Listening to the sound of the rain outside, Lin Yue lay on the bed, covered his body with the soft quilt, and narrowed his eyes.

The shelter's disaster prevention measures have done the best he can.

Whether it's the stone wall that wraps the shelter, the greenhouse, the plane and the car, or the flood control sandbags he has piled up in multiple layers, and the drainage channel that he dug more than half a meter deep and leads directly to the low-lying place, even if the flood comes It can basically ensure that the house will not be easily submerged by floods.

Of course, don't talk about that kind of two or three meters all at once, if that kind of thing comes, even the gods will be hard to save.

If the system really wants to come directly to that kind of super flood, then this so-called "survival game" really doesn't need to go on, just bring all human dogs and it's over.

But judging from the first two disasters, the system doesn't want to play so badly, so...

Why don't you get a good night's sleep?

Are you holding on until the rain stops?

What's more, Lin Yue had already made second-hand preparations.

Before going to bed, Lin Yue asked Xiao Bai to tell the other little ice lizards to always pay attention to water leaks. If there is a similar situation, they will spray out ice mist to freeze the water leakage. wake.

Lin Yue was quite tired after a whole day's work, and he didn't even want to open the copper treasure chest, the silver treasure chest and the golden treasure chest.

Whether it is a secret realm or an underground ruin, he has scoured a lot of things and gained a lot.

Even, to a certain extent, I did my best to give some help to the people in the group.

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, no one wants to leave the whole world with only one human being. The huge sense of loneliness and despair is not something he can imagine and bear.

Thinking about these things, it didn't take long before he fell asleep.

The burning torch suddenly went out at an unknown time, and the entire refuge was plunged into darkness.

Torrential rain, pouring continuously.

They fall to the ground, corroding and submerging all mutant creatures that have not had time to hide, and will also despise this disaster, and overwhelm the shelters of survivors who have not been prepared in advance.

The screams of despair kept erupting in the rainy night, and were quickly cut off by the influx of floodwaters, and finally became silent.

The survivors who hid in the underground ruins in advance also quickly discovered that this place is not much better than the one above.

There is no moral concept, no legal constraints.

Crowded, chaotic, language barriers and cognition differences, as well as fear of disasters, complex emotions towards strangers, and soon the order and rules that have been destroyed between people are further changed beyond recognition. .

Stealing, robbing supplies, coercing and threatening with weapons in their hands, groups of people are rampant, and even among them, lizardmen also attack and attack from time to time...

People's wailing, cries, and desperate growls kept making new echoes in this seemingly safe underground ruins.

Unconsciously, it has become the best breeding ground for the most dangerous desires, and it has also become a purgatory of human nature.

Under the ground where the flood water is already half a meter deep, another disaster is happening silently, and it is getting worse!

The night was slow and long.

People on the ground have endured the devastation of acid rain and floods, while people on the ground have endured torture from human nature.

Disasters are not just two.

Although some say there are only two, there have been more than two since the beginning.


Wake up.

Lin Yue opened his sleepy eyes.

The room was pitch-dark, and there were the even breathing sounds of Xiaobai and the little ice lizards, as well as the still dense sound of rain pouring down.

He got up slightly and went down to the ground, and glanced at the time on the system panel.

Nine in the morning.


In the darkness, Xiaobai felt the slight movement of the master, raised his head, and let out a soft cry.

"Xiao Bai, are you awake?" Lin Yue lit a torch and put it back where the torch was originally extinguished.

I did almost everything last night except forgot about the torches.

The hot flames quickly raised the temperature in the somewhat gloomy shelter, and the bright fire also dispelled the darkness.

Lin Yue picked up the flashlight and tidied up his clothes.

Although the little ice lizards didn't wake him up last night, it didn't mean that his shelter was waterproof to a foolproof level.

He came to the window and glanced at the place that was almost completely covered by ice. After confirming that there was no water leakage, he found that Xiaobai had also come to his side.

"Xiao Bai, check around with me."

"Quack." Xiaobai nodded, it smelled the faint sour smell in the air, and it was really uncomfortable.

Lin Yue took out a piece of lion-headed bear meat and put it into its mouth. If something happened, Xiaobai couldn't do anything when he was hungry.

Bathroom, kitchen, Xiaobai's room, followed by No. 1 greenhouse and No. 2 greenhouse.

After checking all the way, he found that only a few places leaked a little rain, and he was a little relieved.

He found that although the rain was still pouring, it was much smaller than before.

This is similar to the last snowstorm, but the snow stopped earlier.

"Ga woo." Xiao Bai suddenly looked towards the stairs in the basement, and Lin Yue immediately understood and took it to the basement.

Tick, tick.

Somewhere there was a sound of water droplets falling, and Lin Yue immediately searched for his position and found it.

"It's okay, it's just a little leak, it can be repaired." The corner of the stone basement was soaked by acid rain, and even began to drip water down at a frequency of about two or three seconds, but fortunately, the area was not large, and there was no accumulation of water.

Those piled up goods also escaped.

Lin Yue was a little fortunate, but Xiao Bai's reaction was a little bigger.

It walked directly to that corner, continuously erupting icy mist, and in a very short period of time, a large area of ​​​​the top of the corner was covered with a layer of frost.

Even the drop of water was completely frozen into a piece of ice!

Good guy, be more careful than yourself.

Lin Yue couldn't help sighing again, Xiaobai did learn some of his character in this regard, and he was better than blue.

"I can't go outside, so I can do something else. Xiaobai, is the stone gate of the underground ruins still in the basement this time?"

"Quack!" Xiaobai nodded to Lin Yue, and led him to the iron basement.

The stone gate, which was blocked by the five stone walls he used, did not seem to disappear.

"It seems to change every 7 days? Does that mean that you can still enter the F area?"

But remembering that all the maps in Area F have been opened by him, and the lizardmen are almost killed, he has no idea.

He finally reached the high-precision research table.

"A lot of things haven't been done, let's start from this!"

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