The 10th hunting forbidden area.

On the endless grassland, lord-level monsters wandered aimlessly.

Zhou Jun ignored the low-level monsters on the periphery and went straight to the depths of the grassland.

There were a large number of level 30 lord monsters, which was also the upper limit of the level that the 10th hunting forbidden area could accommodate.

In fact, objectively speaking, this level of monsters has far exceeded the ability of the novice-level Heaven-killer.

In the system recognized by the Federation, only the first 20 levels are considered the novice period.

The reason is that after level 20, the strength of monsters will generally increase significantly, and even some leader-level monsters will have multiple small skills, becoming more dangerous.

Therefore, before level 20, the monsters are not very strong, and the development period is relatively mild for the novice human beings. It is called the novice period.

The casualty rate is the lowest during the novice period. As long as you are not too stupid, you can generally upgrade smoothly.

Once you pass this novice period, you must be careful. If you are not careful, you may be doomed.

Generally, before level 20, few people will challenge monsters with strength above the novice period.

Only those geniuses with super talents and the ability to kill monsters above their level will hone themselves in this way.

Zhou Jun is such a person. He said nothing at this moment, holding a horizontal sword and killing all the way into the depths of the grassland.

As a genius among geniuses, even if he surpasses himself by more than ten levels, he can still run rampant.

All the monsters that dared to show their fangs to him along the way could not resist the fate of being killed with a single sword.

[Kill LV27 Lord BOSS Hexagonal Rhino]

[Experience +1765]

[Kill LV29 Lord BOSS Dark Cat]

[Experience +1900]

[Kill LV30 Lord BOSS Vortex Bear]

[Experience +2313]


Zhou Jun killed his way through, and every blow drew blood.

With each blow, a corresponding kill prompt appeared in the corner of his vision, all of which were four-digit experience points.

This made Zhou Jun feel excited and refreshed!

He killed monsters that surpassed his own level by more than a dozen levels in a row, and harvested a large amount of experience points from Lord BOSSes. This hunting ban was simply a paradise for him.

Since he was reborn, he has never upgraded as quickly as today!

Especially as he went deeper into the core, he could hardly see monsters of other levels nearby, and almost all of them were level 30 BOSSes.

This resulted in a stable gain of more than 2,000 experience points each time.

Zhou Jun's level also soared like a rocket at this moment.

The more he killed, the braver he became, and the more he fought, the crazier he became.

"Too strong! This is the real peerless genius..."

At the edge of the monster gathering place, Leng Xiaoxiao had just killed a level 25 monster alone, panting. When he looked up, he saw the scene of Zhou Jun killing a level 30 lord boss with one knife in the deep core of the distant place.

The whole person was stunned for a moment, and her cold and pretty face was full of shock, and her heart was trembling more and more.

But then, she smiled bitterly.

Because she knew that she and Zhou Jun were people from two completely different worlds.

Although she also had S-level talent and was a genius from a big family, she was far behind Zhou Jun, a peerless monster.

In the future, the gap between the two is bound to get bigger and bigger.

This made the always proud Leng Xiaoxiao unconsciously feel a little inferior and lost.

"No! I don't want to just look up at your back, I must follow your footsteps. In the history of the Federation, there are examples of people who became God Kings with S-level talents. I, Leng Xiaoxiao, am not inferior to others!"

But after a few breaths, Leng Xiaoxiao seemed to have figured something out. Her face was like chicken blood, and her eyes were filled with unprecedented determination.

She didn't have the strength to crush everything like Zhou Jun, and could go deep into the depths where monsters gathered, so she could only kill monsters on the edge.

But this did not affect her fighting spirit. She gritted her teeth, and in the blink of an eye, her tall and elegant figure rushed towards a level 25 monster again.


Zhou Jun didn't know what Leng Xiaoxiao was thinking.

In his eyes, the other party was just an ordinary friend.

It was far less important than hunting monsters in front of him.

At this moment, he looked around and had already completely killed his way into the depths where the monsters gathered. Looking around, he saw level 30 leaders with full of energy and blood everywhere.

Main BOSS.

Perhaps it was because Zhou Jun was too murderous and the bloody smell on his body was too strong.

These lord BOSSes who usually fought on their own actually formed a siege and attacked Zhou Jun.

But how could Zhou Jun be afraid?

He smiled up at the sky, and the blood-stained horizontal sword in his hand turned, and the sword intent rushed into the sky.

"Just a group of evil beasts, what's wrong with joining forces!"

The confident voice spread all over the place, Zhou Jun took a step forward, and the attribute of more than 10,000 points of power burst, coupled with the sword moves of the immortal skill Seven Deadly Sins, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Under the intensive attack, although some monsters' skills and mysteries occasionally hit Zhou Jun.

But for his equally good physique, coupled with the resistance provided by the epic armor set, it was not painful at all.

Coupled with the recovery effect of [Ring of Endless Life], he really became more and more courageous in the battle, like a perpetual motion machine.

[Kill LV30 Lord BOSS Thunder Snow Ape]

[Experience +2210]

[Congratulations! You have successfully reached level 15! ]

After killing another Lord BOSS, Zhou Jun's body flashed with light and he was upgraded.

His state instantly reached the peak, and the upper limit of attribute points was also expanded.

Seeing this, Zhou Jun immediately maxed out all four-dimensional attributes without saying a word.

A few seconds later, his various attributes had reached 11700, and his strength was enhanced again.

But when he glanced at his experience bar, his eager heart cooled down a bit.

The experience points for reaching level 15 doubled again.

If it weren't for the large number of Lord BOSSes in this hunting ban area for him to kill, he really didn't know how long it would take to reach level 18 just by relying on a copy like the Wind Valley.

After all, in the Wind Valley, the experience points of killing ten monsters in the core area can match one here.

This is because he is at a low level and has the bonus of killing monsters above his level.

Otherwise, when he reaches level 15 or above, the experience points he gets from killing monsters above his level in a dungeon like the Valley of the Wind, which has a maximum level of 20.

But in this forbidden hunting area, there is no such worry at all.

These level 30 lord bosses, who are far beyond the novice period, are much higher than him in level. Even after he reaches level 20, he can still get the experience points bonus for killing monsters above his level.

Of course, the forbidden hunting area is not without its shortcomings.

After Zhou Jun slaughtered so many monsters, he has found that it seems that only experience points can be obtained in the forbidden hunting area, and no loot will be dropped at all.

In other words, all monsters that exist in reality will not drop loot.

Loot seems to be a unique reward mechanism for killing monsters in the dungeon.

"It seems... I can't level up by killing monsters of higher levels in the hunting ban area, because equipment is only produced in the dungeon."

"When I reach level 20 and need to change my equipment, I still have to go to the dungeon."

"Besides, if I want to get the essence of the demon-level monsters, I can only have the opportunity in the dungeon..."

Zhou Jun thought secretly while killing monsters.

The emergence of the hunting ban area does provide convenience for leveling up, but it cannot always be transitioned in this way.

Because if you want to get more equipment and better skills, you can only do it by going to the dungeon.

In the dungeon, there are infinite possibilities, and that is where the real opportunity lies.

With a silent sigh, Zhou Jun buried his head in the group of lord-level BOSSes and began to continue his upgrade plan.

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