Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 130 The most terrifying thing in another world is the human heart

"Are you Lin Yue? You are Lin Yue, right!"

Lin Yue thought he heard something wrong, the alloy composite crossbow in his hand was facing the person who asked him.

There are many people in this world who seem to recognize him.

He quickly glanced at Xiaobai, who was ready to go out to fight at any time, and seemed to understand something.

There may be only one survivor who may carry it with him.

However, Lin Yue also found that the bulge behind Xiaobai seemed to be bigger unconsciously, and even had a tendency to spread to the left and right.

The other side didn't attack, at least not now.

Lin Yue was sure that the next second the group of people fired their arrows, one of them would be killed, and Xiaobai would kill the other. Within two minutes, these thirty people would be completely wiped out by them.

He has this confidence.

The premise is that the opponent wants to attack him.

"I'm Lin Yue." He replied.

It would be great if he could avoid conflict. Everyone he had killed before wanted to kill him. It would be best if there was no hostility in front of these people.

After all, it was he who broke into the vicinity of these people's territory, and he was also responsible.

Looking around the circle of people, Lin Yue took a deep breath, maybe in the next second, he will fight.

"He speaks Tang Guo dialect!" The man and the person next to him muttered and looked at Lin Yue again, "Lin Yue, I sent you a private message, you can check it to prove it, if you are, we will not be embarrassed. You, if you're not, then I'm sorry!"

The man still maintained an attacking posture, but his eyes were looking in the air, as if he was on the operating system panel.

Good guy, it's enough to dare to do this at this time.

But... Then again, where did he seem to have seen this person's face?

Is it someone who has traded?

He slowly retreated into the triangular wall, and Xiaobai only showed his head to continue to be vigilant.

Quickly open the group and start a private chat, Lin Yue saw a new message.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger? Do you want to pull it like this, wait, isn't this person... Xia Feihong?"

He climbed the wall again: "Xia Feihong, do you want to hear the Baota Town River Demon or the Chicken Stewed Mushroom?"

The face of the person on the opposite side instantly became lighter: "Fuck, it's really Lin Yue! Everyone, put down your weapons!"

After hearing Xia Feihong's words, everyone muttered to each other, and then put down the bows and arrows in their hands.

But Lin Yue didn't do that.

He knew that Xia Feihong had traded with him twice in exchange for a lot of supplies.

But what kind of person the other party is, he has no idea at all.

"Lin Yue, why are you here? Could it be that your sanctuary is nearby? Or..." Xia Feihong seemed very excited. He glanced behind him from time to time, as if he was waiting for something.

Lin Yue didn't answer him, but replied in a private chat: "I passed by by chance, no other intentions, I will leave tomorrow morning."

Xia Feihong glanced at the private message, and then at Lin Yue: "They are all from the Tang country, so don't be so defensive, right? I asked our boss to come over, he has always wanted to see you."

see me? your boss?

Lin Yue felt that this was getting more and more troublesome.

Moreover, everything is from the Tang country, who knows if you are a yellow-skinned banana.

If he is really from the Tang country, and he has no ill intentions towards him, then he is more than happy to do some of his meager efforts, and he will not be too stuck in the transaction.

"I'm not interested, I'll leave tomorrow morning." Lin Yue's idea was actually very simple.

At the beginning, it was only an expedient move to pass through the unfamiliar ancient gate of the secret realm to come to this place for safety.

If you happen to be very close to your shelter, then you don't have to worry about it. If it is too far, then enter the secret realm from the gate of the secret realm in the early morning of the next day, pass through the place where you walked yesterday, return to the seaside, and then return to your shelter when the tide ebbs.

Now he is unlucky, he is in the second situation, and he is surrounded by this group of people who call themselves Tang people.

"Lin Yue, wait a minute, our boss came out in person." At this time, following Xia Feihong's gaze, Lin Yue saw the gate of the wall open, and several people trotted towards here.

"Everyone put down their weapons!" After the first middle-aged man came, he ordered the others.

Lin Yue didn't listen to him, but when he looked in that direction, he found that the person beside the speaker was also familiar to him, and he recognized it immediately.

Guo Lei!

It was the Guo Lei who provided him with duralumin for the first time, and was blocked by him the second time because of bargaining with him!

Good guy, this group of people turned out to be a group.

"Lin Yue, it's a pleasure to meet, I'm Liu Kai, the leader of this refuge village."

The middle-aged man introduced himself to Lin Yue, while everyone else had already dropped their weapons on the ground.

Lin Yue saw that, but at the outer edge, half of his head was exposed in the woods and the surrounding wall not far away, and he still held bows and arrows in his hands.

"I said that I was just passing by, and I have nothing to communicate with you." Lin Yue replied, still holding an alloy tactical crossbow.

Liu Kai smiled: "Lin Yue, I hope you don't have such a big hostility towards us. You have to know that if there is a real conflict, we will kill you just now, don't you?"

Lin Yue sighed: "If you all take up your weapons now, I can guarantee that I will be there in two minutes, including the ambush on your side of the city wall and the woods, and I will be the only one who will be alive in the end. I'm not kidding. "

Xiaobai: "Pfft!! [`Д]"

A chill flashed across Liu Kai's face in an instant. He could see from the expression on Lin Yue's face inside the three-meter-high triangular wall that as long as he said one more ruthless word, the other party seemed to be able to do what he said.

The compound crossbow in Lin Yue's hands can kill a person in an instant, but can their bows and arrows penetrate the layer of exoskeleton on his body and the layer of armor wrapped by the exoskeleton?

Moreover, the white dinosaur-like monster by Lin Yue's side might just need an order to put them in an absolute predicament.

This is not impossible.

What's more, the murderous aura in Lin Yue's eyes was something that only a lot of people would have killed at that time. Liu Kai, who used to be a special forces soldier, knew this very well.

He, who instantly understood the difference in combat power between them, was extremely shocked at this moment.

Lin Yue seems to be the age of a college student, how can he give people such pressure? Moreover, he seems to be extremely proficient in the manipulation of the extremely lethal compound crossbow in his opponents. Although he is talking to them, he has always held it firmly in his hand, and his finger can be fired at any time when his finger is on the trigger.

He really wasn't kidding.

"Okay, Lin Yue, I just want to communicate with you on an equal footing, not the current tit-for-tat, sword-drawn tension." Liu Kai raised his hand, and those people in the distance also put down their weapons, "It's better to meet directly and talk, Tian Ye. It's getting dark, do you want to come to our refuge village for a night's rest? Everyone is from the Tang country, and the Tang people don't lie to the Tang people, let alone hurt them."

"Not interested. I'll leave in the morning, as long as you don't disturb me, I won't disturb you either." Lin Yue quickly refused.

In another world, he doesn't believe anyone.

Liu Kai was so defensive about Lin Yue, but he still had some admiration in addition to his disgust. There were really not many people who had such a clear mind in another world.

"Actually, you don't need to be so defensive. Why don't we discuss cooperation? Or you can join our big family, I can guarantee that you have privileges with us..."

"I'm not interested." Lin Yue continued to refuse.

"Lin Yue, in fact, I have always wanted to tell you something that I have always wanted to tell you, in this different world, fighting alone will never compare to solidarity and mutual assistance. In this time of life and death, what human beings need is to be twisted together. ropes and newspapers to keep warm, instead of being wary of everyone like you, just living your own life comfortably! Do you understand?"

Lin Yue: "Hehe, are you teaching me to do things?"

"No, I just want to tell you that we have gathered here 62 people who survived two disasters. Our strength is very strong, maybe even stronger than you combined. We can get from the secret realm and from the underground. Get more from the ruins than you have, you..."

"It's time for you to go back, Liu Kai." Lin Yue took up his fighting stance, "Trading and joining you are two different things, you have what I want, I have no reason not to trade, but joining you becomes your resource ATM I'm not interested in that sort of thing."

Liu Kai's smile froze, but he knew that maybe Lin Yue would really get impatient if he continued.

He waved his hands wisely, and everyone picked up their weapons and followed Liu Kai towards the city wall, while Lin Yue didn't put down their weapons until they disappeared.

"Xiao Bai, do you know?"

"Pfft?" Xiaobai tilted his head and looked at Lin Yue.

"In another world, the most terrifying thing is not the mutant creature, but the human heart."

Lin Yue glanced at the completely darkened sky and shook his head.



The 2750-character chapter is presented~

Is it too much to ask for a monthly pass? 300 monthly tickets, I will come out with another chapter~(*^▽^*)

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