Zhou Jun looked surprised for a moment. But he soon realized that this was not the real universe. It was a kind of consciousness space created by high-level leaves. "So... how to choose the right core skills for yourself?" Zhou Jun tried to twist his body, and the whole person floated irregularly in the universe, but he did not feel uncomfortable at all, which made him touch his chin and think. The universe is cold and there is no oxygen. Normally, only a hundred-level strong man can't step into it, otherwise he will soon turn into a mummy due to lack of air pressure, boiling body fluids, lack of oxygen, low temperature and other reasons. Although Zhou Jun's physical attributes are extremely strong, his level is still too low. Even if he has a certain resistance in the universe, it is impossible for him to feel no discomfort at all.

So, is this consciousness space not perfect enough...

Or is this place actually like a dream, and it is impossible to simulate the situation of hurting oneself?

Zhou Jun's mind was flowing, and suddenly he looked at a huge star in the distance, trying to imagine it approaching him.

However, nothing happened.

This made Zhou Jun frown: "Unlike dreams, I can't control everything here at will, so how should I choose the core skills? What is the test of the world tree?"

Zhou Jun murmured. Although he also received core skills in his previous life, they were only obtained from the most ordinary leaves.

At that time, he just touched the leaves with his palm, and immediately a core skill book of information was stuffed into his mind.

There is no such complicated situation at all.

It can only be said that there is a big difference between high-level leaves and ordinary leaves.

At this moment, Zhou Jun felt that floating all the time was not a solution.

He thought for a moment and looked at a floating skill book not far above his head.

He reached out to grab it, but was always just a little short.

"If my agility and strength were stronger, I might be able to swim across."

After trying several times and failing, Zhou Jun couldn't help but sigh, and suddenly this idea popped up in his mind.

What was surprising was that as this idea came up, Zhou Jun actually felt that his strength and agility were constantly increasing.


This time, Zhou Jun was really stunned.

In an instant, a bold idea rose in his mind.

His expression gradually became excited, feeling the increasingly powerful power in his body, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes:

"So that's it! Although this consciousness space cannot be controlled as arbitrarily as a dream, it can freely control the development of awakening talents!"

"Doesn't that mean..."

Zhou Jun paused, and the next second, under the control of his mind, the four-dimensional attributes of his whole body were rapidly soaring.

In a few breaths, the total attribute of his whole body reached one million!

He took a deep breath, and felt his body stronger than ever before, with surging power surging in his body, as if the universe could not accommodate him.

Is this the effect of allocating all attribute points again at the SSS level?

Zhou Jun had a strong sense of novelty on his face, and the solid power in his body made him intoxicated.

However, this is far from his limit.

Just look at his mind, and at this moment, he released the awakening skill again.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, he felt that there was an endless flow of blood in his body roaring and surging, and his strength climbed to the extreme, as if he could pick the stars with one hand.

A million attribute points in the whole body, after the extreme sublimation, is tens of millions! What a terrible power is this?

Zhou Jun was immersed in the experience of this surge in power.

He threw a punch casually, and immediately caused the universe to tremble. Wherever the fist passed, everything was annihilated into nothingness.

At this time, Zhou Jun, with the blessing of a strong attribute, could walk freely in the universe.

This is a skill that only a hundred-level strong man has, but Zhou Jun did it in advance at this moment with his extremely strong attributes.

He took a step forward and easily took a core skill book in his palm.

But after flipping through it, he shook his head in disappointment. This was just an ordinary silver-level skill book, not as good as his previous life.

Then, he turned into a meteor, quickly moved forward a distance into the depths of the universe, and picked up a skill book again.

This time, it became a gold-level.

"I understand!"

"In the construction of advanced leaves

In this consciousness universe, all other abilities of all participants remain unchanged, but their awakened talents will be infinitely magnified. "

"And what we have to do is to use our own talents and abilities to move forward into the depths of the universe and find core skills that suit us."

"If I'm not mistaken, the core skill books contained in everyone's consciousness universe are limited, and the deeper you explore, the higher the quality!"

"Finally, based on your understanding of your own talents and abilities during this period, choose a core skill that best suits you! "

Zhou Jun's eyes sparkled, and he understood all the rules.

He no longer hesitated and moved forward to the depths of the starry sky.

Perhaps because of the peculiar relationship of this conscious universe, the effect of his extreme sublimation did not disappear after 10 seconds.

This caused Zhou Jun to be like a ferocious beast, still maintaining tens of millions of attribute points, and moving forward to the depths of the starry sky with great momentum.

He moved very fast along the way, and all the core skill books were read one by one by him.

Under such high-intensity progress, I don't know how much time has passed.

When Zhou Jun came to his senses, he was already standing in the center of this conscious universe.

In front of him, three core skill books emitting strange light were floating.

Zhou Jun this At that time, his blood was like a dragon, his mind was clear, and without any hesitation, he read through the three skill books one by one.

These three core skills are called [Ruo Huo Liu Xing], [Yin Yang Reversal Technique], and [Five Elements Gong].

Among them, [Ruo Huo Liu Xing] was abandoned by Zhou Jun at the first time.

Because the first effect that caught his eye was related to the increase of fire damage.

Obviously, the object of this skill book is people who have awakened the fire talent.

And Zhou Jun is a pure physical warrior, and his compatibility is simply a million miles away from him.

Feeling a little depressed, Zhou Jun looked at the other two skill books again.

Then he was a little surprised and fell into deep thought.

Because the last two core skill books The book's abilities did not deviate, and all of them fit him perfectly!

[Name]: Yin-Yang Reversal Technique

[Rank]: Epic

[Type]: Core Skill Book

[Description]: Qiankun is reversed, Yin-Yang is reversed! This skill has a very strong attribute conversion ability. After being released actively, it causes two different effects

[Effect 1]: It can consume 80% of its own force and agility attack attributes, and then convert them into 50% of its body and spirit survival attributes in a short period of time, thereby greatly increasing its survivability

[Effect 2]: It can also consume 80% of its own body and spirit survival attributes, and convert them into 50% of its force and agility attack attributes, greatly enhancing its combat capability, and at the same time entering the "Crazy Tyrant" Status, immune to all control abilities

[Name]: Five Elements Merit

[Rank]: Epic

[Type]: Core Skill Book

[Description]: Harmonize the Five Elements, and return to oneness! Learning this skill allows you to freely control your own attribute values, with both passive and active effects

[Effect 1]: Each time you attack, passively store 0.1% of your own attribute points in a reserve pool

[Effect 2]: Actively release, transfer all attribute points accumulated in the reserve pool to the strength attribute, and cause a sky-high blow

Both core skill books are of epic quality, and are rare effects related to attribute values.

How to choose made Zhou Jun feel troubled for a while.

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