
In Wang Junzhu's teacher's villa.

A table of food was constantly emitting fragrance, garlic-flavored magic crab legs, salt-baked sky-high magic shrimps, braised dark honey pigs... all of which are famous dishes on Blue Star.

It must be said that Wang Junzhu's cooking skills are comparable to those of a five-star chef, and she is really good at cooking.

And because it was almost the end of the semester, this was Zhou Jun's last time to come to her house for dinner, so she cooked a very rich meal.

"Thank you, auntie, I'm going to eat!"

Zhou Jun rubbed his palms and was about to take a crab leg as thick as his arm.

As a result, before he could touch it, Wang Junzhu hit the back of his hand with chopsticks with a "snap".

But the ancient costume beauty squinted at him and said angrily: "Go wash your hands first!"


Zhou Jun blushed, responded awkwardly, and hurried into the bathroom.

After a while, he returned to the table and began to eat heartily.

As a physical cultivator who takes the close combat route, Zhou Jun has no elegant habits, and his eating manners are particularly rough.

In just over ten minutes, he swallowed most of the food on the table.

After rubbing his belly, he asked with a comfortable face: "Auntie, what is the winter vacation homework you assigned to me?"

Opposite him, Wang Junzhu, who was chewing monster meat in small bites and as elegant as a fairy, slowly put down the chopsticks in her hand after hearing this.

Then he wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and then he answered: "My winter vacation homework for you is... go to the North Territory and find an immortal item called [Heaven Calling Stone]!"

North Territory?

Heaven Calling Stone?

Across the table, Zhou Jun raised his eyes a little, and sat up straight without making a sound.

The memories of his previous life flooded into his mind like a tide at this time.

North Territory!

Zhou Jun died in the North Territory in his previous life!

Zhou Jun is very familiar with this place.

There are many grievances and hatreds that happened here.

If he had not been stabbed by Zhou Wang in the super difficult copy at that time, he would have settled in the North Territory after coming out of the copy.

Because at that time, he had successfully joined the guard team of the North Territory super giant company, Xinghuan Group.

As one of the four territories of Daxia, the North Territory has extremely strong comprehensive strength, surpassing the South Territory by many, with countless aristocratic families and giant chaebols everywhere.

Among them, the Star Ring Group is the first chaebol in the North, a well-deserved giant.

This is a heavy industrial manufacturing company that spans many fields such as construction, energy, aerospace, and ultra-high-tech research and development.

The steel Great Wall that surrounds the surface of the Blue Star and protects humans for thousands of years is the work of the Star Ring Group!

It can be said that the Star Ring Group is a giant even if it looks at the entire Blue Star.

Zhou Jun spent half his life in his previous life and finally joined the guard team of this company.

The guard team of the Star Ring Group is divided into many types.

Among them, the core guard team is responsible for protecting the dungeon experience of the children of the group's senior executives, and the treatment is extremely generous.

It is the job that the scattered people without family background want most.

Zhou Jun struggled all the way in his previous life, and finally passed the layers of assessment and entered the guard team of levels 50 to 70, responsible for protecting the children of the Star Ring Group's senior executives at this level.

Unfortunately, there are unexpected events, and before he could have a few days of good life, he encountered an unprecedented emergency.

At that time, he was on standby in Tuoba City in the northern border, preparing to follow the team to protect the son of a vice president's family in a dungeon.

But before they set off, the sky of the entire Tuoba City suddenly darkened, and the entire city's power grid was affected and fell into darkness, with only lightning and thunder above the sky.

Later, Zhou Jun learned that it was not just a situation targeting Tuoba City, but most of the northern border was like this, with thirteen large cities implicated.

The reason was that a rare and extremely large siege dungeon was born!

The difficulty of this dungeon is super difficult, covering a wide range of levels from 50 to 400, and can accommodate more than 100,000 people at the same time.

Once this dungeon was released, there was no doubt that the world was shocked.

Countless aristocratic families and wealthy guilds heard the news and moved together to the northern border, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

As a local force in the northern border, Xinghuan Group would naturally not miss this opportunity.

He immediately ordered all the core guards in the North who met the entry requirements to gather and start attacking the dungeon.

It was precisely because of this that a series of subsequent events were triggered by chance.


Zhou Wang appeared because the Zhou family, who was far away in Linyuan City at that time, wanted to fish in troubled waters, so they sent Zhou Wang to the northern border.

Now, although the grievances with the Zhou family have been settled.

But in the northern border, Zhou Jun still has some enemies, and he has not cleared the cause and effect in this life.

He went to the northern border from Linyuan, but he was bullied a lot.

"The Tantai family, the Luo family... I have never forgotten what happened back then!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun lowered his eyes secretly, and there was a flame burning!

That's right, there was a reason why he chose to develop in the northern border in his previous life.

His mother was from the Tantai family, one of the most aristocratic families in the northern border!

At that time, Zhou Jun saw that there was no way out in the Zhou family, and he was completely discouraged with this family, so he chose to go to his mother's family to look for opportunities.

But he never thought that he would be treated even more unfairly!

It turned out that his mother had a free love relationship with his father Zhou Xianrong, which was not recognized by the family.

The Tan Tai family favored sons over daughters, and Zhou Jun's mother Tan Tai Jing was not the eldest daughter of the head of the family, but the youngest daughter of the second wife.

Therefore, the family arranged Tan Tai Jing's life early on, that is, to marry the Luo family, which is also a big family in the northern border, and marry the young master of the Luo family as a concubine.

Tan Tai Jing has a hot temper, how can she be willing to live such a life? So after falling in love with Zhou Xianrong, she chose to elope regardless of everything.

This move undoubtedly made the head of the Tan Tai family extremely angry. Not only did he miss the big plan of marrying with the Luo family, but he also slapped the faces of the two families.

In this context, Zhou Jun rashly went to the northern border to seek help from the Tan Tai family, how could there be a good result?

The Luo family and the Tan Tai family both ridiculed him.

They even made a fuss about the fact that Zhou Xianrong and his wife were designated as traitors of the human race by the Federation.

Zhou Jun still cannot forget those humiliating scenes.

He couldn't understand how the head of the Tan Tai family, his grandfather who he had never met, could be so indifferent to the disappearance of his own daughter!

In his eyes, his grandson was like a weed on the roadside!

After being stabbed by both his father's and mother's families, Zhou Jun was completely desperate about these aristocratic families.

That's why he embarked on the path of a loner and joined the Star Ring Group.

But this doesn't mean he can forget the humiliation and hatred he had suffered.

So when he heard that he was going to the North again, Zhou Jun's heart was filled with thunder and arrows.

Endless coldness was spreading!

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