The two of them were so angry that they were beaten.

Zhou Tong was slapped away with one slap, and Zhou Tiancheng was crippled with two slaps!

Zhou Jun had just returned to the Zhou family, and before he even stepped into the door, he showed a strength that was enough to shock everyone.

Is this still the abandoned waste who was bullied by others in the impression?

Everyone's mind was shocked and their minds were buzzing.

Looking at the terrifying boy who looked like a god or demon, they were completely shocked.

This time, everyone in front of and behind the door put away their contempt in their hearts and never dared to look at him again.

Zhou Jun was too lazy to care about these small fish in the family. There were more important things to deal with at the moment.

He turned around and walked towards the main door.

This time, he finally crossed the threshold smoothly and entered the Zhou family again.

Looking up, it was a luxurious courtyard like a manor.

In front of him, there were layers of rockery and green trees, and fountains and water were flowing, all of which showed the dignity of the aristocratic family.

Touched by the scene, he looked along the way and recalled a lot in his heart.

But in the end, he still shook his head, gathered all his thoughts, and strode towards the depths.

After passing through the familiar corridors, a suddenly open field came into view.

This is the most central place of the Zhou family's villa complex. It was specially made into an empty field like a square to hold some large-scale activities in the family.

Today, the old man's 100th birthday banquet was naturally held here.

At this moment, there were shadows, and all the members of the Zhou family, whether they were side branches or direct branches, were basically present.

Rows of comfortable seats had already been arranged.

The left side was reserved for foreign guests who came to celebrate the birthday, and the right side was for the Zhou family members.

At this moment, many people had taken their seats according to their seniority and class in the family.

"Xiaojun, this way!"

A surprised voice came from his ears. Zhou Jun, who had just arrived at the scene, looked up and saw a bright woman in a white dress waving at him in a row of seats.

It was his aunt!

Looking at the familiar face that he hadn't seen for a long time, Zhou Jun's heart also surged with joy, and he walked over with a smile.


As soon as the voice fell, before Zhou Jun continued to speak, the figure of his aunt Zhou Ziqiong had already stood up from her seat, ran over like a breeze, and excitedly hugged her in her arms.

"Xiaojun, aunt misses you so much, so much!"

Zhou Ziqiong's voice was hoarse, with a crying tone, telling Zhou Jun about her longing for these years.

Then she wiped her tears, held Zhou Jun's face, and said with a smile: "Xiaojun, you have grown a lot taller and stronger."

"Aunt, I will be 19 after the Chinese New Year, and I am no longer a child."

Zhou Jun listened to these warm words, and the long-lost family affection wrapped him up, and the heart that had always been cold since entering the Zhou family also melted a little.

No matter how hateful the Zhou family is, there are relatives here that you can't give up!

"Yes, Xiaojun is now an adult who can stand on his own!"

Zhou Ziqiong smiled and looked at Zhou Jun, who was a head taller than him. He liked him no matter how he looked at him. After a moment, he suddenly remembered something and frantically took out a card from his backpack and said:

"Xiaojun, you don't have living expenses, right? Aunt saved a lot of money this year, you go and spend it first!"

It was a very ordinary bank savings card, but at this moment, Zhou Ziqiong quietly stuffed it into Zhou Jun's hand like a treasure.

After Zhou Wang and his son came to power, the little aunt had a hard time in the Zhou family because she was close to Zhou Jun.

Although she was a legitimate daughter of the Zhou family and the old man's most beloved daughter, she was still no match for her second brother's methods and was restricted everywhere.

Not only was it strictly forbidden to interfere in the family's industry, but even the living expenses were deducted again and again.

The disposable amount for a year was only 200,000!

You know, 200,000 is not even a penny for a top family like the Zhou family. In the high-consumption federation, they can't even afford the most ordinary gold equipment!

You can imagine how tight this life is!

But despite this, the little aunt still saved a lot of money over the years and gave it to Zhou Jun as living expenses.

This behavior has become a habit.

And in the year when she accompanied the old man to travel abroad, the little aunt secretly saved a lot, thinking about coming back to spend it on Zhou Jun.

That small bank card carries not only cold federal currency, but also the protection that my aunt can provide.

Looking at the card that my aunt put into my hand like a treasure

, Zhou Jun couldn't help but feel a sore nose and an extremely painful heart.

Zhou Wang, look at what you two have done!

This is your sister and aunt!

But now she is even worse than an ordinary girl!

In addition to the heartache, an unknown anger was also rising in his heart.

Zhou Jun took a deep breath and calmed down. Finally, under the concerned gaze of his aunt, he slowly put the bank card back into her small backpack and smiled casually:

"Aunt, I am richer than you now. No. 5 Middle School rewarded me 50 million!"

Although Zhou Ziqiong asked Zhou Jun about his recent situation on the phone, the information he got was not comprehensive. He was stunned when he heard these words.

Then he showed great joy and said with relief: "Well, well, you are worthy of being the man of our Zhou family. You are so proud!"

The aunt was very happy and praised Zhou Jun. After a long time, she finally stopped, as if she had vented her longing for all these years.

Then he pulled Zhou Jun to a seat and said, "Let's sit here, the view is pretty good, and we can see your grandfather later."

Zhou Ziqiong said this easily, but when Zhou Jun saw the seat clearly, he couldn't help frowning.

Because this seat is in the last row!

The area in front is spacious, with at least nine rows of seats, which can be said to be densely packed. After everyone sits down, I'm afraid I can only see the back of other people's heads, how can I see the old man who is the birthday boy in the front?

So Zhou Jun didn't move after listening to Zhou Ziqiong's self-deceiving words, and even pulled her to sit down, saying bluntly: "Aunt, isn't this right?"

"In the Zhou family, the first three rows are for the direct lineage, the last six rows are for the side branches, and the last row is only for subordinates with other surnames."

"You and I are both orthodox Zhou family, the blood of the old man, so we should sit in the first two rows!"

Zhou Jun's voice was loud, attracting many people's attention.

When Zhou Ziqiong heard the young man's powerful words, he was startled at first, then looked at the mocking eyes around him, and pulled Zhou Jun's clothes with fear, saying:

"Xiaojun, don't say anything, now you and me are not qualified to choose seats, the last row is the last row..."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became.

Obviously, Xiaogu has been bullied by the people of Zhou Wang's father and son.

Seeing Xiaogu, who was once a proud daughter of heaven, now has completely lost her spirit and become so humble.

Zhou Jun's inner anger finally couldn't be suppressed.

After looking around at the mocking or indifferent eyes of the Zhou family members,

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure like the blazing sun falling into the mortal world burst out from his body. He pulled up the little aunt and said loudly: "Since when has Zhou Xianhua decided the rules of our Zhou family?"

"Today, I want to sit in the first row, and I want to sit in the first seat!"

"I want to see who dares to stop me!"

While Zhou Jun was speaking, his momentum was like a storm, spreading layer by layer, overwhelming the whole audience, shocking everyone's eyes all over.

The little aunt was even more stunned on the spot. Before she could react, she was pulled to the first row by Zhou Jun!

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