The silver bottle suddenly broke and water splashed out, and the iron cavalry rushed out with swords and guns! The news that the emperor ascended to the first place on the God List was like a flood bomb, which exploded throughout the federation in an instant. On this day, countless people who heard the news were horrified and shocked. The mysterious emperor also became the most hotly discussed topic at the moment. "He is so courageous to use the title of Son of Heaven and step on Yan Lie to ascend to the throne!"

"Twenty thousand points of total attributes! How can the later comers surpass him? In the field of the tenth level of the God List, he is afraid that he will dominate the world forever!"

"In recent years, various geniuses have emerged in the entire Federation. Is it really a sign of the arrival of a great era and the prosperity of our human race?"

"More than that, if the Son of Heaven can continue to maintain this momentum and take the first place in the next few God Lists, there may be another invincible supreme in the starry sky!"

"That's too difficult! How many people in ancient and modern times can always dominate the top? Even Yan Lie only took the first place in the tenth level of the God List."


Countless people discussed fiercely, and some people excitedly predicted whether the Son of Heaven would continue to top the next few God Lists.

The Federation has set up a list of the best attributes for every ten levels before the hundredth level.

There are a total of ten lists, but not all of them are popular.

There are actually only three that can be truly called the God List.

They are the first ten levels, the fiftieth level, and the final one hundred levels.

These three levels represent three important stages before the hundredth level, and they are extremely important.

The best attribute records of these three stages are also the goals that countless geniuses have been striving for throughout the ages.

As long as you can get on any of them, you will be proud of the world.

As for those who are on all three lists, there are very few.

Even Yan Lie, he only dominated the first ten levels, and when he reached the fiftyth level, his total attribute could only rank third.

It can be seen how difficult it is to take the first place in the three God Lists.

The emperor is famous all over the world today, and he won the first place with 20,800 attributes. Few people are willing to believe that he can still occupy the top of the list at the fiftyth and hundredth levels like today.

Of course, this does not affect the craze caused by the emperor's sudden appearance in the federation.

The impression he gives people is still mysterious and powerful.

Not only ordinary people, but also many veteran strongmen and transcendent forces are paying attention.

Daxia, Kunlun Mountain!

On the towering and continuous mountains, there is a steel city with a sense of science fiction, which is very counterintuitively built on it.

The interior of this city is extremely developed and gorgeous like a science fiction movie, but you can't see any ordinary people when you look around.

Because this is the location of Kunlun University, the first university in the Federation.

In other words, the entire steel city in front of you is the territory of Kunlun University.

At this moment, in the tallest office building on the Kunlun University campus.

In the principal's office.

A figure stumbled in, with a frightened face, holding up the tablet in his hand and shouting: "Principal, something bad has happened!"

"You are so flustered, what a disgrace!"

In front of him, an old man with gray hair, but with a majestic aura, was reprimanding unhappily.

Obviously, this old man is the helmsman of Kunlun University, the first famous university in the Federation.

Although he is nearly a hundred years old, he is still full of energy and his ruddy face looks more energetic than many young people.

His pair of experienced eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts. They are extremely attractive, and there is a divine light flashing between his glances.

He doesn't look like a principal who teaches and educates people at all, but more like a veteran who has returned from the battlefield with honor.

After being scolded, the assistant in front of him immediately shrank his neck and calmed down his mood. Then he walked to the desk and whispered:

"Principal, the record of the highest attribute of the Federation Level 10 has just been broken. A mysterious man named Tianzi replaced Yanlie with a total attribute of 20,800 points."


However, as soon as the assistant finished speaking, the old principal who had just scolded him for being flustered stood up first and snatched the tablet directly.

The content above was exactly the news report about the change of ownership of the God List.

"Principal..." The assistant stared at this scene in amazement, feeling that the old principal's dignified personality seemed to have collapsed.

After all, after accompanying the old man in front of him for so many years, this was the first time he saw him lose his composure like this.

Especially after seeing the old man's back and forth

Different reactions, for a moment I wanted to laugh, but I didn't dare, my face flushed.

After a long time, the old principal finally finished reading all the news and put down the tablet.

After looking at his assistant with some displeasure, he stroked his gray beard with one hand and said, "This is a good thing. It is precisely because of the emergence of geniuses who constantly break records that our human race can maintain its long-term prosperity and resist the dark creatures in the starry sky."

"It's just a pity that the bet between me and that old guy Wu Laogui was won by him after all!"

At this point, the old principal snorted in great displeasure.

Wu Laogui is the principal of Taichu Academy. The two old men made a bet based on Yan Lie's ranking fifty years ago.

The content of the bet is how long Yan Lie's record will be broken.

The old principal bet that it will take at least fifty years, while Wu Laogui is sure that it will be within fifty years.

This year is exactly the fiftieth year.

Obviously, the winner is Wu Laogui, and the old principal is only one step away from winning the bet.

This is why the assistant shouted "something bad is going to happen" as soon as he came in.

When the old principal thought of Wu Laogui's mean old face, he would show off in front of him, and he was furious.

After sulking for a while, he said: "Check the personal information of this emperor. If he is a college entrance examination candidate this year, let him choose our Kunlun University."

"What if he doesn't come?" The assistant was stunned and asked.

But the old principal took a sip of the hot water in the thermos at this moment, and said firmly:

"He won't refuse, because we are Kunlun University!"

The words revealed extremely strong self-confidence.

This is the confidence of the first university in the federation!


At the same time, in addition to Kunlun University.

Similar scenes are also being staged in the other three top universities.

Yaochi University, Taichu Academy, Nantianmen College... The top leaders of these top schools have all learned about the change of the owner of the God List.

Among them, the Taichu Academy led by Wu Laogui, mentioned by the old principal of Kunlun, was one step ahead and got Zhou Jun's detailed information from the core hub of the Federation first.

After confirming that the other party was indeed a senior high school student, Wu Laogui decided on the spot to give Zhou Jun a place for admission.

The decisiveness of the decision made many senior leaders in the school dumbfounded.

You know, the college entrance examination has not yet begun, and the four major universities in Blue Star have already begun to gear up and even prepared to snatch people.

This is unprecedented in the hundreds or even thousands of years of history of the Federation!

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