At the end of the passage is a wooden door that is much larger than before.

However, to Lin Yue's surprise, there was no complicated and bizarre pattern formed by the lines and circles carved on the wooden doors above this wooden door.

He observed carefully and found that it was not completely absent, but that it was worn away by something rough.

"Quack!" Xiaobai roared at the door, and Lin Yue could also hear the rustling sound from behind the door.

Lizardmen really like the tactic of ambush behind doors.

However, this side really likes them that way.

But, strangely, Lin Yue also smelled a very strange smell at this time.

"Xiao Bai, did you smell it? What kind of smell is this?"

"Quack!" "Pfft!"

They also told Lin Yue that they smelled that strange smell.

This smell is different from the strange aroma before, nor is it a bloody smell, nor is it a smell bred in the damp underground.

more like...

"Flavor of firecrackers?"

Lin Yue thought about it for a while, and finally remembered what it tasted like.

When he was a child, when he saw married people passing by on the street setting off firecrackers, he would collect those firecrackers that failed to explode, break them apart from the middle, and pour the gunpowder inside them onto a newspaper.

He ended up collecting a huge pile and in the end nearly got beaten to death for setting this on fire, thereby burning the toilet outside the orphanage.

Recalling the past, Lin Yuezheng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The smell of firecrackers, isn't that just gunpowder? !

Wait, gunpowder?



Lin Yue suddenly shouted, and immediately ran to the back, and then he felt a very strong force holding him up!

boom! ! !

An extremely violent explosion sounded, and a scorching smell burst out with the scorching shock wave.

However, after a brief tinnitus and dizziness, he found that he was being held by Xiaobai very far away from the door, and Xiaomeng was just like him.

The flashlight didn't even let go of his hand, and because of this, he couldn't see things clearly in this passage that had no torches.

"Xiao Bai! How are you?"

"Quack!" Although Xiaobai's voice was normal, Lin Yue was not at ease.

He hurriedly came down to check whether Xiaobai was injured, but found that there was nothing but a scratch on the edge of his wings. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Xiao Bai, it's great that you're fine!" Lin Yue checked again before he was relieved.

But what happened to the explosion just now?

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and bursts of echoes kept echoing in the passage.

But it doesn't seem to be too powerful?

Lin Yue took the flashlight and looked over his head, and found that there was no danger of collapse. Looking at the area map, he found that Xiaobai had actually taken him and Xiaomeng to move a considerable distance at once. This is probably because Xiaobai activated his skills. for the sake of.

But Xiaobai seems to have consumed a lot of physical strength because of this.

"Xiao Bai, eat this first." Lin Yue took out the last three Snickers bars from the storage space, opened the package and placed it in Xiao Bai's palm.

Although this thing is so sweet that it is too sweet, to be honest, it can really help some in terms of replenishing physical strength.

Now that we are still in this battle, we can't stop to eat and drink, so I will use this to make up for Xiaobai.

"Quack!" The little guy accepted it happily and chewed it.

Lin Yue started to think about how to attack next.

He really did not expect that the lizardmen actually mastered the technology of making gunpowder, and even knew how to ignite it.

But they don't seem to know that this thing can't be used underground.

If the power is not mastered well, it is very likely that he will be blown up in an instant, or even the underground ruins will collapse.

However, looking at the regional map, the big room does not seem to have changed.

It seems that the power of this gunpowder is not enough, that is, the type with a relatively loud voice.

But no matter how he thought about it, he felt that this was not quite right.

Why did the Lizardmen in the Stone Age use gunpowder? This is not normal.

Even, these lizardmen are still afraid of fire, it is quite incredible to hold a torch, and it is okay to make a gunpowder.

Could it be that there is something in there that he doesn't know?

Xiaobai seemed to be more energetic after eating the Snickers.

It roared in the direction of the huge room, telling Lin Yue that the lizardmen inside were not killed by the explosions they made.

Lin Yue thought about it for a while and made a plan: "Xiao Bai, let Xiao Meng go inside first to stir things up and create chaos, and then the two of us will rush in and push horizontally!"

He took out the tactical crossbow again, and this time he couldn't use incendiary arrows, otherwise it might detonate the unlit gunpowder.

"Pfft!" Xiaomeng got the order to fight, so he went straight to the other side, and Lin Yue and Xiaobai immediately followed.

Soon, the roar of the lizardmen and the sound of throwing things kept coming from there.

Lin Yue and Xiaobai rushed to the door, and he found that the door just before the door had been shattered into pieces, scattered on the ground, gray and black.

But the door frame, as carved out of stone, was not damaged in any way, it was just blackened.

The smell of gunpowder in the air was extremely strong, but Lin Yue didn't have time to cover his nose. The fire in the room was bright. He didn't need to hold a flashlight to illuminate it, and he could also see a group of lizardmen chasing a silver light that was jumping and running around. , constantly throwing weapons.

Taking advantage of the chance that no one in the bunch paid attention to him, Lin Yue aimed at one of them and shot!

With a scream, the lizardmen in wooden armor fell, and the other lizardmen also found Lin Yue at the door, gave up chasing Xiaomeng, and rushed towards him collectively.

Lin Yue immediately picked up the M19 again.

I'm afraid you won't come.

Under the infrared sight, the lizardmen who didn't even have weapons in their hands because they threw Xiaomeng were like moving targets, and they became corpses under the constant shooting of Lin Yue!

Once the clip was finished, when Lin Yue reloaded, Xiao Bai rushed out, his sharp claws and fangs easily turned the remaining lizardmen into corpses one by one, while Xiao Meng went straight for A lizard man wearing black clothes and holding a wooden staff launched an attack!

That's the Lizardman Priest!

When the priest saw Lin Yue and Xiao Bai approaching, he hurried to the innermost part of the room.

But it can't run as fast as a crossbow arrow.

【You got a treasure chest! 】

With the sound of the system, the Lizardman priest fell to the ground, completely motionless.

"It's finally over."

Lin Yue rubbed his sore shoulders, Xiao Bai had confirmed that there were no enemies.

Picking up the 6 silver treasure chests, 7 copper treasure chests, and the largest treasure chest on the ground, Lin Yue suddenly realized that something was wrong with this room.

"That wall...what is painted on the wall??" He suddenly saw that in the deepest part of this huge room, there was a wall carved with something!

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