Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 106 The First Survivor with a Computer in Another World (The Fourth Update, Please Order Fir

"No. 105 or 106?" Lin Yue harvested bugs and little lizards, and kept getting wooden treasure chests, but there were so many that he kind of forgot what the numbers were just now.

For him, the copper treasure chest is really important, but hoarding a lot of food and water is also something he must do every day.

In terms of food, the mutant mutton is actually enough for him to eat for a year without a problem. As long as the water is not wasted, it is basically no problem, but who knows what will happen in the future?

What's more, Lin Yue also wanted to use what he had at hand to exchange more of the various supplies he needed.

At present, the three things of wood, stone and iron have some gaps in quantity after long-term use. It is really time to collect a new wave, and he can't finish so much meat at all, and now there is no refrigerator. When in place, it must be replaced with a more practically useful consumable material for him.

On the other hand, Lin Yue also wanted to get the robotic arm ready quickly. After making the exoskeleton, the alloy material needed for the robotic arm was not enough, so he had to collect some.

Moreover, the alloy refuge, he also really wanted to see what it was like.

【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: Mutant Mutton 200gX100】

【Required: wood, stone, iron and various designs】

[Seller's Note: 100 copies of fresh mutated mutton can be auctioned more, and the one with the higher price will get it. 】


【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: Mutated sheep viscera 200gX100】

【Required: wood, stone, iron and various designs】

[Seller's note: 100 internal organs, including lamb intestines and lamb tripe, etc. 】


【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 500ml pure water】

【Required: Various alloys】

[Seller's Note: Or use chicken feathers or radish or onion instead, private chat if interested]

After putting all these up, Lin Yue then found Xia Feihong's head portrait.

Didn't we talk about long-term cooperation before?

So let's see how much good stuff this guy has in exchange.

"Receive all kinds of alloys, if you have any, let's chat privately."

After leaving this for Xia Feihong, he entered the greenhouse again and found that the leeks were growing again.

He took out his dagger and cut off 8kg. He looked at the 10 cm tall devil pepper seedlings in the planting box, and he was a little surprised.

It's only been a few days, and you've grown so tall? It seems that this so-called humus nutrient soil also seems to have problems?

Looking at the watermelon and strawberry seedlings on the table, they seem to be growing very well. The strawberries have even bloomed, and maybe the strawberries will ripen tomorrow.

However, the variety of fruits and vegetables is still too small.

Lin Yue opened the seed bags of cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and King Jiadou that he had obtained earlier, and sprinkled them into the seedling trays of one of the medium-sized soilless culture kits.

These are the same as leeks, which are of the type that are cut one after another. As long as they are mature, they can be harvested every day.

However, it is estimated that it will be several days before the official start of the harvest season.

After finally finishing everything, Lin Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The word "Qi" was lying on the bed, he just felt a little tired mentally, and his physical strength was not a problem at all.

After a short break, Xiaobai returned with the little ice lizards. This time they should obediently go to fight the little bugs, and there were no soil stains on their bodies.

At present, these little ice lizards are not very strong in combat. If they die, they will spray ice mist to slow down the opponent's speed. In other aspects, they are still a lot worse.

Compared with Xiaobai, their actual combat experience also needs to be accumulated continuously, which is still far behind.

"Xiao Bai, after eating for a while, take them to fight, and come back before dark!"


Lin Yue touched Xiaobai's head. This little guy is quite smart. He found that he only needed to assign some simple tasks, and it seemed to be able to be understood accurately.

The premise is...

Feed it.

It was still a few hours before it got dark, and this time Lin Yue didn't bother to fix anything too complicated to eat, and went straight to the instant noodles.

However, he put a lot of bacon and some chicken feathers in it, and strived to be nutritionally balanced.

In addition to not having too much nutrition, instant noodles can actually add a lot of calories after heavy physical work, and the feeling of satiety is also very strong.

After adding chicken feathers, the nutritional aspect is indeed not so monotonous.

If it weren't for the appearance of the mutant sheep today, Lin Yue wanted to use the existing materials to make some oily noodles or something. It seemed that he would have to do it tomorrow.

After simply eating, Lin Yue saw Xiaobai and the others going out hunting, and started another job himself.

He went down to the basement and came to the high-precision research workbench.

According to the system's instructions, this is undoubtedly an artifact.

Design drawings can be obtained by disassembling special items for which no design drawings have been obtained, and mechanical items can be quickly disassembled into various parts in an instant.

Is this workbench as magical as it says?

In order to verify, he took out something and put it on the workbench.

a display.

This is still something he brought from the fire station in the secret realm. Although it would take time to dismantle some, but because of time constraints, he finally didn't get it anymore, and kept it in the basement without taking care of it .

[Please select: 1, get the design drawing; 2, decompose the parts]

Oh, the sound of the system.

The sound of the system usually only comes out when it is "critical", which seems to prove the particularity of this workbench.

"Choose 1 to get the design drawing."

Almost instantly, a faint light appeared, the display screen disappeared suddenly, and then the system sound sounded again:

【You got: LCD design drawing! 】

Good guy, really can!

Holding the light blue blueprint in front of him, he couldn't help but get excited.

So, use it?

[LCD display: synthetic plastic X1, LCD panel X1, polarizer X1, backlight module X1, program chip X1, LED light bar group X1]

It's complicated.

If I had to find it alone, I'm afraid it would take a long time to find each one.

But Lin Yue happened to have these parts in his hands.

He put another LCD screen on the workbench. This time, he chose to "decompose parts".

Soon, all kinds of parts will appear on the workbench!

Picking them up separately, Lin Yue found some damaged parts, but it doesn't matter, he can get a lot of monitors back.

After disassembling the third unit, Lin Yue finally prepared all the parts and used the build at the same time!

【You got an LCD monitor! 】

After a faint light, a brand-new LCD display appeared in front of him, and it also brought a power cord!


What about computer cases?

At that time, he also brought some chassis and mouse of the host computer from the fire station, but the results of the identification were all broken, but he did not know where it was broken.

He used the workbench to disassemble three mainframes and two mice, and after he made two more design drawings, he made all the parts together!

【You got the computer case (assembled)! Mouse X1】

Lin Yue took the monitor, computer case, and mouse to the kitchen, unplugged the ice maker, assembled the computer and display with a power cord, and then connected it to the solar charging kit!

Press the power of the host computer and the power of the display. With a mechanical sound, the familiar WIN screen appears on the display!

After the startup was completed, Lin Yue suddenly felt a great sense of satisfaction.

"Am I the first to have a computer in another world?


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