The ninth floor. This is the last floor, and also the top of the tower. But compared with the levels of other floors, the space is even larger. It is very inconsistent with the structure of the tower-shaped building with a wide bottom and a narrow top, because what Zhou Jun saw after entering was an empty grassland and sky. It was as if the top of the ninth floor was not in the same dimension as before, and stepped into a different world. [Dear adventure dungeon challenger, you have come to the ninth floor of "Kyle's Nine-story Pagoda", the God's Courtyard.] [The BOSS will come in 10 seconds, please be prepared!] The loud voice sounded again, but unlike before, this time it was particularly urgent and full of oppression. The time for the boss to come down was shortened to just ten seconds.

These ten seconds passed in a flash.

Before the two could feel anything, a strong light shone down from above their heads.

Looking up against the light, they saw a blazing ball of light that looked like the sun falling into the world.

In the center, a slender figure more than three meters high was floating in the air.

She was wearing white armor, her expression was full of divinity, her eyes were full of indifference to life, her hands were crossed in front of her, holding a slender flaming sword upside down.

The six pairs of snow-white wings on her back stretched out, nearly ten meters long, full of oppression.

[Name]: Archangel Destruction Kyle

[Level]: 300

[Class]: Demon

[HP]: 140000000

[Description]: An angel from the divine world, who upholds ruthless absolute justice, is good at sword attack and mental attack, and masters the power of space law, which is very terrifying and powerful

With the appearance of the final BOSS, a series of monster information also appeared in front of the two.

Even though they were mentally prepared, they couldn't help but gasp at this time.

140 million HP!

It's still a demon-level BOSS, which is too scary.

Feng Liuxiang couldn't help but take a step back, her expression full of vigilance.

Zhou Jun has a spiritual pupil, and the information he observes is more than her.

[Characteristics]: Kyle has divine protection, is 50% immune to magic damage, and increases all attribute resistance by 50%; Kyle is favored by the gods, and when he is dying, he has one death immunity, which lasts for three seconds


Any demon-level monster has unique abilities, among which damage immunity is the most common.

When Zhou Jun first attacked a demon-level monster, the opponent was only level 90 and also had a strong damage immunity ability.

Including his pet Frost Feather Dragon, all have this characteristic.

And the angel monster in front of him, she not only has the damage immunity effect, but also has a death immunity!

This ability is rare.

Most ordinary demons do not have it, and this alone is enough to explain the specialness of this angel in front of him.

Not to mention, it is also terrifyingly strong, and each skill has the power of destroying the world.

He also mastered the power of space!

This is not like the half-baked ability of those demons below level 100, but a true insight into the laws of space.

And the unpredictable and mysterious mental attack method...

It can be foreseen that this will be a fierce battle!

"Sinful intruder, prepare to face the judgment of God!"

At the same time, Archangel Kyle also pointed the sword in his hand to the ground, overlooking the two.

There was no emotion in his voice, and he spoke coldly.

"Huh——, I'll go first!"

A long breath sounded beside him, but it was Feng Liuxiang who suddenly took a step forward, with a strong belief in invincibility in his eyes.

Then, the moment the voice fell, the whole person turned into a stunning bird and flew out.


The phoenix's cry shook the world.

An indescribably huge phoenix phantom appeared above the sky.

In a flash, it occupied the entire sky.

Its wings were so big that it seemed like the real body of an ancient mythical beast had descended, and it could easily contain a piece of heaven and earth.

In comparison, the demon archangel Kyle seemed a little small.

"My ancestors of the Feng family were defeated by you back then."

"Today, I will kill you and restore the glory of my Feng family!"

Feng Liuxiang's eyes were cold, floating in the sky, the divine phoenix behind her spread its wings, and the divine fire was surging, making her look like a peerless goddess.

At this moment, she slightly raised one hand.

The huge and boundless terrifying phoenix phantom behind her also raised its head accordingly, and let out a soul-stirring cry.


The next moment, countless divine fires erupted in all directions, burning the entire sky into a fiery red, as if the end of the world was coming.

SS-level vision - the divine phoenix burns the sky!

Feng Liuxiang is worthy of being the world's top genius. Her vision has already stood at the top of Kunlun.

At this moment, when facing this powerful 300-level demon god, there was no hesitation at all, and she directly used the strongest means.

Once the divine phoenix appeared, the entire ninth floor became her home court.

All fire magic attacks have a 500% bonus.

Those divine fires can burn everything. Even if the Fire God King Yan Lie comes, he has to admire it.

"So you are the descendant of that little bird!"

Archangel Kyle did not change his face in the face of this devastating scene, but when he stared at the phoenix shadow that covered the sky and the sun, he seemed to remember something.

The next second, she swung the sword in her hand, and a sacred light wave swept out immediately, carrying an extremely upright and solemn sword intent, and in the blink of an eye, it passed over the phoenix phantom.

The phoenix screamed, and the vision was almost split in two at this moment.

"How can it be so powerful?!"

Feng Liuxiang's pretty face changed suddenly, her heart was pounding, but her hands were not slow, and she still released a series of high-level fire skills.

Boom boom boom——

The explosion sounded on the ninth floor, and all the fire moves were destroyed by Kyle's sword.

But at this moment, she suddenly turned around and stabbed into the void three meters behind her.

"Humble, who gave you the courage to sneak attack this god!"

Kyle's voice was a little contemptuous, and the space exploded where she stabbed, and Zhou Jun walked out of it without saying a word.

Feng Liuxiang took the lead in fighting, so he naturally couldn't sit and wait to die.

The battlefield is not a turn-based system, and there is no martial ethics in the dungeon, so Zhou Jun wanted to sneak attack to test the Archangel's element.

Unfortunately, the opponent's attainments in the law of space are too deep, and he was discovered as soon as he touched three meters behind him.

"If my Taixu Shenyou escape method was more proficient, I would have succeeded just now."

Zhou Jun thought helplessly in his heart, he still didn't master the law of space deeply enough.

"The phoenix flies and soars, and the four seas seek the phoenix!"

Just at this moment, a delicate cry suddenly sounded, but it was Feng Liuxiang who took advantage of Kyle's confrontation with Zhou Jun and attacked behind him.

At this moment, what was released was the awakening skill!

In the vision, two phantoms of divine birds emerged, flying side by side, and pounced on Kyle at a very fast speed.

In ancient times, there were divine birds, the male was the phoenix, and the female was the phoenix.

Today, with the phoenix as the bow and the phoenix as the arrow, this shocking attack was shot.

It is - the phoenix seeks the phoenix!

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