In the black wasteland, Lin Yue looked at the corpse of the mutant sheep like a rock, grabbed the iron spear with both hands, stepped on its neck with both feet, and pulled out the iron spear.

At the same time, a system sound suddenly sounded.

[Whether to dissect mutant creatures? 】

Hey? Is there still this function?

However, he did not hesitate, and directly chose to confirm.

[You have obtained mutant mutton X10kg, sheepskin X1, and fangs X2]

At the same time, the mutant sheep on the ground only had torso skeletons and internal organs.

This is like a scene that only appears in the game, which also made Lin Yue ponder.

However, if this place is really regarded as a game world, then the consequences will be extremely tragic.

Lin Yue returned to the shelter with an iron axe and an iron spear, made a torch in the dark, and lit it with a match again.

In the sea of ​​wasteland surrounded by the boundless darkness, in the crevice of this refuge that stood upright like a reef, the firelight kept beating.

After Lin Yue made sure that the door bolt was locked, he sat beside the bed and let out a long sigh of relief.

The second day also ended with killing a large mutant creature, which was okay.

There is indeed a lot of gains in the inventory, not only those obtained by killing this mutant sheep, but also the copper treasure chest, he also obtained sixteen wooden treasure chests before.

This wave will be much stronger than yesterday.

Before going to the group to check it out, Lin Yue decided to open these treasure chests first!

The sixteen wooden treasure chests were no surprises, and certainly no surprises.

Twelve bottles of water, three bags of instant noodles, and a pound of bread.

Lin Yue was slightly satisfied.

Now, 14 bottles of water, 3 bags of instant noodles, and 3 pieces of bread weighing a pound can last two days for the time being.

After all, he has water that is sorely lacking for almost the entire group.

Now, it is the second day of entering this survival world, and it is not far from the three days when the average person is short of water.

These waters can be exchanged for better things.

For example, a soilless cultivation suit that someone still holds in his hand and doesn't want to take a shot.

Having said that, the seller Zheng actually got this thing by opening a copper treasure chest. So, what will the copper treasure chest he just obtained open?

Lin Yue opened the treasure chest.

[You got backpack expansion (small) X1, emergency medicine box X1]

and many more.

What? Backpack expansion? First aid kit?

Lin Yue couldn't help but be surprised, there is such a good thing?

Sure enough, it's a copper box!

He looked at the two things that could not come out directly in the treasure chest because the ten-segment backpack could not fit, and felt that the expansion of the backpack was indeed very important.

Using "Backpack Expansion (Small)", Lin Yue looked directly at the inventory.

[Inventory capacity 10/20]

Ok, Ok.


Lin Yue looked at the first aid kit.

【Small first aid kit】

Built-in medicines: X10 pain relievers, X30 antidiarrheals, X5 bottles of iodine, X10 rolls of bandages, X30 Band-Aids, X2 anesthetics, X2 epinephrine

Good guy, Lin Yue called him a good guy.

What kind of emergency medicine kit is this? It's a life saver.

In the event of a very special situation, this small medicine box full of things will save his life at that moment of crisis!

Is this worth more than the soilless cultivation kit that Zheng Jing opened?

In this survival game in this extreme environment, the existence of a small medicine chest can be described as an artifact.

Painkillers, iodine and bandages, Band-Aids, in case of injury, will greatly reduce the probability of serious situations caused by wound speech.

Antidiarrheal medicines are also very life-saving. In this unfamiliar environment, it is very common to eat something bad. Severe diarrhea will lead to water shortage. If it is not treated in time, it will fall into a very dangerous state. During normal operations or encountering battles, they will fall into extreme passivity.

As for the anesthetic, Lin Yue felt that he still couldn't use it for the time being. After all, he didn't study medicine. He couldn't understand how and how much it was used.

Needless to say about adrenaline.

It can be said that this thing is the most valuable one in the box.

Whether in TV dramas, movies or documentaries, Lin Yue has seen the miraculous use of this thing countless times.

It can be said that under certain circumstances, with just such a thing, the whole situation can be reversed in an instant!

Lin Yue's heart was surging.

After he opened the small medicine box and checked it carefully, he closed it again, put it in the inventory, and let out a long breath.

On his second day into this world, he had already solved a rather large puzzle.

Lin Yue was also quite emotional when he opened a bottle of water.

After he spent 4 stone to replace the door with a stone door, his sense of peace increased.

After taking a big sip to relieve the thirst in his mouth, Lin Yue lay down on the bed with the word "巷" and opened the group.

"Water! Water! Give me water! Whoever gives me water, I can do anything!"

"The wood and iron masters have them, water is coming, enough is enough!"

"His grandma's, why is there no water, why not!"

"Dig six meters deep and still no water, who dug it?"

"Report, I pinched my nose and drank my own tea-colored liquid, which is a little sweet."

"Grass, mine is sweet too."

"People don't want to drink it, the taste is too heavy."

"If you want to die, be hypocritical, everyone, I'll do it first, you can do whatever you want!"

"Where is Lin Yue who sells water? I have something good, and I will bid if you auction it!"



From the group chat, Lin Yue fully felt the extreme desire for water conveyed by almost everyone after there was still no water the next day.

He looked at the inventory.

13 bottles of water. Around 9.8 liters.

Drink enough to drink, even a lot of excess.

And, as long as he goes to brush some bugs tomorrow, he can get more water and food.

However, when will this water be available for sale?

At the same time, he also realized one thing.

People keep dying.

If he has been hiding and tucking, then more and more people may die due to lack of water.

As a result, the amount of various resources mined will become less and less.

Right next to his sanctuary, there are very few resources, or even none, and it is necessary to exchange water for these people.

If it goes on like this, it will be a vicious circle.

It won't work like this.

The next three days will be critical.

Lin Yue decided to exchange water for some resources from time to time.

This is also for long-term consideration.

not only.

Lin Yue also felt that as people kept opening treasure chests, water, a hard currency, would have little purchasing power sooner or later.

And it's no secret that he has a lot of water.

So, simply...

【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 100ml pure water X20】

[Required: iron blocks, stones, blueprints or others]

[Seller's Note: 20 copies, each person is limited to one shot, the higher price will be awarded. 】

Lin Yue knew that some people were selling water at high prices in the market, and doing so would be tantamount to disrupting the entire market.

However, it doesn't matter.

In this wasteland world, who can find who?

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