"L115A3 sniper rifle!"

Lin Yue looked at the series of serial numbers on the gun body, and couldn't help but be surprised that he could find such a good thing in this vault!

And, it's still undamaged!

The reason why he knew the model name of this mostly brown sniper rifle is because he was forced by life in college, and once worked part-time on a website, and the content was to translate some foreign news into Tang language.

At the time of the test draft, what the other party asked was to let him translate the article introducing this "Spirit of God", and he did it, and because of this changed the fate of almost starving to death in the dormitory in one fell swoop, even while studying When I stopped writing at the end of the period, I still saved 10,000 yuan.

After that, Lin Yue also kept the test draft that changed his life well. Even if he was not familiar with firearms, he could recite the whole text!

"L115A3 long-range sniper rifle, bullet caliber 8.59 mm, bullet muzzle velocity 936 meters per second, 5 rounds of magazines, equipped with 25 times magnification scope, detachable silencer, alloy support frame. It can accurately strike the target at a distance of 1.6 kilometers, The longest range can reach two kilometers away. The range is extremely long and the accuracy is high. Craig Harrison used this gun to accurately kill two enemies at a distance of 2475 meters. After that, this gun The gun is also called a super sniper gun!"

Lin Yue was talking to himself excitedly, his hand kept rubbing the gun body, and at the same time, he was also lamenting how lucky he was to be able to find such an artifact!

Moreover, the gun case not only has a silencer, a 25x magnification scope, but also an infrared scope!

Good guy, this is a big gift package. With this infrared sight, the M19 will also become an artifact at medium and long distances!

He couldn't put it down with a sniper rifle, and when he got used to this gun, he had another attack method that could carry out ultra-long-distance strikes.

"However, bullets...Isn't there too few bullets?" He opened the magazine and found that there were really only 5 bullets in it.

If there are really only 5 rounds, then after going back, I have to do another bullet manufacturing job.

However, the bullets of the L115A3 sniper rifle are completely different from those of the M19 pistol, and the caliber is different.

However, after opening the second and third boxes, he felt that there was no need to recreate bullets in a short time.

[You got the 8.59mm caliber sniper bullet X543! 】

After putting them in the storage space, the system also reminded them immediately.

543 rounds, enough waves for a while.

Lin Yue equipped the sniper rifle with a scope, a bracket and a muffler. After filling up the magazines, he tried a few moves.

I have to say, just looking at this stuff makes me feel good.

"Go back and try the gun with the mutant sheep!" Lin Yue put it into the storage space with satisfaction and looked at the last box.

What will be inside?

Opening it, Lin Yue saw something familiar to him.

Alloy Tactical Crossbow!

However, this alloy tactical crossbow has a more concise shape, not as fancy as his, and is also equipped with a quiver, a high-powered scope, and is lighter in hand than his.

As a substitute for the previous one is definitely qualified.

Lin Yue looked at the remaining arrow bundle in the box and picked it up, observing the overly slender but extremely sturdy arrows on it.

This arrow is weird. It's not the same as the previous one. Would you like the system to identify it?

【Armor-piercing arrow】

Armored Arrow! Good guy, is this the armor-piercing arrow?

Found a treasure.

The previous crossbow arrows only had ordinary sharp arrows, and their penetrating power was actually very average.

For example, it is like the lizardmen in the underground ruins. Unless his original arrows hit a soft spot such as the opponent's neck, otherwise, the deadly place like the head cannot penetrate at all.

But if this armor-piercing arrow is really as powerful as its name suggests, then he can shoot calmly even when facing the opponent head-on.

Lin Yue stood up and took a deep breath.

This time the harvest is simply too much.

Whether it's a private jet, or various alloy doors, whiskey, gold bars, sniper rifles, bullets, and armor-piercing arrows, none of them have been seen in the previous secret realm, but they are gathered here.

Lin Yue felt as if he had come to a treasure cave full of treasure chests, kept opening the boxes, and kept enjoying this thrilling pleasure!

Moreover, only the first floor has been searched, and the second, third and fourth floors have not yet been explored.

Lin Yue walked out of the secret room, and after a careful search on the first floor, he came to a kitchen, scavenged a lot of kitchen utensils, tableware, and even wine glasses, and finally walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng are both here, but there is actually the body of a monster pterosaur on the ground!

Lin Yue looked at the corpse carefully, and found that it was covered with a layer of frost, and its heart was severely injured. It was almost completely opened, revealing a blood pit.

Looking at Xiaobai's paws, there was indeed a lot of blood on it.

Good guy, Xiaobai, this black tiger's heart-wrenching trick, can be used.

Looking around, there was not even a trace of fighting. It seemed that Xiaobai ended the fight in an instant.

Lin Yue looked at his partner who was more than three meters tall, and knew that this guy's combat power was already extremely powerful, and he had completely ignored the monster pterosaurs in this area.

"Xiao Bai, you did a good job." Lin Yue patted Xiao Bai's sturdy arm, and it felt good to have such a trustworthy and powerful partner by his side.

After a quick search down the second floor, Lin Yue didn't find anything too worth picking up.

This floor seems to be originally a guest room. Each room is full of rotten beds, cabinets, LCD screens and other furniture and electrical appliances. He even saw a game console or something. It seems that the owner of this villa really understands.

Lin Yue took away the LCD TV, and he was not interested in game consoles.

There is still time to indulge in games in the end times.

It's still hard to live, and you can't do this kind of thing while you're having fun. You can do a lot of things with that time.

The third floor is still a guest room, and the fourth floor is interesting. It can be seen that this place seems to be the owner's living and play area, but now it has basically been eroded by wind and rain.

There was a big gap in the roof of the fourth floor, and all the rooms were filled with feces and the like, stinking and messy.

Moreover, Lin Yue also found six monster pterosaurs that fell to the ground and kept twitching. Although they were still alive, they couldn't stand up at all.

One spear sent away, but Lin Yue harvested a lot of feathers.

"It seems to be almost there." Lin Yue looked at the huge hole and at Xiao Bai, "First go back and take these spoils back to free up the storage space, and then go to the underground ruins to see. Xiao Bai, go. "

"Quack!" Xiaobai looked up at the hole and picked up Lin Yue, while Xiaomeng also jumped up.

The huge wings flapped, and Xiao Bai suddenly accelerated, jumped out of the hole, and slowly landed on the roof of the villa.

Lin Yue suddenly found that there were several black shadows in the distance in the distance, and they kept approaching in this direction!

"Xiao Bai, let me down!" He shouted excitedly, with the sniper rifle in his hand!

Xiaobai saw Lin Yue take out a new weapon, glanced at the shadows in the distance, and understood what the master was going to do.

Lin Yue quickly found a flat and stable place for support, and looked at the scope at the same time.

The lucky spectator in the scope didn't seem to understand what was coming.

"I remember that Wenli once said that to do a good job in advance, you need to reserve 0.5 positions for a distance of 50 meters, 1.5 positions for a distance of 100 meters, and three positions for a distance of 200 meters. Well, then..."


With the faint sound of a muffler, the monster pterosaur in the scope also fell!

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