Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 154 A more terrifying disaster hidden after the acid rain flood!

"I'm so stupid, really. I just know that Lin Yue can rank first in the group's ranking list this time, with 4612 points, which is already scary enough. But I didn't expect that he would also rank first in the world."

"I'm currently worshipping. Wasn't it more than 2,500 points last time? How come it's less than 4,000 points in seven days? I don't have any evidence now, but I think Lin Yue cheated. His points are too scary. Okay? The five of us together are only 1423."

"No. 1 in the world... Wait, is this Lin Yue arguing for our group?"

"My dear, the fight for face is also for the Tang people, okay? Are you a neon person?"

"I remember that you were the one who scold Lin before, but now you pop out and think of others?"

"By the way, the number one in the group has an airdrop reward, and the number one in the world is another airdrop reward. I want to protest the system. Can you stop creating classes? Lin Yue has become the top one."

In the group, after Lin Yue's double-level first result was displayed on the system bulletin board in bold red letters, the survivors who had just woken up and even stayed up all night found that they were blocked by acid rain. In the sanctuary, there was nothing to do at all, so they collectively soaked in the group and discussed the big event that just happened.

Lin Yue, once again won the first place in the group.

Many people have guessed this matter, and they are even used to it, thinking that this time it is not his first problem.

But some people think this is unusual, especially the people in the teams that follow, think so.

Some people even opened Lin Yue's comprehensive score, looked at it carefully, studied it, and finally came to the conclusion that this person may be really talented, born into the kind of diligent or European emperor, or even originally a special soldier or a survivalist. kind of person.

Otherwise, this comprehensive rating is really too high and outrageous.

Moreover, this is the score that he made by himself.

Now, not only in the group, but even in the world channel, the matter of Lin Yue's ranking on the leaderboard has overshadowed the double disaster that should have been discussed, and it has become the hottest topic.

However, the people here are obviously calmer. In addition to paying attention to this Lin Yue, they also noticed other things.

"Who is Lin Yue?"

"You don't even know him? The one who just came here is the first to enter some electronic technology stage, let the system update passively, and finally let us face these two disasters."

"Aren't you afraid that Lin Yue will blacklist you upstairs? He belonged to our group. I don't know what this guy was doing last night. He released a huge amount of sand, and only exchanged 1 stone, and gave the dozen or so profiteers from our group. It broke down, but in the end, it saved a lot of people, and by the way, it disgusted the profiteer."

"Fortunately, I'm not from his group, or I'll be double-strung."

"Queshi, with a score of 4612, the 4011 score of the Zakrov team in second place is far behind. I know that the Zakrov team has 71 people, and this Lin Yue 1 person is second to such a big team, Even trampling billions of people under their feet is a real god."

"Lin Yue Niubi (broken voice)!"

"Don't blow it, you're tired of listening, let me do it!"

"Speaking of which, I was the first in our group, and last time was also the first. The reward last time was a golden treasure chest. I am not afraid to say this. After all, it is a well-known thing. But this time the world ranked first. , then what kind of treasure box will be sent?"

"If it's on the gold treasure chest, it's platinum and diamonds?"

"Does it have to be a treasure chest? Is it possible to send a girl directly?"

"My dear, it's raining in acid rain, and a girl is dropped from the air. You don't have to go to the ground at all, so there are only bones left. Besides, how can a person become a prize?"

"I thought of a funny thing. You said that this will be airdropped. Will it be washed away by acid rain and flooded, and then picked up by others?"

"Normal, can the system not think of this? In other words, I actually have a major discovery, the kind of discovery that concerns the life and death of the entire human race."

"I would like to hear it fly."

"I found out, ************! Didn't you notice? ********!"

"The one upstairs is willing to say what the password is, what a waste of time?"

"It's weird, isn't what he said the system doesn't allow him to say? It wouldn't be like that when someone scolded the street before."

"Wait, speaking of discovery, I also have one, and that's ********!"

"Fuck? What's the situation!"

"Hey? What did I say? The system means that as long as we can't talk about this matter? I know, it seems that this cheating method is only available to us. By the way, add me as a friend if you want to know, World Channel You can also add, you don’t know it, in fact, it’s easy to guess about the ****, I don’t care about others, I’ll go first.”

"What he said must be *****, I think it's easy to guess, the system is trying to cover up."


Lin Yue looked at the string of words floating by the World Channel, starting from the discussion of the airdrop, and finally turned his attention to the string of * signs.

The World Channel gang is obviously more concerned about some more important things than blowing him.

It doesn't really matter what the airdrop can actually drop. After all, even if it is airdropped into his yard, he can't get out at all.

The pouring acid rain outside would definitely make his raincoat and umbrella completely useless.

As for the information that the last people said was obviously not intentional, but was "blocked" by the system, Lin Yue actually had some ideas.

What is blocked by the system?

It's not swear words that are blocked. After all, there was no such situation when someone sprayed in the group before. It must be something that can't be said.

So, in the face of disaster, what can't you say?

"The way to cheat." Lin Yue came to the final conclusion.

According to the original idea, disasters are used by the system to screen out the most powerful humans, but if there is a way to shield or ignore the damage of disasters, then the system announces the so-called disasters, there is no point.

And there is actually just one cheating method to avoid this disaster.

Go to the underground ruins!

The door to the underground ruins has not been closed, and the system has not indicated that it will be closed.

Compared with the acid rain flood above, the underground ruins are definitely much safer.

Even if there are lizardmen, they will not necessarily encounter them. They only need to hold out until the disaster is over.

Lin Yue shook his head, this matter is actually very easy to guess, after all, whether you kill the mutant creatures or those lizardmen, you will get the treasure chest, and other functions of the system can also be used there, so...

and many more.

Lin Yue suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

Although the system tried its best to cover it up, it even blocked what those people said.

But it seems that it just aroused the desire of those people to speak out about this matter.

Moreover, this matter is not difficult to guess, I believe it will not take long, and there should be absolutely not too few people who know this matter.

So, what will the final result be?

A large number of survivors entered the underground space, and then...

When there are too many people, there will be chaos, and if there are lizardmen who can burst out the treasure chest, in the end, the treasure chest will lead to quarrels, infighting, and even...


In that small space, fighting is undoubtedly a more terrifying disaster!



I'm sorry everyone, I'm not feeling well, I can only have two updates today...

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