"Lin Yue, let's stop talking nonsense. One price, 1.8 liters of water, is not difficult for you, right?"

"Isn't such a thing worth the price to you? That counts as a big hemorrhage for me. Do good deeds, and you can take the 1.6 liters."

"No, no, no, do you think such a low requirement is too much? I'll give it to you for nothing, 1.5 liters for one price!"

"His grandma's, trade, why not trade!"


"I see, you can't take out so much water, hahaha, I guessed it, Lin Yue, don't want to buy it, right? I'll give you the last two hours!"

"Lin Yue, if you don't hurry up, I'll offer the 1.2-liter one."


"Boss Lin, please return the information, it's too hard to drink urine."

"Boss, I was wrong, I'll take your bid for 1 liter. It would be better if there were instant noodles."

"Lin Ye, I'm begging you, I'm dying of thirst. How much do you give me? It's easy to discuss... Next time I have something good, I'll contact you right away, okay?"

Lin Yue looked at the messages sent by the seller Zheng Jing and was a little dumbfounded.

From the arrogance at the beginning, to the struggle later, until the end, it turned into a pleading.

This fully reflects the whole process of Zheng Jing's psychological changes from a slight impatience at the beginning, to anger, embarrassment, helplessness, inner collapse, and finally even beginning to beg after the extreme lack of water resources.

And Zheng Jing's psychological change process was also fully demonstrated in the entire group.

Now, almost 100% of the people chatting in the group are talking about topics related to "water".

There is no shortage of abuse, pessimism, despair and anger, fear, collapse and begging.

And quite a few of them are still reading Lin Yue's name, waiting for him to list water resources.

In this regard, Lin Yue could only sigh.

There is no way.

Although he is not a saint, for the long-term stable development in the future, he cannot let the total number of people in the entire group continue to decrease.

And now...

Glancing at the upper right corner, my dear, there are only 8,001 people left?

Another blink, less than 8000.

This night, it seems that many more people died.

The crisis of water shortage, hunger, and dangerous mutants...

After the disaster, how much will be left?

Lin Yue thought about it and decided to trade with Zheng Jing first.

Anyway, he is not short of water, and he is also very concerned about this soilless cultivation suit.

After he bid for 800ml of water, Zheng Jing replied to the message almost instantly.

"Lin Ye, you don't remember villains, thank you so much this time!"

And soon, the transaction was successful.

【You lost 800ml of water】

【You got a small soilless cultivation kit! 】

Lin Yue took out an apple from the inventory, wiped it with his sleeve, and took a bite.

The crisp sound that burst out after the apple's entrance, and the full juice quickly penetrated into the throat, and the sweet and sour taste was like nectar at this moment.

This is a good thing in exchange for 100ml of water, but Lin Yue is curious, why the buyer does not use it to eat, but instead changes the water.

Nibbling on the apple, Lin Yue opened the manufacturing panel.

He didn't put the water on the shelves at the first time, but was going to upgrade the sanctuary first.

Yesterday, before he went to sleep, he had upgraded the door to a stone door, which was much stronger than the original wooden one.

The structure of this stone gate was indeed beyond Lin Yue's expectations.

As long as you hold the handle with a little force, you can easily push it away with the sound of a click. The reason is that there is a pulley underneath, which is quite scientific.

Moreover, the stone gate is also equipped with a top stone. After it is pushed up on the door, the bottom is stuck in a small pit, and it is impossible to pull it again.

In this way, no matter how people outside the door push, the door will not be opened.

And what Lin Yue wanted to change was not just the door.

Walls and roofs, he wanted to reach his stomach in one step, a stone wall and a stone roof...

If another big grasshopper comes in, I still imagine that if I hit it like the last time, I can kill it with one head!

Look at the manufacturing column.

[Stone Wall: Stone X20]

[Stone roof: Stone X10]

[Stone Floor: Stone X10]

The stone reserve on hand is 36 pieces.

Walls and roofs, let's upgrade directly.

As for the floor...

Lin Yue still had the idea of ​​the basement in his mind, so he decided to keep it the same for the time being.

Click Make, and a soft white light glows.

The solid, hard stone has replaced the original uneven wooden walls, and the roof has also undergone qualitative changes!

The neat stone walls, roofs and doors have been completely integrated, and the wonderful sense of solidity surrounding Lin Yue further enhances his sense of security.

Click on the shelter evaluation.

Refuge: Stone House

Area: 40㎡

Durability: 120/120

Comment: You are now starting to pray that the next disaster is not an earthquake, I think it is too late.

Lin Yue: "Grass (a kind of plant)."

What the hell is this system?

Dude, you have to pray that it wasn't an earthquake, right? In the end, what kind of sanctuary can be approved to the system and there is nothing to say?

Lin Yue felt that he had to explore.

[You made an iron dagger, wood -1, iron block -2]

[You made a wooden shield, wood -3]

[You made a wooden barrel, wood -3, iron block -1]

[You made a wooden cabinet, wood -6, iron block -1]

[You made wooden windows, wood -4, iron block -1]

[You made a wok, wood-1, iron block-2]

[You made a hammer, wood -1, iron block -2]

[You made a wooden table, wood-4]

[You made an iron spear, wood -2, iron block -3]

A lot of things were made by Lin Yue one by one, and he quickly placed them in the corresponding positions.

As for the wooden windows, Lin Yue was not in a hurry to place them this time.

After all, it's just a "window frame", not with glass.

If some grasshopper jumped in from this empty frame, that thing could kill him at night.

However, after making so much at once, Lin Yue did have a considerable sense of accomplishment.

Although the material was disappearing, he also felt that the shelter was stronger and safer than before, and it was more like a "home".

In this other world, this sanctuary is indeed a home.

For furniture and necessities, there are beds, tables, cabinets, barrels, and iron pots, and for weapons and tools, there are wooden shields, hammers, and another iron spear.

So far, it's really been pretty good.

After placing all these in the 40-square-meter hut, Lin Yue also felt a sense of fulfillment.

Honestly, it feels really good.

He ate the last bite of the apple, and carefully dug out the apple seeds inside to hang on the wooden table, with the word "夲" lying on the wooden bed, watching the group.

The group is still lively.

However, this liveliness is an illusion that the screen-like "water" is flooded.

The total number of people in the upper right corner is still declining, and even has a tendency to accelerate further.

Lin Yue also knew that the time had come for him to sell water on a large scale for the second time.

Right now, he still has nearly 7 liters of water.

How about selling half?

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