The truth of the world...?

Zhou Jun was slightly surprised when he heard this, and then paused and said:

"The textbook says that the changes in our world began with the revival of the will of the seven goddesses a thousand years ago. The goddess of creation used her divine power to give all humans an upgrade panel, thus opening the path of human transcendence..."

What Zhou Jun said is what is recorded in the federal textbooks, and it is also what every school will teach.

But who would have thought that Lao Lu Dan shook his head, drank a mouthful of sake, ate two peanuts, and said with a swaying head:

"How sacred is the extraordinary evolution of my entire human race? How could the seven goddesses have such great power? What do you think they are, the creators?"

Lao Lu Dan's three consecutive questions made Zhou Jun stunned again and couldn't help but fall silent.

Could it be... that this is not the case, and the Federation is deceiving everyone?

Seeing Zhou Jun's doubtful look, Lao Lu Dan smiled and said:

"Boy, the reason why my human race can continue to upgrade is due to its own great power!"

"The upgrade panel is just a medium to activate this great power."

The skinny old man said something shocking.

If this was not Kunlun University, he would be regarded as a madman if he heard it in other places.

Even Zhou Jun's eyes widened slightly at this moment, and he was shocked.

He never expected to hear such words from Lao Lu Dan.

Everyone thinks that it is the upgrade panel that gives humans the ability to upgrade continuously.

But now Lao Lu Dan says that the reason why humans can absorb experience points to upgrade is that they have the ability? This is incredible.

Is this really an online game world, and everyone is a string of data?

Zhou Jun couldn't understand it. He looked down at his hands with a blank look in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lao Lu Dan felt inexplicably relieved.

Let this black-bellied stinky boy just deliberately watch him make a fool of himself, and now he is also confused by something he can't understand!

After secretly feeling happy for a while, Lao Lu Dan drank the wine leisurely.

It was not until Zhou Jun came back to his senses and showed an unprecedented desire for knowledge in his eyes that he slowly said:

"Boy, it's not what you think. You, me, and all the living beings in this world are living people, not some online game data."

Hearing this, Zhou Jun finally let go of his heart.

He bowed to Lao Lu Dan and said sincerely: "Please help me, senior!"

"Well, this attitude is pretty good."

Lao Lu Dan nodded, then pondered, as if considering how to start.

After a moment, he asked: "Boy, have you read fantasy novels?"


Zhou Jun was stunned. He didn't expect Lao Lu Dan to jump so far.

But he still answered truthfully: "I have."

In his two lives on Blue Star, because he was busy upgrading, Zhou Jun really didn't have much time to play games and read novels like ordinary people.

But when he lived on Earth in his first life, he was a senior book fan and read all kinds of online articles.

Seeing this, Lao Lu Dan nodded slightly and began to talk:

"Then you should also know that the warriors in fantasy novels, or the immortals in fairy tales, are all on an extraordinary path of continuous evolution, by absorbing the energy between heaven and earth and transforming it into their own power."

"And what I want to tell you is that in fact, we, the Heaven-destroying, also follow the same principle!"

The voice became serious for a rare time. Lao Lu Dan sat up slightly and looked at Zhou Jun seriously:

"Our human body itself has the ability to continuously absorb external energy to achieve evolution. As for the manifestation of this ability, it is "killing"!"

"By constantly killing special life forms and absorbing the energy they feedback, we can continue to become stronger."

"When enough is accumulated, we will break through the realm, which is the so-called "upgrade"!"

Lao Lu Dan spoke loudly and proposed a brand new concept.

Zhou Jun fell into deep thought.

He never thought that what he heard today would be so subversive.

Lao Ludan continued to talk to himself:

"It's just that we humans lost this ability at some point, until a thousand years ago, when the seven goddesses revived. They used the popular online game method in our society at that time to set up and gave all humans an upgrade panel, which also reawakened the hidden abilities in each of our bodies."

"The fallen goddess is not evil, Blue Star is just

There are ordinary beasts, but no special life, so she created copies and summoned monsters, which gave us humans special life that can be killed. "

"But I think that monsters did not appear out of thin air. They may have existed on Blue Star in the extremely ancient times."

"Perhaps, they are similar to "demon beasts" in fantasy novels."

"At a certain period, they were taken away by a more powerful force, and were not released until now by the Fallen Goddess. The intention should be for the re-emergence of the human race."

Old Ludan told a new point of view.

The Fallen Goddess, who has always been regarded as evil, seems to have become a kind god.

After hearing these words, Zhou Jun was also full of doubts and couldn't help asking: "Senior, what exactly are the seven goddesses? Why did they fall asleep back then? What is their position now? Is there a more brilliant extraordinary civilization in the ancient times of our Blue Star?"

"Not sure. "

The old boiled egg shook his head and sighed: "No one can check the past history. Maybe someone in the federal high-level will know it."

"Of course, if one day you can go to the starry sky and become the strongest group of God Kings, you should be able to understand the truth."

The old man in front of him opened up a corner of history for Zhou Jun, but he didn't know the whole picture.

The origin of the seven goddesses, the truth of the ancient times, and the world tree that has stood since ancient times...

The past of Blue Star is too mysterious and vast.

If you don't become a God King, don't even think about peeking into these secrets in your lifetime.

"Let's talk about the bottleneck you want to know."

Seeing that Zhou Jun had almost digested it, the old boiled egg touched his non-existent beard and said: "In fact, the so-called bottleneck is just stuck by the upper limit of talent."

"Just like the bottleneck of the immortal cultivators in the novel, after they absorb the spiritual energy into their bodies, they cannot convert all the spiritual energy into cultivation due to problems such as spiritual roots and physique, so the realm cannot be broken through. ”

“It is the same for us, the Heaven-killers. The reason why we cannot successfully upgrade even though we have experience points is that these experience points cannot be effectively converted into our own strength.”

“Absorbing 10%, maybe 99% are wasted.”

“I have SS-level talent. I was already a 449-level strongman 500 years ago. Now 500 years have passed and I have only upgraded to the next level. How sad!”

Old Lu Dan sighed and started to cry.

Zhou Jun was stunned. He understood what Old Lu Dan meant. Many things that he did not understand before suddenly became clear to him.

For example, the elder of the Xing family, who was very old, was only level 90.

He did not understand it at the time. After all, if Blue Star was regarded as a game, and you could upgrade by gaining experience points, then after so many years, even if you grind, you should have been able to upgrade to several hundred levels, right?

Moreover, according to the characteristics of Heaven-killers that the higher their level, the longer their life span, there would be no old people in the Federation.

Upgrade by killing monsters, strong people lead weak people, and the streets are full of them The real situation is that the strong men who look like they are in their twenties or thirties are at the hundreds of levels.

But the reality is obviously not like this.

There are still people of different ages and levels in the Federation.

And now the words of Lao Ludan finally made him understand the terribleness of the "bottleneck".

Whether it is talent or potential, in short, a person's upper limit is here.

In short, don't think of the world as an online game.

Humans don't have a digitized body, and experience points or damage values ​​are just a reference.


After thinking this through, Zhou Jun let out a long breath, feeling like he had seen the light after clearing the clouds.

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