The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

Just when Zhou Jun was testing his own attribute values.

On the 33rd floor of Feilong Building.

In an elegantly decorated tea room.

There was a man about 27 or 28 years old with a head full of white hair, sitting cross-legged in meditation.

On the tea table in front of him, a bowl of freshly brewed green tea was slowly steaming.

If there were people who knew the goods here, they would be shocked after seeing this scene.

Because the tea brewed by the man was not ordinary tea, but a "holy tea" with mythical quality that could only be collected from the 100-level difficult dungeon!

This kind of holy tea is worth one million federal coins per ounce. Long-term drinking can increase all attributes of the whole body and slowly increase experience points.

But at this moment, the white-haired young man in front of him tasted it disapprovingly.

Even after taking a bite, he poured the remaining half bowl directly onto the tea table just because he was a little dissatisfied with the taste.

Such a wasteful behavior, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will call it a spendthrift.

But it is surprisingly reasonable for the white-haired young man.

Because his name is Chu Tiange!

He is the owner of Feilong Tower, a person who truly stands at the peak of power in Linyuan City!

And Chu Tiange himself is also an absolute legend.

He was only 28 years old, and he cultivated to level 194. After that, he was airdropped to Linyuan City by the Federation and served as the owner of Feilong Tower, holding power that ordinary people could not imagine.

Even those family heads and wealthy elders had to show respect when they saw him, and they did not dare to underestimate him at all.

After all, those who can sit in the position of the owner of Feilong Tower at this age will have an extremely bright future.

There have even been rumors in the city that Chu Tiange's position as the owner of Feilong Tower is just a demotion for training, and he will be promoted to the top of the federation or even the core hub in a few years.

It is precisely because of this that many people do not want to miss the opportunity to make friends with Chu Tiange, and countless dignitaries want to visit him every day.

However, in the face of all this, Chu Tiange refused all of them.

Over time, there were rumors that the owner of Feilong Tower was mysterious and arrogant.

And at this moment.

The owner of Chuda Tower, who was said to be so magical by others, was about to pour out all the remaining tea residue, but he was suddenly stunned.

I saw his ears move slightly, and he suddenly let out a light exclamation.

"What a light body movement, he can actually not get a single leaf on his body at the full speed of the four guns of the trial puppet. Whose genius is this?"

As the tone of surprise sounded, Chu Tiange lowered his head and looked at the tea table with interest.

But there was nothing on the tea table.

However, he still stared straight ahead, as if his sight could penetrate objects and at this moment, he could see what was happening on the 3rd floor across many obstacles.

Chu Tiange naturally did not have a perspective eye.

This was the powerful five senses that he possessed as a 100-level expert, allowing him to have absolute perception within a certain range.

For example, now, his ears only moved slightly, and his listening ability was greatly enhanced. Although he was sitting on the 33rd floor, he could clearly hear everything that happened on the 3rd floor.

The conversation between Xu Yuan and Deacon Chen, the friction between Zhou Jun's body and the air when he moved, the sound of the rubber ball ejected by the trial puppet breaking through the air... All the sound propagation trajectories were clearly transmitted to Chu Tiange's ears at this moment.

Thus, he drew a clear picture in his mind.

This is the horror of a 100-level expert.

Although not a god, it is almost the same.

"Zhou Xianrong's son..."

Chu Tiange looked thoughtful after "watching" for a while.

Obviously, through the conversation between Xu Yuan and the others, he had learned Zhou Jun's identity.

"There is a dragon in the abyss, and its name is Zhou", this is the praise of Zhou Xianrong by the world. This name is even very famous in the starry sky, and Chu Tiange has heard of it.

He thought, if it is Zhou Xianrong's son, it is not surprising to have such performance.

After a distracted smile, Chu Tiange planned to restrain his perception and continue to make tea.

But at this moment, Xu Yuan said that Zhou Jun's second talent is SSS level and is included in the federal quasi-sequence candidate list, which made him hear it again.

This made him pause in his tea-making action, and his face showed a strange color again.

"SSS level? Or quasi-sequence candidate?"

Chu Tiange was surprised and stopped making tea. He concentrated his perception, and a pair of eyes seemed to penetrate through layers of obstacles and fell on Zhou Jun at this time.

Incomparably powerful talent,

And extremely high agility attribute... He is superior in all aspects, and he is thinking about whether to come forward to make friends.

After all, the identity of the quasi-sequence candidate is really worthy of attention.

Although the sequence competition is extremely cruel, and countless geniuses fall on this road in every session, as long as someone falls, there must be someone standing.

If you can bet on the right treasure in advance and establish a deep friendship with a powerful quasi-sequence, when he enters the realm of the Supreme God King in the future, this friendship will become priceless.

So Chu Tiange was moved.

At this moment, he was hesitant and wavering.

Although Zhou Jun is an SSS-level talent, Chu Tiange himself is not bad. He has a prominent family background. He is already a 100-level strongman before he is 30 years old. He is also in a high position and has power.

With such a life achievement, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a child of destiny.

Geniuses have their own tempers, so how can they easily lower themselves to others?

So even after knowing Zhou Jun's talent and extremely high agility attribute, he still just watched and hesitated.

It was not until the next time, when Chu Tiange sensed that Zhou Jun was testing the two attributes of spirit and physique, that his face completely changed.

Especially when Zhou Jun was testing his strength and swung out that extremely gorgeous punch, he stood up suddenly, his face could no longer remain calm, and he could not sit still for a moment.

He saw him tear the void in front of him with his bare hands, and actually pulled out a space corridor out of thin air, and then the figure in white clothes stepped into it and disappeared.

3rd floor.

In the training room.

Accompanied by the earth-shaking earthquake, Zhou Jun closed his fist and stood.

In front of him, there was an obvious fist mark on the chest of the trial puppet made of fine steel.

At the same time, on a LCD screen hanging above his head, all the results of Zhou Jun's four-dimensional attribute test were displayed.

Each item was 5200, exactly the same as Zhou Jun's personal panel.

This surprised Zhou Jun.

Just as he was secretly curious about the operating principle of the trial puppet and why the test results were so accurate...

The void beside him suddenly shook, and the next second it was torn apart, and a figure with white hair walked out of thin air.

This scene directly shocked Zhou Jun's eyelids and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

And who else could this suddenly appearing white-haired man be other than Chu Tiange?

At this moment, Chu Tiange was secretly looking at Zhou Jun.

The face with white hair hanging down his shoulders seemed calm, but in fact, a huge wave had already risen in his heart.

Because he was at the scene in person, he felt Zhou Jun's strong body with full attributes more clearly.

And... he saw the test results displayed on the top of the training room.

All four dimensions are 5200!

Total attributes 20800!

Even though he had expected it, he was still shocked when he saw the result.

You know, even Yan Lie, who had occupied the first place on the God List for 50 years, only had a total of 13912 attributes.

Zhou Jun's attribute was nearly twice as high as his opponent's.

How could this be considered a human? The legendary cub of the ancient fierce beast was no more than this.

"Senior, who is...?"

Zhou Jun had regained his composure at this time. He looked at the white-haired man in front of him with some doubts, and asked with a hesitant bow.

The white-haired man in front of him had a very complicated look in his eyes, with shock, amazement, emotion, admiration and other emotions.

After a long time, he restrained all his emotions, and then chuckled and said:

"My name is Chu Tiange, and I am the owner of Feilong Building. If you don't mind, from now on, I will be responsible for all your business in Feilong Building. How about it?"

Zhou Jun was stunned after he finished speaking.

The two deacons who were secretly watching in the monitoring room next door were so startled that they fell to the ground with a thud.

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