Lin Yue put on the exoskeleton and picked up the heavy "mechanical arm" on the ground, which was indeed a bit of an accident.

This robotic arm is not the kind of robotic arm that manufactures precision instruments or parts in a large-scale precision manufacturing factory in the documentary he has seen.

It's the kind of robotic arm that I've seen in sci-fi movies!

"Good guy, thought I was going to develop into manufacturing, but it turned out to be high-tech?"

This mechanical arm seems to imitate the human arm as a whole, and it strives to restore whether it is an arm, an elbow or even a finger.

Lin Yue noticed that its overall length was about one meter, which was slightly longer than his arm, but the width was not much different. Under the large metal shell wrapped in a layer of silver-white, there were countless closely connected The metal sheet and catheter parts are also quite delicate, and the hydraulic and rotating mechanisms on the fingers, wrist and elbow joints are also quite delicate.

Lin Yue's right hand stretched into the hollow interior from the upper part of his arm, and his fingers quickly touched the five deepest rings. After the fingers are embedded in it, it is like wearing a pair of gloves, but this place is not the fingers of the robotic arm, but the upper end of the elbow.

At this moment, the metal sheet on the inner layer of the mechanical arm suddenly completely wrapped his arm up and down, as if it were growing on his entire right arm!

Good guy, Iron Man has both visual sense?

"Wait, this thing doesn't seem to be as heavy as imagined, what is the principle?"

Lin Yue is very physical. His knowledge reserve is not enough for him to quickly understand why this kind of thing happens. He only needs to know that this thing is strong enough.

He slowly raised his arm, bent his elbow slightly, and found that the robotic arm also synchronized his movements, bending his elbow a little!

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, is it so precise?

So, what about moving your fingers?

The thumb was bent, and the mechanical fingers also copied his movements. The five fingers closed together to make a fist, and the mechanical fingers did the same.

After several experiments and careful comparisons, Lin Yue quickly gained some simple understanding of the robotic arm.

"Although it can be said that the feedback of the robotic arm can be generated according to the activities of the arm and hand, it seems to have a delay of about half a second. Moreover, this thing is not completely precise, and it is far from the black technology like Iron Man. Extremely far. But basically..."

Lin Yue muttered to himself, and controlled the mechanical arm to reach the iron spear that he just took out and threw on the ground.

This iron spear is not of excellent quality, but the one of ordinary quality at the beginning. With better weapons, it has been eating ashes.

Now it seems that there is just some use for it.

Can you bend it?

The mechanical fingers pinched the tip of the spear and applied force horizontally. At the same time, the various parts on the mechanical arm were also constantly moving, making the sound of metal slamming!


The tip of the iron spear, which is not so thin, was gradually bent by this powerful force, and finally it was completely bent into a right angle!


Lin Yue was quite fond of this power.

Like the exoskeleton, it has something that Lin Yue can do with as little effort as possible.

Lin Yue thought for a while and found that this thing is different from the exoskeleton. The alloy mechanical fingers allow him to touch things that cannot be touched with his own body.

It's like high temperature, poison and other dangerous things.

In other words, if you have to encounter these in the future, this robotic arm can have considerable use!

"It's already very good, and there should be room for improvement." Lin Yue finally made an evaluation, and put away this good equipment that he had been thinking about for a long time and finally made it, and it was more than he expected.

I believe it will be more and more useful in the future!

So, next...

Auction time is up!

【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: Strawberry】

【Required: Various alloys】

[Seller's Note: Have you ever eaten Longyin Strawberry? 】


【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 1 roll of toilet paper, 10 rolls in total】

【Required: Various alloys】

[Seller's Note: Tired of using unknown leaves and branches? 】


【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 1kg chicken feathers】

[Required: Sensors, controllers, drive systems, motors, reducers, drives, drive power supplies, metal shaft arms, gears, gearboxes, integrated circuit boards, signal transmission components, multi-function adapters, etc.]

[Seller's note: radish, onion, leek, chicken feathers. Water, etc., you can add chips, as long as you have it, as long as I have it. 】

After putting some products on the shelves and marking what he wanted, Lin Yue stretched his arms and moved.

Alloy he is short, and the gap is large.

As for those that were replaced with vegetables, they were all the various parts that the autonomous patrol robot needed.

Of course, if someone has a plural number of these parts, he will also accept it. Whoever thinks too many robots is too much.

That robot Lin Yue still values ​​it very much. As long as the program is set, they can effectively replace the little ice lizards, and they can even explore further afield according to his orders.

But there is another thing that he has never made, and that one also makes him very concerned.

[Small drones: gyroscope, acceleration sensor, infrared distance sensor, motor, camera, propeller, lithium-ion power battery, remote control, battery, memory card, three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer, three-axis geomagnetic sensor , barometer]

Don't look at it as a small thing, but it uses a lot of various materials.

Lin Yue thinks that if he collects slowly according to the previous method, he may not know that the collection will be successful, but now he has a workbench for precision research, as long as he finds the electrical appliances in various secret realms and disassembles them to obtain various parts, It shouldn't be difficult to make a small drone.

This time, when you go to the secret realm, you should pay more attention to whether there are any electrical appliances and the like, and try to bring back more.

After leaving some bread for the little ice lizards, Lin Yue took Xiao Bai to the ancient gate of the secret realm next to the greenhouse.

The secret realm, every time you enter it, you will gain something, but it is also full of danger.

After I obtained the precision electric putter from it last time, after more than a day, the ancient gate of the secret realm was refreshed again.

Lin Yue hoped that this time, he would not encounter that monster with tentacles. That thing was too weird and weird, giving people a great psychological pressure.

However, he also learned some lessons, that is, if possible, try not to make any loud noises in the secret realm.

"I hope to meet some monster pterosaurs this time. If possible, bring a corpse back and scare the lizardmen below."

"Pfft!" Xiaobai was also ready, and he signaled to Lin Yue that there was no danger in the ancient gate of the secret realm.

Lin Yue nodded, put on the bone armor, and fixed the exoskeleton outside the bone armor.

Holding an alloy composite crossbow in his hand and an iron spear on his back, Lin Yue carefully pushed open the ancient gate of the secret realm.

This time the equipment has been greatly upgraded, so can this time be different in the secret realm?

Thinking so, Lin Yue and Xiaobai stepped into the ancient gate.

A slightly salty wind blew to his feet.

"I've come to... the seaside?"

He looked behind him and said the endless light blue sea water.


Sorry everyone, I changed this chapter three times yesterday, and I wrote 5,000 words before and after, and I finally wrote this chapter. I didn't have time to update it. I'm really sorry.

Three shifts today, accurate.

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