aura would rise, and infinite sword intent would gather towards him like finding a spring.

After three steps, the whole person stood high in the sky, and the three-foot green sword in his hand slashed forward from a distance.

At this moment.

The whole island seemed to shake, and the warm sun in the sky dissipated a little. The blazing light was gone, and turned into cold moonlight.

It was as if this area had changed with Zhou Jun's move.

"What kind of power is this!!"

The face of the deep-sea shark king changed wildly. It felt an indescribable sense of crisis from Zhou Jun, and every cell in its body was trembling.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn't. He could only watch the indescribable sword light split his entire body into two pieces in an instant.

This move was - Sword Immortal: Top of Ten Thousand Swords!

As the strongest sword-killing skill, even if Zhou Jun didn't activate the awakening skill, with only LV5 sword intent, its power was unimaginable.

Super strong four-dimensional

Attributes, combined with the basic damage of the sword move itself, and the extremely high sword damage amplification passive.

This 130-level king BOSS will definitely not be able to withstand it.

The blood bar that was still recovering was instantly emptied by the sword move, and the entire huge monster body was also split into two parts, and fell heavily on both sides with a bang.

[Kill LV130 king-level monster Deep Sea Shark King]

[Experience value +11293451]

[Loot light ball x2]

[Level increased to LV57]

[Congratulations! Your magic pet "Let's call it Xiaoshuang" has been upgraded to LV47! ]

A line of prompt pop-up windows flashed quickly in the corner of my eyes.

Zhou Jun and the little dragon cub that was constantly circling in the sky both had three strong white flashes on their bodies.

They all rose three levels.

Killing monsters above their levels and tripling the experience value is really refreshing.

Zhou Jun's condition returned to the peak. After a crackling stretch, he filled up the newly expanded attribute points again.

All four-dimensional attributes also reached 165,000!

The combat power soared again, and the whole person's aura became more profound and terrifying.

After doing all this, Zhou Jun walked quickly to the body of the final BOSS and picked up the two trophy light balls.

The rewards of the king-level monster are still worth looking forward to.

At this time, he reached out and touched, and two things immediately appeared in front of him.

The first one is a prop, and the second one is equipment.

Look at the prop first.

This is a bottle of dark purple injection, the needle is very thick, and the needle tube is as thick as an ordinary person's arm.

Zhou Jun was stunned.

What is this?

Focusing his eyes, he quickly called out the detailed information of the item, and after a moment, his face was happy.

The exaggerated syringe in front of him was indeed not for human use, but a bottle of rare potion that had a permanent buff effect on the pet.

After injecting the pet, it could increase its overall attributes by 2%.

It might not seem like much at first glance, but don't forget that it was permanent, and Zhou Jun could also sublimate it!

In this way, its effect was completely different.

Zhou Jun immediately released the sublimation power in his body, evolving it from the original mythical quality to the immortal quality.

The increase ratio also changed from the original 2% to 12%!

It was ten points more.

"Xiao Shuang, come down!"

Zhou Jun smiled and waved at the sky while holding the big syringe.

The little dragon cub felt the call of his master, flew all the way down, then blinked a pair of big eyes, curiously looked at the injection in Zhou Jun's hand, and even stretched out his head to sniff the thick syringe.

The innocent little dragon cub didn't know what it was for.

"This is a good thing. Turn around and I'll tell you!"

Zhou Jun had a kind smile on his face, and he spoke in a tone like a pediatrician coaxing a child to get an injection.


The little dragon cub, who believed in his master, happily turned his chubby dragon body, his clear big eyes full of expectation, still thinking about what the good thing his master was talking about.

However, before it could figure it out, it felt the flesh on its buttocks tighten, something pierced in, and then there was a piercing pain, with the buttocks as the center point, quickly passing through the whole body.

"Ah woo! Ah woo!!"

The little dragon cub screamed, flapping its wings wildly, but it couldn't break free under Zhou Jun's strange power, and it just held on until the tube of medicine was finished.

"How is it? Do you feel like you have become an invincible dragon!"

Zhou Jun threw the empty syringe away, walked to the front of the little dragon cub expectantly, and asked with a smile.

At this moment, the little dragon cub huddled together with his eyebrows lowered, responding with an extremely weak "Awoo, Awoo". Looking at his expression again, he actually showed some grievance in a human way, and two tears rolled in his big eye sockets.

The little dragon cub actually cried in pain!

Zhou Jun felt amused and helpless when he saw this scene.

The world-famous Frost Feather Dragon, when he was a child, was aggrieved to the point of crying like a child when he was given an injection in his buttocks.

"Don't cry, don't cry, eat a leg to slow down, it will be fine in a while!"

Zhou Jun could only coax a child like an old father. After touching the big head of the Frost Feather Dragon, he picked up a broken limb of the Deep Sea Shark King on the ground and brought it to the little dragon cub.

After the latter gnawed a fish leg aggrievedly, he finally stopped crying.

Then, under Zhou Jun's curious gaze, it ran to the open space again, picked up the empty syringe it had just thrown away with its mouth, and then ran a long way with its short legs to throw it away, and then ran back with peace of mind.

It seemed as if it was afraid that Zhou Jun would prick its butt with the syringe again.

This funny scene made Zhou Jun laugh.

After playing with the little dragon for a while, he finally

I remembered that there was a second piece of loot that I hadn't seen yet.

When I saw it, my expression changed.

It turned out to be a rare auxiliary equipment, and its name was - Macho Perfume!

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