At eight o'clock, a loud bell echoed in Kunlun Mountain.

This year's martial arts competition officially kicked off.

Many high-ranking people in the school came, such as Jiang Shangyu, the old principal, and Wang Junzhu.

The process of Kunlun martial arts competition is relatively complicated, after all, it involves the entire university.

There are thousands of students in the whole school. Excluding those who did not come, or just watched the fun and did not intend to sign up, there are nearly two thousand people who need to go on stage to challenge.

With so many people, if everyone wants to fight the whole game, I don't know when it will take.

So Kunlun has a simple and rough set of rules.

That is the promotion system.

Everyone only needs to draw one of the top 10 people higher than themselves. If they can win, they can advance and continue to challenge.

For example, if the challenger is currently ranked between 320 and 330, he will randomly draw an opponent from 310 to 320 to fight.

If you win, you can exchange your ranking with the opponent.

Challenging an opponent who is ranked 10 higher than yourself is the minimum requirement, but if the challenger is very confident in himself, he can also apply to challenge an opponent with a higher ranking.

In addition, freshmen like Zhou Jun who have just entered the school have not left their rankings on the [Contemporary Kunlun Monument] before, so they will have a random draw battle among all opponents outside the top 500 as a "positioning match".

And in this rule, luck accounts for a large proportion.

Because only by defeating the opponent can you be considered successfully positioned.

Losing means failure to make the list, and you can only wait for the school-wide competition.

Over the years, there have been many unlucky people in Kunlun Martial Arts, who have not won the ranking match for one or two consecutive years and have never been able to make the list.

"[The Kunlun Monument at that time] only includes 2,000 places, of which the top 100 are [on the list], 100 to 200 are [off the list], and the rest are [ordinary list]. I wonder how far I can go today?"

Zhou Jun put his hands behind his back, with expectations flowing in his heart.

In front of him, a virtual screen was suspended, and an animation in the shape of a dice was playing continuously on it. This was the matching mechanism of Kunlun Martial Arts looking for an opponent for him.

After about a few seconds, the result came out.

[Matching successful - NO.566, Li Jun]

Zhou Jun's first opponent was ranked 566th on [The Kunlun Monument of the Time].

This is actually a very good result. After all, Kunlun now has thousands of students in the whole school, and the opponent can rank more than 500, which is already in the upper middle position.

If a freshman sees such an opponent, he would probably feel despair.

However, Zhou Jun did not react much.

The opponents on the [Ordinary Ranking] were not worth his serious attention.

At this moment, he closed his eyes slightly and waited for the competition to start.

Although the Kunlun martial arts competition uses only this arena, there is another world inside it, with multiple spaces.

It can accommodate hundreds of battles at the same time, and they do not affect each other.

Zhou Jun was in the second round.

About half an hour later, the first round of martial arts competition ended.

Xiao Ningbing came back with his head held high, while Yang Shaotian sighed with his head down. The result of the two people's match was clear at a glance.

Yang Shaotian matched with a junior student ranked 512, who was not his opponent at all and was completely defeated.

Xiao Ningbing was lucky. His opponent was only 771, and he won the victory without any danger.

"Brother Jun, it's up to you."

Xiao Ningbing, who had advanced, was in a good mood and smiled at Zhou Jun.

Zhou Jun nodded, and then followed Kun Kun's guidance and stepped into the ring.

In a flash, the stars changed. When he could see the surrounding environment again, except for the ring under his feet, the surroundings were extremely quiet, and the audience outside were automatically blocked.

In front of him, a curious young man with a flat head was looking at him.

"Are you the junior brother of the emperor?"

The other party asked in doubt, and seemed to be surprised that he was matched with Zhou Jun in his first fight.

Zhou Jun nodded and bowed, "Senior, please teach me."

"You should still show mercy."

The young man with a flat head smiled bitterly, but he had to put on a posture.

Although he was a junior and had decent talent, he still looked inferior to the famous emperor.

At this moment, he was a little depressed, secretly sighing that his luck was too bad, and at the same time, he used all his strength to release his awakening skills, wanting to see if he could fight

An unexpected victory.

The sky-high green poison surrounded him, turning into a poisonous mist dragon, and attacked fiercely in front.

It must be said that this attack was so powerful that at least half of the people in Kunlun School could not take it.

But Zhou Jun remained calm, just before the poisonous dragon approached, he suddenly punched.

This punch was surrounded by nether fire, and the LV5 fist intention and the huge power of millions burst out. The fist intention of the sky blasted a vacuum area in front.

The oncoming huge dragon head was crushed on the spot, and then the fist intention continued to move, directly covering the whole person of the flat-headed young man.

The next second, his whole body turned into white light and was forcibly teleported out of the arena.

This is the protection mechanism of the martial arts arena. When one party suffers an irresistible fatal injury, it will automatically be judged as the loser and forcibly transferred.

"I... lost?"

The flat-headed young man standing outside the arena stood there blankly, as if he had not yet recovered from the battle just now.

At this moment, his voice was filled with disbelief and extreme shock.

He was a junior with a level of 248. Even if he released his awakening skills, he couldn't last a round in the hands of the Emperor? !

You know, the Emperor was just a freshman who had just enrolled!

"Is this the gap between the number one on the God List and ordinary geniuses like us?"

After a long time, the flat-headed young man smiled silently.

He asked himself that in his own city, he was also the most outstanding genius, attracting everyone's attention.

But when he came to Kunlun, he could only be ranked mediocre!

There is no shortage of top talents here.

And the Emperor is a mountain that is difficult to cross.

[The battle is over, the winner is Zhou Jun]

[Zhou Jun, the Son of God, congratulations on completing the positioning competition, your current ranking is 566th]

Coming down from the ring, Kun Kun's prompt sound came to his ears, indicating that Zhou Jun officially completed this round of the game.

He defeated the flat-headed young man and replaced the opponent's position.

"In the next match, I will challenge an opponent ranked between 266 and 276."

Zhou Jun thought for a while and said to Kun Kun.

Generally speaking, the next challenge system will match an opponent ranked 10 higher than the current one.

But for Zhou Jun, the speed of climbing the list is too slow, and it will take a long time to get on the list.

So he simply applied to challenge across 300 ranks!

It has to be said that this is a very shocking behavior.

After all, in Kunlun, everyone's talents are similar.

And in this case, everyone's strength is almost the same in every big competition.

Theoretically speaking, after the big competition, the ranking of many people will not change much.

Only those extremely special top-level geniuses can continue to climb up.

As for someone like Zhou Jun, he wants to challenge across 300 rankings at once, which is unique in the entire history of Kunlun.

How arrogant is this? He simply doesn't take the heroes of the world seriously!

As soon as this move was made, countless eyes were attracted at the scene.

Everyone was shocked.

The opponent Zhou Jun was matched with in the next round, his face turned pale after learning about the matter, and he stepped out on the spot and said:

"What a great emperor! Although I am not as talented as you, I am also a junior student with a level of LV287. I want to see if you, a level 100 freshman, can really defy the heavens!"

As he spoke, he was full of fighting spirit and enveloped Zhou Jun.

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