The first time, the first time, was a big mistake.

Kunlun University.

Kunwu Pavilion 19th floor.

The heavy door of the training room opened, and a figure stood tall and walked out steadily.

After he checked all the four-dimensional data, the artificial intelligence Kunkun had uploaded his data to the federal intranet synchronously.

While Zhou Jun was in the training room, he saw the latest ranking of the God List through the temporarily mobilized holographic simulation screen.

"Wuliang is quite powerful. He is only 300,000 behind me."

Although he was at the top of the list as expected, Zhou Jun still couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he saw Wuliang's results.

It was really a golden age of geniuses, and the records of the predecessors were constantly broken.

Even if Zhou Jun is not in this life, the human race will still rise.

This is an unstoppable trend, and the fortunes of the past and present are all concentrated in this generation.

However, in this way, those dark creatures in the starry sky who have always coveted the blue star will probably not be able to sleep.

As his thoughts rolled in his mind, Zhou Jun also stepped out of Kunwu Pavilion, and his figure was stunned.

He saw that in this area, many people had gathered at some point, all looking at him with burning eyes.

The change of ownership of the Hundred-level God List has caused a sensation throughout the Federation, and Kunlun University is naturally not immune.

In particular, many people know that the Son of Heaven on the God List is now their freshman leader.

Therefore, when Zhou Jun was in the training room for evaluation, many people had gathered outside Kunwu Pavilion unknowingly.

They were all waiting for Zhou Jun to appear and see the style of the Son of Heaven.

"It's Zhou Jun! He is the Emperor!"

"I didn't expect that the Emperor is not only gifted, but also so handsome!"

"Thank you, classmate Tianzi, for spreading the reputation of Kunlun!"

"If the Emperor hadn't appeared, the first place on the Hundred-level God List would have been occupied by Taichu's gang!"

As Zhou Jun walked out, countless uproars rang out.

Complimentary and scorching eyes looked at him, and many people were taking photos and videos, just like a superstar on stage.

It was completely different from the desolate scene when Zhou Jun came to Kunwu Pavilion alone half an hour ago.

No one knew when he came.

When he returned, everyone welcomed him!

Zhou Jun swept his eyes across the audience and bowed to everyone in the air to express his courtesy.

Then, he moved his body, stepped directly into the sky, and returned to his residence.

Seeing Zhou Jun leave, many onlookers were still not satisfied. Some showed longing in their eyes, and some hurried into Kunwu Pavilion, wanting to see the updated God List up close.

Of course, Zhou Jun was not very clear about these later words.

At this time, he used the Taixu Shenyou escape method, and returned to the villa in a few shuttles.

Then he sat cross-legged in the courtyard, turned his hand to take out the World Tree Split Fruit that had long been sublimated, and swallowed it into his stomach in three or two mouthfuls.

In an instant, endless mysterious power enveloped him, and the power that was difficult to form condensed and generated from his limbs and bones.

One after another, rich white light flashed on his body.

After changing 25 times, it stopped.

And Zhou Jun's level instantly reached level 125.

He opened and closed his eyes, and there was a flash of lightning in his pupils, as if there was endless power rising in his body.

[Congratulations! You have reached level 125! ]

[Congratulations! Unlock the Vision Skill Bar! 】

A series of prompts popped up in the corner of the field of vision, causing Zhou Jun to take a deep breath and a bit of joy appeared on his face.

Finally reached this step!

Level 125, unlock the ability to awaken the vision...

Not to mention the latter, just crossing 25 levels in one breath is a huge improvement for Zhou Jun.

His current attributes in all aspects have also ushered in a leap again.

Open the personal panel.

[Name]: Zhou Jun

[Level]: LV125 (97%)

[Strength]: 776100 (+617645)

[Agility]: 776100 (+396500)

[Spirit]: 776100 (+512324)

[Constitution]: 776100 (+493124)

[Skills]: Bone Crusher LV5, Sword Master LV3, Judgement Rhapsody LV3, Hell Flame Fist LV3, Imperial Dragon Qi LV3, Divine Forbidden Domain LV3, All-Seeing Demon Attraction LV2, Divine Python Swallowing Dragon Eyes LV2, Sword Immortal·Top of Ten Thousand Swords LV2

[Equipment]: Netherworld Sky Extreme Set (Extreme Immortal), Ancient Divine Sword (Extreme Immortal)

[Talent]: SSS-level All-Law God (only one), S

SS-level infinite sublimation (unique)

[Awakening skills]: Ultimate sublimation LV2

[Flying skills]: Wandering in the Void

[Soul pet]: Red-haired demon Agnes (demon level)

[Demon pet]: Frost Feather Dragon, let's call it Xiaoshuang (demon level)

[Awakening vision]: None

[Core skills]: Five Qis Converging to the Origin LV1 (passive experience value +2/S) (meditation experience value +8000/h)

[Weapon proficiency]: Sword LV6, melee LV4, magic LV3

Data in all aspects are luxurious.

The four-dimensional basic attributes have all broken through 770,000.

Combined with the bonuses brought by other equipment skills, the actual attributes of each item have all exceeded one million.

Each of the four dimensions is one million, how powerful should such a body be? Zhou Jun himself dare not think about it.

"I'm afraid that even the Hulk in the Avengers movie is not strong enough for me to fight?"

Zhou Jun chuckled. In terms of the physical body, he would be a god on the earth in the previous life, and on the blue planet of this world, he could surpass 99% of the Heaven-destroying Warriors.

And this is just the beginning.

With the continuous improvement of the level, the horror of the talent of [Lord of All Laws] will be truly revealed.

If one day, he can step into the rare thousand-level realm, I'm afraid that a shake of the physical body will be enough to shatter tens of millions of galaxies.

"In terms of the basics, it is already a smooth road to the sky, that is, this awakening vision..."

After secretly imagining it, Zhou Jun looked at the vision skill column that had just been unlocked, and his mood gradually calmed down.

Awakening one's own vision is by no means an easy task.

And this kind of thing has nothing to do with speed.

Some people awaken the vision very quickly, but the actual combat effect is very weak.

Some people, even if they wait for decades, can really realize the truth in one day. It only takes a moment for them to comprehend the vision, and their power covers the sky and the sun, and their pressure is overwhelming.

Zhou Jun has unparalleled talent, and he has long been prepared for the inability to awaken the vision in the short term, so in this regard, although he is impetuous, he can still suppress it.

"It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to try to awaken the vision."

"But this is Kunlun, a university, and there are always traces of methods to follow."

After a little hesitation, Zhou Jun decided not to work in isolation, and he could seek help from many external forces in this matter.

He remembered that there were rare treasures on the third floor of the treasure house that could help awaken the probability of vision.

In addition, asking teachers for advice can also give him a lot of experience summarized by predecessors.

Kunlun University is a school after all. Although there are no classes and no teaching buildings... there are still many teachers teaching courses.

Every morning, in the dojo in the center of Kunlun City, there will be teachers who are good at different fields to give lectures.

Zhou Jun had missed many days of classes because he couldn't wait to go to Kunlun Mountains to level up right after he entered school.

"The previous day was a class about weapon proficiency and skill priority, which is not very important to me."

Zhou Jun recalled the course schedule he had seen when he first entered school, and after thinking for a while, he snapped his fingers at the air: "Kunkun, check for me which teacher is teaching the Vision Awakening class, and when is the nearest class."

"Yes, Son of God Zhou Jun! I have found out for you that the teacher who is good at awakening and developing his own vision is Wang Junzhu, and the nearest class will be in two days."

"Wang Junzhu..."

Listening to Kunkun's response, Zhou Jun silently memorized the name.

Just wait two days to listen to the lecture of this teacher Wang Junzhu.

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