The trembling voice echoed in the passage, and mixed in it was the sound of flustered and rapid breathing.

Lin Yue and Xiao Bai looked at each other.

people? Are there people over there?

Xiaobai nodded lightly, as if this guy could guess what he was thinking now, it really made Lin Yue want to complain.

There were continuous bursts of shredding voices in the passage, and Lin Yue felt that it didn't sound like a single person, but more like a group of people.

What kind of luck is this, other than him, who ran to this underground ruins in the middle of the night?

Moreover, shouting the words of Tang Guo again...

Lin Yue also found it strange that among the 100,000 people in the group, he had never seen many Tang people, so how could he always meet them?

He found that he seemed to have a high probability of hearing Tang Guo dialect recently.

However, it is not a good thing to meet people in this underground ruins.

It is really difficult to keep an eye out for the lizardmen while being on guard against each other.

So, what should he respond to what this guy said just now? In other words, how to avoid encountering each other?

Xiaobai flapped his wings and stretched his arms forward, reminding Lin Yue that the other party was getting closer.

Lin Yue suddenly had a solution.

He pointed to the inside of Xiaobai, and then pointed to his own mouth.

Xiaobai's eyes widened, but he quickly understood, and shouted inside: "Quack!!"

A roar came, and it shook the entire passage with a huge echo!

"W-what! There are monsters!! Run, run!!"

The sound of this group of people running gradually became farther away, and finally disappeared.

However, Lin Yue's alloy composite crossbow was not put down.

He didn't let his guard down, if possible, he didn't want to have anything to do with anyone in this underground ruins.

Anyone who sees him and Xiaobai around him will probably not be calm, which will cause unnecessary troubles and even fights.

This kind of thing has happened many times, not to mention, he seems to be more and more famous now, and it is more and more easy to become the target of others.

"Xiao Bai, let's go, follow behind them." Lin Yue turned on the flashlight again, and followed the footsteps of the gang to the left passage with Xiao Bai.

Although the group of people came from the left, it does not mean that he can't go on the left. There is no conflict with others when it comes to drawing a map. What's more, Lin Yue always feels that this place is not just like a map. It's as simple as it's marked.

"Quack." Xiaobai signaled that there was no enemy, and Lin Yue quickly walked in that direction with confidence.

However, he also found that the top of the passage on this side is much higher than the previous one, and the stone walls on both sides are even smoother, not paved with stone bricks, but more like natural stones.

This gave Lin Yue the illusion that he was walking in the mine.

The footsteps of those people have disappeared. I don't know if they ran to a farther place, or they entered the stone gate of the ruins I don't know where. Anyway, it should not disturb him for the time being.

"There's another fork in the road ahead..."

Lin Yue found that the conditions on both sides of the fork were different. One leading to an unknown place seemed to be the end of the area map in his hand, while the other direction was more complicated, leading directly to a huge space, just like the previous one. Same as the altar.

Other areas do not want to explore for the time being, so there seems to be no other choice.

After walking a few steps, the corpses of two lizardmen were thrown on the ground. Lin Yue thought about it and threw the corpses of the lizardmen in the storage space here too.

It seems that these two lizardmen should have been killed by the previous gang.

Lin Yue walked all the way from the passage to the big space, but he didn't encounter anything worth noting along the way, but before reaching the huge space at the end, Lin Yue saw something familiar again.

Wooden gate!

The pattern on this gate is exactly the same as the one I saw before. They are all engraved with weird lines and circles, making it impossible to see what meaning they want to express.

Could it be that here is another altar?

However, there is no wonderful fragrance that exists between the altars, instead there is some unpleasant stench wafting out.

The stench... Lin Yue smelled it, and there seemed to be a strong smell of blood.

"Quack!" Xiaobai suddenly stood up facing the door, raised both claws and opened his mouth,

Lin Yue instantly understood that there were enemies here!

When Xiaobai told him that there was an enemy, he seemed to judge the threat of the opponent based on the smell. Like the mutant sheep spotted wolves on the ground, Xiaobai can't even look at them, just ignore them, and even humans with weapons, Xiaobai doesn't care much.

As for encountering an opponent like the monster pterosaur in the secret realm, Xiaobai will only issue a warning. Of course, it will also do the same when the lizardmen in the underground ruins appear.

But when it encounters an existence that it can't deal with at all, Xiaobai will also stop him from approaching and remind him to escape together.

Lin Yue put his hand on the trigger. He wanted to know, were the lizardmen in this door or a powerful mutant creature?

Lin Yue gently opened the door, and a stronger stench came along with it!

"Sa! Sa!" After seeing him, the three lizardmen who were cutting things with stone blades roared and rushed out. Lin Yue's heart was not disturbed. Pierce the throats of the remaining two with an iron spear!

Three copper treasure chests were lying on the ground, and when Lin Yue looked indoors, he found that he seemed to have seen the most terrifying sight in his life!

The densely packed jars almost covered the entire space. Inside the jars, there were still broken limbs that looked like human beings. There were also many on the ground, and some were even torn in half...

It seems that the three lizardmen just cut the legs and arms, and the ground is almost covered with a whole layer of blood!

Lin Yue took a few deep breaths and finally recovered.

He understands where this place is!

Those jars should be the food of those lizardmen, and their source is the beheaded survivors like the last time I saw them.

Even Lin Yue, who didn't feel much when looking at the corpse, felt that it was a little shocking.

Who would have thought that this is where the kitchens of those lizardmen are located?

Lin Yue wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking about what to do with these things next.

They burn and can't burn. Once they burn, it will easily fill the entire cave with thick smoke, and even put him in danger. Therefore, we can only find a way to keep the lizardmen out of reach.

After thinking about it, he decided to make a stone wall to completely seal the thing inside the door, let them rot inside, and let those lizardmen not be able to eat it at all.

He immediately built five stone walls, and together with Xiao Bai, he pushed down the stone walls and leaned against the door in turn. As a result, it would be difficult for the lizardmen outside to enter again.

After doing this, Lin Yue felt a little better.

Originally, Lin Yue also thought that those lizardmen were using humans as sacrifices for sacrifice, and after cutting off their heads, they threw them into jars to finish the job.

As a result, the relationship between them and humans seems to be the relationship between predators and food.

Human beings, however, directly sent themselves to their mouths, and they entered here continuously from the gate of the underground ruins opened by the system!

"Let's go, Xiaobai." Lin Yue felt that he had already equated things like these lizards and mutant sheep in his heart.

They are all things that are systematically produced to threaten the survival of human beings.

And this kind of thing, it's not impossible to get rid of it all.



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