Lin Yue instantly felt numb at the back of his head and took a deep breath.

Under the light of the flashlight, there was actually a pair of skeletons leaning against the wall and hugging each other!

Good guy, I didn't notice it at all when I ate before.

However, Lin Yue took a closer look and found that although there was no trace of the flesh on the skeletons, the color was very white, and there was no dust on them. It didn't look like they had been here for a long time.

Moreover, they were all wearing clothes that looked like people on earth. Although they were covered with dust, they were not tattered and seemed to be very new.

One of the two skeletons has a wide and tall skeleton, and the other looks much thinner. It should be a man and a woman.

They are probably the masters of the iron sanctuary above.

But why die here?

"This is……"

Lin Yue picked up the glass bottle next to the skeleton, and found that there was still half a bottle of liquid with a very fragrant smell dangling in it.

"Perfume, no wonder." As soon as he picked it up, Xiao Bai took a few steps back, as if he was uncomfortable.

Lin Yue confirmed that Xiaobai was really deafened by this, and his sense of smell was not sensitive, so he didn't find the enemy above.

I received the perfume in the storage space, and this thing might be useful at some time.

The light of the flashlight shone under the big skull's hand bones, and Lin Yue found that there was a dagger there, and there was a trace of reddish brown on the dagger.

He probably understood what was going on.

It is very likely that these two people were seriously injured, or because they were cut off from food and drinking water, or because they were forced here by mutant creatures and couldn't get out, so they finally had to choose to die here.

After death, their corpses became fertilizer for mutant bugs and lizards, which were eaten to the point of only two skeletons.

Lin Yue squatted down, looked at the two skeletons, and then looked up at the top of the cave.

However, if the road out is closed, it will indeed look like a tomb.

Lin Yue's flashlight shone on the ground, and he was surprised to find that two names seemed to be carved with a knife on it.

"Sarah, Berg..."

These are the names of these two people.

They are really a man and a woman, and being able to accompany them to death in the end can be considered a romance.

Lin Yue sighed, and suddenly woke up like a flash of lightning in his mind!

Berg? How is the name pronounced?

Iron shelters, hides, fireplaces...etc. Could this man be...

Lin Yuehou's scalp was numb and his heart was beating fast. He opened the group and typed in the words "Berg".

Soon, a gray, somewhat familiar avatar appeared in his search bar.


This big skeleton is none other than Berg, who used to be third in the group!

Berg, who had been the third-highest rated person in that group before the first disaster, ended up dying here.

Indeed, it seems that after the first disaster, he had a deal with Berger and never contacted again.

Who would have thought that the first and third place in the group at that time were so close?

Lin Yue shook his head, the world is impermanent.

In this different world, life and death are on the line.

Just like he is now, isn't he blocked in this mine by outsiders, can't he do anything at all?

and many more.

Mine... Mine!

Mines can be dug!

This mine is so big, it is probably the result of Berg's hard work to dig it, so what if you focus on one point and keep digging diagonally upwards?

In this world, non-artificial things such as trees and stones cannot be directly picked up and turned into wood and stones, nor can they be completely stored in the storage space, and tools such as axes and pickaxes must be used. Tools for felling and digging can only be obtained.

If not, Lin Yuexue would be able to hum a little song while taking down several tons of stones from the rock wall, and simply go out from the ground.

"Then, find a place to dig."

Lin Yue put on the exoskeleton, took out an iron pick, and swung it down at the black stone in front of him!

When, when, when, when, when!

【You got iron block X1】

Good guy, it takes five hits to get an iron nugget? This is not very efficient.

No wonder there were so few iron blocks in the beginning.

If he hadn't used the exoskeleton, he would have fainted from exhaustion after an hour of such an iron pick.

But with this thing, he is only responsible for swinging, and he is not tired at all.

He took another five strokes.

【You got stone X1】

Oh wow.

It's not always possible to get iron blocks.

Lin Yue looked at the half-meter-deep gap that appeared in front of him, and knew that the ten strokes were not in vain.

Keep going!

Dig up diagonally!

At a depth of about ten meters, it shouldn't be too strenuous!

Lin Yue saw that he had achieved results, and then swung it up again.

Xiaobai on the side shouted, "Puch! Puff!" It sensed that the people outside had not left, reminding Lin Yue.

"It's okay, Xiaobai, let's go out in a while, so that none of them can escape!"

Lin Yue continued to dig, while the anger in his heart continued to increase.

If you can't catch me, you want to kill me?

You are ruthless, aren't you? Wait for me to go out!

More than two weeks have passed in this different world, and the wild side of human beings has gradually enlarged.

Even an ordinary person like Lin Yue was constantly transforming in front of various mutant creatures, monsters, lizardmen, and even humans who wanted to kill him for a long time.

The idea that the heart of the non-my race must be different has penetrated into its marrow at this moment, and even if a human wants to kill him, he will not show any mercy to him.

You pity him, he turns his head and pierces your heart with a weapon, and makes everything about you his.

You and I coexist peacefully without interfering with each other, which is naturally good, but as long as it is like this, then Lin Yue will never be soft-hearted.

If there is one, kill one, if there are ten, kill ten!

【You got iron block X1】


【You got stone X1】



Lin Yue continued to dig, and pieces of stone and iron continued to enter his storage space.

The sloping hole in front of him has gradually taken shape, and he also climbed up and continued to dig.

The iron pick in his hand kept on, and the anger in his heart grew stronger!

He remembered a movie he had seen.

The protagonist inside was buried directly in the coffin, buried deep underground.

Lin Yue always felt that his situation was somewhat similar to that of the protagonist.

The difference is that after he goes out, the enemy will be waiting for him outside!

After digging for an unknown amount of time, Lin Yue found that what he dug was no longer stones, but damp soil.

A large amount of soil was continuously removed by him with a shovel and poured down the tunnel he dug.

After digging for a while, a reddish light suddenly appeared above!

It's finally here!

Moreover, it seems that it is already dusk at this moment.

Lin Yue could already hear the wild laughter and shouting of the looters outside, and it was not too far from the hole he dug!

"Pfft!" Xiaobai rushed up from the bottom. It sensed the enemy above and told Lin Yue to be extremely careful.

Lin Yue knew very well what he was going to encounter next, and he also knew what these predators were going to encounter!

"Xiao Bai, prepare to follow my instructions and send them on their way!"


There will be another chapter later, 500 songs will be added.

In addition, the chapter name of the previous chapter is wrong, this chapter is the 110th chapter.

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