In the small courtyard, Zhou Bingyi, wearing a white training suit, was practicing Tai Chi in an old and frail manner. His fists were steady and powerful, and the air was rolling with each swing.

After all, he was a sky destroyer. Even though Zhou Bingyi was already a hundred years old, he was still countless times stronger than his peers on Earth in his previous life.

Zhou Jun used his spiritual pupils at this time and could clearly see that the level above Zhou Bingyi's head was 170.

As the patriarch of the previous generation, Grandpa Zhou's own strength was naturally not low. When he was young, he reached level 200 like Zhou Xianhua.

But this level is not static.

The Heaven-Fighters on Blue Star are actually somewhat similar to the warriors in the martial arts world.

As they age, their qi and blood decline, their attributes will decrease, and their levels will drop.

Only by constantly upgrading, breaking the limits of the human body again and again, and increasing their lifespan can they maintain their levels.

It is said that as long as one becomes a Thousand-level Supreme standing at the top of the human race, one can break the shackles of lifespan, achieve longevity, and truly overlook the eternity, and the level will never regress.

However, these are just rumors, and it is a mystery whether anyone has really reached the realm of the Thousand-level Supreme.

For Zhou Jun now, it is even more of an unattainable goal.

"Xiaojun, come here quickly."

After a set of boxing, Zhou Bingyi's face was ruddy, and he waved and smiled at Zhou Jun.

After a few days of recuperation, the old man's mentality has slowly come out of the great changes in the Zhou family, and he is no longer so lost.

Now Zhou Jun has cleared the door for the Zhou family, making a family more prosperous and attracting all nations, which is a good thing.


Zhou Jun came to Zhou Bingyi and bowed.

Then he sat on a bench in the courtyard with him.

"Xiaojun, you will set sail for Kunlun tomorrow. I have something to tell you."

Zhou Bingyi reached out and stroked Zhou Jun's head, his eyes full of admiration. After a long time, he said with emotion.

Hearing this, Zhou Jun's heart was startled.

He knew that he was about to enter the main topic of today's conversation, and his grandfather might tell him something that had been hidden for a long time.

He immediately showed a serious look and listened attentively.

The old man looked into the distance in deep thought, with a look of reminiscence on his aged face, as if he was organizing his words. After a long while, he said:

"Xiaojun, the world only knows that my Zhou family is a powerful family in the remote town of Linyuan, but they don't know that a thousand years ago, when the Federation was first established, our Zhou family was one of the eight royal families that charged to the front line of the universe and protected mankind!"

As soon as Zhou Bingyi opened his mouth, he was so shocked that Zhou Jun couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

Eight royal families!

Zhou Jun was not unfamiliar with these four words.

Because there have always been rumors about the eight royal families on many dark websites.

It is said that these are the first eight families that have benefited from the upgrade of the panel and have risen with extraordinary military power. They played a vital role in the struggle between early humans and dark creatures.

It can be said that without the eight royal families, Blue Star might have been swallowed up long ago.

But no one knows who the eight royal families are, and even no information can be found on the Internet. All that can be seen are some groundless rumors.

I didn't expect to get such news today.

The Zhou family was once one of the eight royal families!

But the question is, the eight royal families are undoubtedly powerful royal families. Since the Zhou family is one of them, how could it fall to the point it is now? Even a Dutian Academy can bully it?

With these questions in mind, Zhou Jun looked at the old man, but saw a trace of resentment in the old man's eyes, and said:

"Thinking back to the past, my Zhou family's ancestor was extremely talented and was hailed as the strongest genius of mankind. Under his leadership, the eight royal families won consecutive victories in the starry sky battlefield and drove all the dark creatures that were about to enter the atmosphere back hundreds of millions of kilometers away. His achievements can be crowned as a king and a saint!"

"In the last battle, the eight royal families turned into four groups and went to four battlefields respectively. My Zhou family went to Eris with the Ji family to start a great battle."

"Eris is the most distant celestial body in the solar system. It is also the place where the main combat power of dark creatures lives, and it is also the most important battlefield."

"Although we won that battle, my Zhou family's elites were completely killed, and my ancestor risked his life and fell into the starry sky forever. Only three or five people from the Ji family returned to the blue planet alive."

"When the merits were awarded, because no one from my Zhou family was present,

Only a few old, weak and sick people were left in the clan land, so all the rewards and honors of the battle of Eris finally fell into the hands of the Ji family. "

"Since then, the eight royal families have become famous in Blue Star and have become giants. The Ji family is the leader. Only my Zhou family, after losing the protection of our ancestors, has become weaker and weaker. In just two hundred years, it has become the bottom of the eight royal families."

"A broken family, although it still has the title of a royal family, can no longer be taken seriously by the Federation. Fifty years later, my Zhou family's house in Shendu was bought by the Ji family, and they left the power center of the Federation and came to Linyuan to settle down."

"In a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed! "

Zhou Bingyi passionately described the rise and fall of a family.

Obviously, there are still many details that have not been disclosed. It should be because the time is too long, and even Zhou Bingyi is not clear.

After listening to it, Zhou Jun looked at Zhou Bingyi's angry expression and couldn't help but said, "Grandpa, do you suspect that there was something fishy when our ancestors fought on the planet Eris?"

"Yes." Zhou Bingyi said bluntly: "Why did all my Zhou family members die on the battlefield of Eris, but the Ji family became the survivors? The Ji family also took all the rewards and honors. The patriarchs of my Zhou family have long suspected this! "

When Zhou Jun heard this, his brows gradually furrowed.

There are indeed too many doubts.

I think the eight royal families and the top leaders of the Federation should have seen the clues.

But even if they did, what could they do?

The tragic death of all the members of the Zhou family is a foregone conclusion, but the Ji family is still alive!

The living strong are always more valuable than the dead, so even if it is wrong, we can only make the mistake!

"Finding the truth of the year and giving our ancestors an explanation has always been the wish of our Zhou family for generations."

"Even your parents set foot on the starry sky battlefield that year, and it was motivated by this matter."

"And their disappearance, I suspect it is related to this, Xianrong may have grasped some clues."

Zhou Bingyi suddenly looked at Zhou Jun and said word by word: "Xiaojun, you are the unicorn son nurtured by the luck of our Zhou family for hundreds of years. Now you have been admitted to Kunlun and become a climate. The eight royal families can't do anything to you. "

"You promised grandpa that when you become strong one day and step into the starry sky, you must go to Eris to find your father's traces, find your ancestors' traces, and find the truth of the past!"

The old man's eyes were filled with tears, and his voice was resounding, and every word was like a heavy hammer.

Zhou Jun's face also became solemn, and he nodded very hard.

"Grandpa, no matter what the truth is, I will give my parents and ancestors a clear name known to the world!"

The young man's eyes were bright, and he promised loudly.

Finding the truth about his parents' disappearance was one of his goals after his rebirth.

All this was what he should do on his future path.

When Zhou Bingyi saw this, his old tears rolled down, and he kept saying good things. After a long while, he calmed down.

He immediately stretched out his hand and suddenly took out a square black wooden box from the space backpack, and said solemnly: "Xiaojun, grandpa still has some gifts for you. "

"This is the reward that my Zhou family ancestors received from the Federation when they were at their peak. It has never been used and has been passed down from generation to generation."

"Now, as the 17th generation patriarch of the Zhou family, I officially present it to you, hoping that it will be of some help to your growth."

After saying this, the old man slowly opened the black wooden box in front of Zhou Jun's stunned eyes.

Inside, a golden fruit with unique patterns was lying quietly.

And on it, a line of item introduction appeared in his eyes——

World Tree Fruit!

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